First post, by static-
Hi Vogons!
I'm going through all my old PCs I've upgraded over the years and am looking to make an all-around decent DOS/win98 machine, with stronger focus on DOS end.
One of my computers is a Pentium II-ECC 400Mhz with an Asus P2B motherboard which I figure should be perfect. I was also curious if I could downclock it for older games.
When I go into the BIOS features, as the bios draws the screen I can see a quick flash of a selection menu for changing the clock speed multiplier, but then it disappears. So my guess is my Pentium II is locked. I see "CPU Internal Core Speed: 400MHz" but cannot change it.
Does anyone know if it can be unlocked and allow me to downclock when needed? I found this page which seems to say you can do it if you block one of the PINs: ... ge-Photos)
Does anyone know if this actually works? There are no pictures that I see (broken links?), but it describes which PIN.