First post, by Ampera

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Rank Oldbie

This is a post that I've been waiting to make for a while until I have found real avenues of success with this, and I believe I have.

Obihai sells a VOIP box that uses Google Voice's services to make telephone calls over the internet. My idea was to attempt to connect to a BBS using this box, as the POTS lines in my area have been ripped out years ago for DSL dry runs.

Many issues faced me as I started. High speed communications (relative to a modem) was never on the table. Here are my findings, however.

After following a guide that changed some settings along with a special star code to get lossless codecs in as well as echo cancellation disabled, I was able to make a connection to the BTTF BBS over the modem at 1200 baud. This success is recent, having only happened a little bit ago. Rx works fine. I can get data in and it comes in error free. I, however, am having issues with Tx. This, I believe, is down to my Pentium Pro for whatever reason allowing the mouse and potentially other devices interfere with my USR Sportster 33.6kbaud ISA hard modem. I have some other computers I can try it in, so I will attempt that and report my results at a later time. However, things are a lot more promising at the moment, and I was able to do things like get weather, send a one liner message (almost), and a few other things before the connection died after my system sent some bad garbage data and it all keeled over.

I hope to come back with better Tx results soon. If you wish to try this yourself, you will need an Obi200 or similar configured to Google Voice. You will then have to follow this guide: https://www.obitalk.com/forum/index.php?topic … g41922#msg41922 to add that star code to the list. You can then dial the code accordingly.

Now, this is still an experiment, so I wouldn't go out and buy one of these boxes, but I am getting closer with each experiment, so here's hoping I can get reliable 1200 baud modem communications in both directions.

Reply 1 of 2, by konc

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Rank l33t

So there's a BBS somewhere still responding to traditional voice calls? I'm impressed, I thought all of the remaining ones had switched to telnet.

Reply 2 of 2, by Ampera

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Rank Oldbie
konc wrote:

So there's a BBS somewhere still responding to traditional voice calls? I'm impressed, I thought all of the remaining ones had switched to telnet.

There's actually a good handful, and it makes sense, crazy people like us love this sort of thing, and POTS lines are still up in many places.