SoftMac issue

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First post, by saturdaynight

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Rank Newbie

OK, so I'm running Softmac, with OS 8.1 system software, on my 1ghz PIII comp with 512MB of RAM and a 16MB Gforce2 video chipset. The install went fine and all my applications run well accept that when I try to play any games I get this intermittent freeze. It's only for a split second but it's annoying as all get out!

Softmac is emulating my old Quadra ROM at 266mhz with 32mb of RAM. When I try to add anymore RAM it reverts to 12MB of RAM. But that's not my issue. I just wish that games would run a bit smoother without the freeze. Has anyone ever run into this issue with Softmac?

The software is questions is DOOM and Marathon.

Reply 1 of 6, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

Don't bitch at me for suggesting this but why not use a port for Doom such as Jdoom or the SDL version of Marathon? IIRC, the SDL ver of Marathon even has updated graphics and fixes.

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Reply 2 of 6, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

By SDL version of Marathon do you mean Aleph One? I tried it last week and it was pretty terrible. The gameplay and graphics are okay, but the fadeouts are wacked and you can't return to your game in progress from the menu (very annoying when trying to make minor mouse sensitivity or keyboard control adjustments!). Music didn't seem to be working either (is there any?)

Reply 4 of 6, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

The quality of the graphics hurt. Give me SS2-quality+ or give me death.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 5 of 6, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

Heh, Marathon was the Mac's answer to Doom, not System Shock 2.

Reply 6 of 6, by saturdaynight

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Rank Newbie
DosFreak wrote:

Don't bitch at me for suggesting this but why not use a port for Doom such as Jdoom or the SDL version of Marathon? IIRC, the SDL ver of Marathon even has updated graphics and fixes.

Thanks for the info but I'd rather get my emulation working correctly! It's not really the games themselves that I'm annoyed with but the freeze that happens on most any game I'm playing within softmac. I used those two games as an example of what type of games I'm running so that no one says I'm trying to run a game that OS 8.1 or a Quadra won't run. 😉

All my apps like Photoshop 3.0 and Director 6.0 work fine and don't get this freezing issue. It's just the games. And it's not just FPS games that get effected. Abuse does the same thing.