First post, by walterg74

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Hi guys, so yesterday I got in contact with a seller who told me they had a few sound blaster cards for sale.

They sent me the pics, and I was excited because I thought I had found some great stuff, and pretty much told him I would take three specific ones. This is a local deal kind of thing, and I would have to go pick them up later today.

The thing is after my excitement passed a little and I started looking into the models and such, I think I may have jumped the gun and made a mistake... I thought they were a non bugged sb16, an olde pr sb pro or the likes, and the “rare/hybrid” AWE32. In reality they were:

- CT3670: This was the only one I knew what it was, and which I would say yes, take it. The AWE32 that’s kind of an AWE64 and with simm slots for easy upgrade.
- CT2910: Sound Blaster 16 but from the “midi bugged” group...
- CT1750: the volume wheel tricked me here thinking it was an older sb card, but it seems it’s just an SB16 w/CSP chip installed but also from the “midi bugged” group...

So in short, I know I probably want the CT3670, but did I screw up picking the other two? Anything I may be missing about them, or should I retract if possible and let them pass..?


Reply 1 of 10, by BinaryDemon

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Well how much did you pay for the other two? I’m not an audiophile at all so probably not the input you want. Generally I feel the errata and bugs of specific models are over emphasized , but I guess if that one game you play all the time is affected then I could see how it’s annoying. I’d evaluate it based on how good of a deal your getting, check eBay and see what they normally go for. Since they aren’t desirable to you except maybe as a backup, don’t pay more than that.

Reply 2 of 10, by walterg74

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BinaryDemon wrote:

Well how much did you pay for the other two? I’m not an audiophile at all so probably not the input you want. Generally I feel the errata and bugs of specific models are over emphasized , but I guess if that one game you play all the time is affected then I could see how it’s annoying. I’d evaluate it based on how good of a deal your getting, check eBay and see what they normally go for. Since they aren’t desirable to you except maybe as a backup, don’t pay more than that.

Well, can’t find that many on ebay and then also some folks say ebay is not really an indication of “real market price”, however if I convert to US Dollars, each card is about 13-14 bucks.

Reply 3 of 10, by retrofanatic

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I have done the same on many occasions. Not to worry. You did pretty well. That is not too much for older ISA sound cards regardless of being prone to the bugs which in my opinion are not that bad save for a handful of games that are affected by it.

All in all I think you got yourself some decent sound cards that will work just fine with most dos games.

Reply 4 of 10, by The Serpent Rider

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Good card on paper if you don't need external MIDI (can be fixed), but can be very wonky in practice. Mine refused to work in Win 98SE properly.

I must be some kind of standard: the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century.

Reply 5 of 10, by walterg74

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The Serpent Rider wrote:


Good card on paper if you don't need external MIDI (can be fixed), but can be very wonky in practice. Mine refused to work in Win 98SE properly.

Why “if you don’t need midi”..? Haven’t hear anything in that regard, and it has ni bugs in the midi implementation.

Reply 6 of 10, by SW-SSG

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walterg74 wrote:

- CT2910: Sound Blaster 16 but from the “midi bugged” group...
- CT1750: the volume wheel tricked me here thinking it was an older sb card, but it seems it’s just an SB16 w/CSP chip installed but also from the “midi bugged” group...

Both of these appear to have real OPL3 chips, if that matters to you.

Also, if you don't plan to install a wavetable daughterboard or so on these cards, "midi bugged" is meaningless.

Reply 7 of 10, by walterg74

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SW-SSG wrote:
walterg74 wrote:

- CT2910: Sound Blaster 16 but from the “midi bugged” group...
- CT1750: the volume wheel tricked me here thinking it was an older sb card, but it seems it’s just an SB16 w/CSP chip installed but also from the “midi bugged” group...

Both of these appear to have real OPL3 chips, if that matters to you.

Also, if you don't plan to install a wavetable daughterboard or so on these cards, "midi bugged" is meaningless.

I do have roland modules to use.

Reply 8 of 10, by chinny22

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if they have real OPL chips I still think you did ok.
as mentioned if your not using external midi with that card then its no issue at all.

If you do want to use external midi with that card then you can simply use the other as a midi interface card as the midi bug only happens if your using the same card for digital sound AND midi out (and even then rarely)
I've got a bugged SB16 paired with a SC55 and only noticed the hanging note bug once

Reply 9 of 10, by walterg74

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Well, that was a disappointment...

Of those the one I wanted more was the CT3670. If I would have paid more attention, I would have learned that the same model number is used for both the AWE32 and the SB32, and this seems to be an SB32... 😢

Reply 10 of 10, by tayyare

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walterg74 wrote:

Well, that was a disappointment...

Of those the one I wanted more was the CT3670. If I would have paid more attention, I would have learned that the same model number is used for both the AWE32 and the SB32, and this seems to be an SB32... 😢

No need for a dissapointment. CT 3760 as far as I know always be a SB32, it's not been used for both. But it is still "The AWE32 that’s kind of an AWE64 and with simm slots for easy upgrade." Nothing changed. It's a very good card if you are not one of those creepey OPL addicts 🤣



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