Not bought today, but received since last I did a update. […]
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Not bought today, but received since last I did a update.
Been buying mostly big box games, but also some hardware:
From left to right: Voodoomania 2 12MB, STB V2 1000 12MB, OEM V3 2000 16MB PCI, STB V3 2000 16MB AGP, Diamond V2 8MB, Diamond V1 4MB, Creative CT6670 V2 12MB SLI pair.
SLI in action
ASUS V6800 Geforce 256 DDR 32MB (Seller photo)
ASUS V7700 TIVX Geforce 2 TI 64MB lower core clock speed, replacement for my first with artifacts (seller photo)
Matrox Mystrique 2 MB + 2 MB expansion, unfortunately no box, but software is new.
Assorted ASUS manuals and driver CD's included (not in the photo)
Creative Geforce 3 Titanium 500 64 MB
Terratec EWS88MT complete in box (I have no idea about professional sound cards)
Hercules 3D prophet Kyro 2 4500 32 MB AGP
Hercules 3D prophet Kyro 2 4000 XT 64 MB PCI (Seller photo) (excluding the card, but in the process of sourcing one)
Hercules Prophetview 720 1024x768 4:3 15" LCD monitor. Finally I have something period correct to use, instead of modern LED 16:9 monitors.
Hercules 3D Prophet 9600 SE 128MB AGP
Hercules 3D Prophet 8500DV 64MB AGP
Soundblaster 16 Basic complete package (excluding the sound card itself ): need to source one)
Soltek Geforce 4 MX 440 64 MB AGP to go along with my silver PCB soltek socket 478 mainboard´
The hunt continues.. have a nice day