DOSBox Feature Request Thread

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Reply 180 of 298, by Qbix

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there are improvements to the joystick though.
Emulating a DOS joystick with a modern console joystick is one of them, as well as deadzone emulation for both DOS joysticks and modern console joysticks

Water flows down the stream
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Reply 181 of 298, by lightmaster

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Hi slx:
There are another softawareses for that purpose.


Reply 182 of 298, by slx

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I tried the vJoy, PPjoy and Virtual Controller. BUT I had the same issue with them. If I push/pull the mouse to 1 direction the (for example) plane starts moving but does not continue the movie... so i have to push/pull again. These emulators do not keep the started moving speed like a joystick does (like in the Xwing and TIE Fighter DOS games when the player wants to use mouse instead of joystick).
So, u push the joy a little and the plane starts to move slowly and you push the joy more harder it move faster in these emulators it does not happen.

Reply 183 of 298, by lightmaster

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Did you try joy2key?


Reply 184 of 298, by slx

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lightmaster wrote:

Did you try joy2key?

No, I haven't but I'll try it! Thanks! I hope I find a joy emu. whereby I can use a mouse as a joystick!

Reply 185 of 298, by lightmaster

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Try it! You're welcome & Good Luck!


Reply 186 of 298, by slx

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lightmaster wrote:

Try it! You're welcome & Good Luck!


Reply 187 of 298, by FulValBot

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Integer Scaling (or Pixel Perfect i think) is very needed (also when i use scaler=scan2x or other, so also with scanlines enabled)

Reply 188 of 298, by Yesterplay80

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FulValBot wrote:

Integer Scaling (or Pixel Perfect i think) is very needed (also when i use scaler=scan2x or other, so also with scanlines enabled)

If you're looking for pixel perfect scaling, you shuld give DOSBox ECE (see my signature) a try! 😉

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)

Reply 189 of 298, by FulValBot

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Nope, it works only without scanlines... and i want it

Last edited by FulValBot on 2018-12-16, 10:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 190 of 298, by lightmaster

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I don't understand the 'is very needed' part, please explain.


Reply 191 of 298, by FulValBot

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lightmaster wrote:

I don't understand the 'is very needed' part, please explain.

check this http://tanalin.com/en/articles/lossless-scaling/

for now i have to configure manually all my gog games... (1600x1000 for 320x200 games, 1280x960 for 640x480 games; many issues with 800x600 games that need that feature...)

this with gpu scaling with "no scaling" selected into nvidia driver (display scaling i very bad...)

Reply 192 of 298, by Ant_222

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FulValBot wrote:

Integer Scaling (or Pixel Perfect i think) is very needed (also when i use scaler=scan2x or other, so also with scanlines enabled)

My pixel-perfect patch (available in DOXBox ECE) just applies integer scaling to use most of the monitor area while approximating the target PAR (pixel aspect ratio). What effect do you mean by scanlines?

The article on lossless scaling you referenced does not mention scanlines either.

Reply 193 of 298, by FulValBot

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Scanlines are good only when an integer resolution is applied, but is required to disable scaling in gpu driver, so i have to use "no scaling" and gpu scaling is necessary... (tested a resolution of 1600x1000 with some 320x200 games and 1280x960 with some 640x480 games, output=opengl, scaler=scan3x first and scaler=tv3x next for 320x200 games, scaler=scan2x and scaler=tv2x for 640x480 games; with a non-integer resolution there are bad scanlines and many distorsions, so is the same problem... tested also output=openglnb but it cause some distorsions also with all these resolutions, so is not recommended... and i think that output=surfacenp is the same, but i haven't tested it for now)

So if i want to use scanlines with games i have to use output=opengl because output=surfacepp is... "capped" to scaler=none...

i've tested the same games also with scaler=normal5x but is not the same... so output=opengl wih 1600x1000 resolution on 320x200 games is not the same as native resolution and output=surfacepp... (with native resolution and surfacepp all images and pixels are perfect with all games, but lack scanlines...)

Many old games are good only with scanlines... i suggest to add support of scanlines also for Pixel-Perfect Patch, without add a 2x or 3x scaling (that is not need with native resolution i think, and Pixel-Perfect patch use only scaler=none because a scaling 2x or 3x is not needed)

some scanlines are these https://www.google.it/search?safe=active&hl=i … i30.1rgD_vuEvV4

note: that Pixel-Perfect patch will not be needed (i think) if nVidia, Amd and Intel will add integer scaling in a next driver (but we don't know if can happen... so don't remove it)

Last edited by FulValBot on 2019-01-12, 13:45. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 194 of 298, by Ant_222

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FulValBot, do you need pixel-perfect scaling applied on top of a scanline filter? It seems possible.

note: that Pixel-Perfect patch will not be needed (i think) if nVidia, Amd and Intel will add integer scaling in a next driver (but we don't know if can happen... so don't remove it)

It will still be needed, but the implementation will be simpler. It is not a good idea, however, to rely on a specific hardware manufacturer.

Reply 195 of 298, by Ant_222

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FulValBot, Here is Pinball Dreams 2 running in my experimental implementation of Pixel-Perfect mode with OpenGL:


The screenshots show a 2x pixel-perfect scaling over a 2x TV scaler. Is it what you need?

Reply 196 of 298, by FulValBot

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Nice screens! Yes, i think that it's ok now (i'll check it with 1920x1080 resolution)

I don't know if more scalers are needed or not... (for example tv4x, tv5x)

for now i'll try it with scaler=tv3x (this for 320x200 games)

Reply 197 of 298, by Ant_222

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Rank Oldbie
FulValBot wrote:

Nice screens! Yes, i think that it's ok now (i'll check it with 1920x1080 resolution)

I have not published that version of the patch yet. Keep an eye on of thread of the patch and please ask all questions there, because this is a generic feature-request thread. Edit: openglpp is now available in my patch.

Reply 198 of 298, by dnewhous

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Can DOS box emulate the CT1747 chip? This is the PCMCIA synthesis chip on the retail Soundblaster 16, not the version that came with Dell computers.

The Yamaha SoundEdge, thinking clearly, is like the SoundBlaster Pro 4.0, with an OPL4 chip. Note: The reason I am thinking this is that Menzoberranzan has 3 levels of Soundblaster Pro.

The emulated CT1747 chip should sound better.

The CT 1948 is the synthesis chip for Windows, er Soundblaster 16 PCI.

What I misconstrued was whether DOSBox continues MIDI synthesis emulation. It doesn't. All MIDI is now MPU401 so this post is a little daft for that reason. If I'd known that I wouldn't have bothered with this post.

However, I'm not sure where I got CT1948 but what I noticed is that it didn't come with a vibra card. Any synthesis chip that comes with a vibra card is not worth emulating.

Last edited by dnewhous on 2020-07-21, 06:25. Edited 12 times in total.

Daniel L Newhouse

Reply 199 of 298, by junglemontana

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Rank Newbie

Not sure if anyone else is interested, but bicubic and/or Sinc/Lanczos based scaling would be interesting too.