Reply 40 of 229, by t9999clint

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Badscrew wrote:

From dev perspective, how much work would it be to refactor it for .net core?
Imagine being able to run it on a small headless linux SOC like rpi zero!

I would love that. I hate that I have to have it in a Windows VM in order to use it.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
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Reply 41 of 229, by JonathonWyble

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ATauenis wrote:

The project is not fully abandoned. Currently I have other projects and tasks and cannot develop WebOne. I'm planning to fix processing of POST requests from Mozilla 1.x (sometimes they are crashing WebOne), release v0.8.2, then add support for picture file converting/compression and make v0.9 at end of this year.

It's good to know that the WebOne project is not dead. After all, software projects don't always have weekly or even monthly updates. There's a lot of software that isn't always updated once every month. I do still check out WebOne's GitHub repository, and see some recent news on it.

1998 Pentium II build


Reply 42 of 229, by ATauenis

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Badscrew wrote:

From dev perspective, how much work would it be to refactor it for .net core?

Hmm...I'm still using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. 😀

Badscrew wrote:

Imagine being able to run it on a small headless linux SOC like rpi zero!

If .NET Core on Linux doesn't have TLS issues like Mono have, it should be cool. And if it can run picture file conversion libraries.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 43 of 229, by Badscrew

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Time to switch to VS Code 😁
Microsoft will stop adding new features to windows .NET, all the future developments have .NET core as primary target now...

Reply 44 of 229, by JonathonWyble

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Rank Member
Badscrew wrote:

Time to switch to VS Code 😁
Microsoft will stop adding new features to windows .NET, all the future developments have .NET core as primary target now...

Huh, I never thought Microsoft was going to do that. I use both Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, and things work fine. Though I've never worked with .NET framework before, so I don't have to worry about it. But with something like WebOne, which probably has to do with .NET, you''d be sunk 😜

1998 Pentium II build


Reply 45 of 229, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Version 0.8.5 is ready

  • Server part has been completely rewritten. Now it's using http.sys driver (WinHTTP, same as in MS IIS 6.0+) instead of manual parsing of traffic. This should solve problems with POST requests (forms, search queries, forum posts and etc) that was sometimes lost in previous versions. And this is reason why this version didn't called 0.8.2.
  • The app is now consuming very less RAM amount and is working faster. Probably it also should work stable than 0.8.1.
  • New style of log messages is introduced. So it's possible to use pipes ("webone.exe > logfile.log") to save log and read it later.
  • On title of the window is now displaying amount of requests that are currently in process. This can be used to solve problems between the proxy and clients and in Internet connection of proxy server.

It's available at http://github.com/atauenis/webone/tree/master/EXE

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 46 of 229, by ATauenis

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Version 0.9.0 is ready

  • Added image format converter (ImageMagick), so it's now possible to allow displaying of WebP/PNG graphics in browsers that supports only GIF or JPEG.
  • All ImageMagick converting functions are available, even image compressing/resizing. See "convert.exe /?" and comments in webone.conf for hints.
  • Now browsers can be configured via Proxy Auto Configuration script. Set autoconfig URL to "http://proxyhost/auto.pac" (or /auto/, or /wpad.dat, or even /!pac/) and browser become configured self.
  • Introduced a simple HTTP server that can return files from WebOne application directory. It is accessible via http://proxyhost/!file/?name=filename.ext&type=text/plain.
  • Because format conversion may freeze, it may produce unused temporary files. To clear them, user may open http://proxyhost/!clear/.
  • Fixed some bugs related to "local mode" (to use URLs like http://proxyhost/http://example.com/ instead of using as a real proxy).

It's available at https://github.com/atauenis/webone/blob/9e12d … One%200.9.0.zip
Included webone.conf is tuned for Firefox 3.6. For other browsers it's possible and recommended to tune it yourself using hints from Wiki.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 47 of 229, by t9999clint

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Rank Member

Nice job, I can't wait to test this out on my old K6 400mhz

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 48 of 229, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie

This is one hell of an amazing project! Very impressive work - I expect to try it out next weekend when I get hold of my MacBook and Windows 10 VM.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 49 of 229, by Caluser2000

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bfcastello wrote:

This is one hell of an amazing project! Very impressive work - I expect to try it out next weekend when I get hold of my MacBook and Windows 10 VM.

A w2k vm would be more appropriate.

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 50 of 229, by Bruninho

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Caluser2000 wrote:
bfcastello wrote:

This is one hell of an amazing project! Very impressive work - I expect to try it out next weekend when I get hold of my MacBook and Windows 10 VM.

