Reply 280 of 543, by bjwil1991

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Maybe the 286 boards used IRQ 12 for certain ports (keyboard) or controller cards.

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Reply 281 of 543, by keropi

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Maybe dunno - I only had an 8bit ATI VGA and a XT-IDE CF interface connected to it so none of these cards could use IRQ12 because both are 8bit
I *think* kbc pin36 is connected to a trace going somewhere - but without the isa->kbc patch wire the mouse was not moving at all.
I need to investigate more.

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Reply 282 of 543, by keropi

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there seems to be more to keyboard controllers - today I wanted to test the mod on my UNICHIP 367C motherboard , it does not even boot.
The board won't boot with the VIA controller or a SOYO "MB-301" branded kbc , it will boot with either Amikey or HT6542 controllers. I assume some minor incompatibility exists with newer controllers....

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Reply 283 of 543, by Rio444

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As for the 286th board, look state of the IRQ12 before run the TSR.

Probably the reason for the inoperability is that the bios is very old.
IBM PS/2 appeared in 1988-89. Approximately since this moment in bioses there was support for PS/2 mice. Often it was disabled, but the rest of the BIOS, responsible for the keyboard, worked to be compatible with the PS/2 mode.
In the PS/2 mode, meaning of some minor flags in the KBC state register was changed.
There may also be some hardware inconsistencies.

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Reply 284 of 543, by keropi

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I have not looked at the 286 mobo yet...
About the 367C one, it's one of the latest 386DX mobos AFAIK so I don't think it has an old BIOS... same as the 286 one - it's a 16mhz mobo
Maybe some designs are just not compatible...

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Reply 285 of 543, by Rio444

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On the label 286 bios there is written 1989 or 1986. It's bad to see.

If you want, I will share with you the sources of TSR.
Try to fix it.
But, the comments there are in a terrible state. Part of the comments are in English, part in Russian.

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Reply 286 of 543, by keropi

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The 286 BIOS has a copyright of 1985/1986 - I can't say I really care about it not working, it's the 367C mobo that I would like to get going, the BIOS sticker is something like 1987 but the board is a 1993 one - I doubt the dates on the stickers actually refer to the bios program date, they are just copyright markings

I know nothing about programming 😵

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Reply 287 of 543, by keropi

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Yes, as expected the 367C 386DX40 mobo bios is not from 1987 , here is the version string from bios data: UNICHIP BIOS VER 2.0A 09/27/1993
I also received the eBay VIA VT82C42N controllers, the board won't boot with one so the mod has nothing to do with it. It just doesn't like these new controllers apparently. 😵

tried an AMIKEY-2 on the 367C , ps2 mouse works most of the time and you get an automated reset after the boot-sequence memory count (counts once, does a reboot, counts again and then it continues to boot as normal)
weird stuff 🤣

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Reply 288 of 543, by feipoa

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Interesting. So there is some difference between the VIA and AMIKEY-2. Does the AMIKEY-2 work just fine without the ps/2 PCB?

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Reply 289 of 543, by keropi

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Yes it works but like I said it causes the 367C mobo to do a double reset.

I don't know what happened to the FX-3000 mobo that was working with the VIA kbc but now it does not. The mouse-enable tsr says there is no ps/2 mouse to enable. I soldered a brand new controller (new via kbc, new pcb, new components) but it did not help.
At this point I don't know what's going on.

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Reply 290 of 543, by feipoa

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I had a similar problem, which resolved when I put electrical tap on the bottom of my PS/2 module. I thought I put the nail polish and thick enough, but I guess not. So I wonder if something on the PCB is making contact where it shouldn't?

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Reply 291 of 543, by keropi

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I wish that was the case... just tried masking the mod (but nothing really can come in contact with it) but still no mouse support gets installed from the TSR. I also reflowed the kbc socket but it did not help. Maybe something died when I tried that Amikey2 kbc that did a double-reboot, I have no idea... at least the board works fine otherwise.

well... I soldered back the ps2 connector to the controller and the TSR works now - maybe I missed it being mentioned but it seems that for me the TSR will only work with a mouse connected to the ps/2 port
I also discovered that using a 5422 VGA makes the TSR not to work and freeze keyboard controls after it complains that a ps/2 mouse is not found

Last edited by keropi on 2018-04-18, 07:32. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 292 of 543, by feipoa

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Did you try the VIA/PCB and AMIKEY2/PCB on a different computer to ensure that adapter is working? What about trying a new VIA KBC, a new AMIKEY2 KBC, and a new PCB? I assume you ordered at least 3. I think I went all out and ordered 6 PCB's for $13 or so.

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Reply 293 of 543, by keropi

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I mentioned this in a previous post: I soldered a brand new controller (new via kbc, new pcb, new components) but it did not help.
But it seems the kbc wasn't the issue at all , since I have edited my last post some times this is what I found so far:

- the tsr does not work if you don't solder a ps/2 port and have a mouse connected
- using a 5422 or 5429 cirus isa vga makes the tsr to complain that there is no mouse and it locks keyboard input after exiting making a reboot necessary

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Reply 294 of 543, by feipoa

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Oh, sorry. I often have family chaos around me while reading and responding on the forum. So you have isolated the issue to a particular motherboard? If you use the same hardware in another 386 computer, does the adapter module work? What about sticking in a Trident 8900C, removing all other hardware, and not loading anything in config.sys and autoexec.bat? On my AMI board, I had to load the TSR in a particular boot order.

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Reply 295 of 543, by keropi

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Hey no worries, that's just life 😊
I don't have many suitable mobos anymore, just FX-3000, a 367C and the 286 board, only the FX-3000 works with the mod and the VIA controllers.
The 367C sometimes work with AMIKEY-2 , the 286 one only works with the old version TSR but kb/mouse inputs are messed up.

I don't have a trident ISA vga - in fact I don't have many 16bit VGAs anymore, I currently own: a CL5422 , a CL5429 , a WDC90C30 and some crappy AHEAD/REALTEK ones that are only good for XT systems so I don't even bother with them (surprisingly atm I have plenty of 8bit cards from hercules to svga 🤣). I only kept what I thought I would use and did not gave me issues.

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Reply 296 of 543, by feipoa

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I wish I could offer some probable explanation as to why the FX-3000 stopped working with the PS/2 mouse modification. Perhaps a cold solder joint on IRQ 12. I ran into that problem as well.

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Reply 297 of 543, by keropi

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^ if you look above you'll see that the mod works but NEEDS a mouse connected to the kbc - else the TSR fails. I don't know if this is valid for all mobos but the FX-3000 behaves like that.

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Reply 298 of 543, by feipoa

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I'll look for this the next time I take my 386 out. I didn't specifically check for the TSR output condition for the case where a mouse is not connected and you are loading the TSR. If you aren't connecting a mouse, you won't really need to run the TSR. In every case, I was able to use the keyboard when a mouse wasn't connected to the modded KBC.

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Reply 299 of 543, by keropi

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Yeah I was just testing things and had 3 modded controllers but without the ps/2 connectors soldered - that's how I discovered this behavior.

tested the old vgas (Video7 vga, Ahead vga, OTIVGA, Realtek, 8bit ATIVGA and Sergey's 8bit Trident ISAVGA boards) they all work OK along with the TSR , it's only the Cirus ones that causes kbc to freeze on my system

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