A w2k vm would be more appropriate.

Eeeehhh... I meant to be using the W10 to run his proxy ("The proxy should be ran on a modern PC with .NET Framework 4.6 (or newer)"). While the older windows machines I have will profit from this.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 51 of 229, by JonathonWyble

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Yeah, I would probably use WebOne on a couple of my older computers, if I ever wanted to do proxy stuff, but for my newer PCs, no thanks.

Also, sometimes I think of creating a Wikipedia article on WebOne 🤣 Well, when the software gets more popular with downloads...

1998 Pentium II build


Reply 52 of 229, by ATauenis

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Version 0.9.1 is ready

  • Fixed uploading of binary files.
  • Fixed WPAD, so if /etc/hosts file containing a correct row (192.168.abc.def wpad), WebOne should be automatically found by MS IE5+.
  • Fixed false "carousel" detection on attempts to download something via IE3 from non-https servers. Now IE3 is fully usable in modern Web (apart from the little things). 😀
  • Fixed bug that prevented the proxy from working correctly when its port is not 80. It first appear in 0.8.5, but better late than never.
  • Fixed processing of urlencoded arguments for converters.
  • Added new format converter whitelist syntax. Now converters can have any order of arguments and can return result through stdout (not only via a temporary file). In addition to the fact that conversion has become faster, WebOne together with FFmpeg now able to convert video files in semi-streaming mode.
    Video converting may be added some like this:
    avconv/avconv -i %SRC% %ARG1% pipe:


    Or open as http://localhost/!convert/?src=ph.mkv&util=avconv/avconv&arg=-vcodec%20mpeg2video%20-acodec%20mp3%20-f%20mpegts&type=video/x-mpegts (where ph.mkv is a video file placed in WebOne working directory).

    When player (for example, WMP) attempts to download a MKV video file, the conversion will automatically start and the client will receive the result of ffmpeg. If only the player will not fall off due to timeout. :)
  • Added statistics page (http://proxyhost:port/!/).
  • Added SecurityProtocols setting in webone.conf. In theory, it should help with the launch of WebOne with full support for TLS 1.2 on WinXP. But known XP/NET4 patches for unknown reasons did not work for me. For those who succeeds in applying them, but WebOne still will not want to use TLS 1.2 on that system, it will be possible to conjure with this option.

It's available at https://github.com/atauenis/webone/raw/ec9688 … One%200.9.1.zip
Included webone.conf is tuned for Firefox 3.6. For other browsers it's possible and recommended to tune it yourself using hints from Wiki.

Upd: verified that 0.9.1 can work with AVconv 11.3/Win32. One step closer to play Youtube on 486 machines. 😀

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 53 of 229, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie

Just for clarification, If I had installed Windows 2000, would WebOne run on it? And Windows 98?

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 54 of 229, by dan86

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sparty411 wrote:

What was wrong with my comment? All I said is that there haven’t been any commits in a month on GitHub, and that I hope the project hasn’t been abandoned. How about you get a grip.

I don't see anything wrong with it. Not sure why anyone wold get so worked up over asking if the project was still active. 😕

Reply 55 of 229, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++
bfcastello wrote:

Just for clarification, If I had installed Windows 2000, would WebOne run on it? And Windows 98?


The proxy should be ran on a modern PC with .NET Framework 4.6 (or newer).
Compiled stable build for Windows 7 SP1+ is in the EXE folder of this repository.

.NET 4.6 doesn't work on Windows 98 or Windows 2000. Windows 2000 only support .NET 4.0 using Blackwingcat Extended Kernel with the modified .NET 4.0. Windows 98 only supports .NET 2.0.

I've never used Mono on Windows so not sure what operating systems it's compatible with but it looks like the last version compatible with XP was Mono v3.2.3 which might work on 2000 with Blackwingcat Extended Kernel or with KernelEx on Windows 98.

You can point both operating systems browsers to a modern PC running the proxy though.

dan86 wrote:

I don't see anything wrong with it. Not sure why anyone wold get so worked up over asking if the project was still active. 😕


When the initial post was made it was about 30 days since the last commit which is an extremely long time, I didn't think that was too long of a time to assume the project was abandoned so for that I apologize profusely.
After an excruciatingly long 51 days of no commits the developer posted here stating that development was not abandoned.

WebOne - proxy for old browsers to make them Web 2.0-capable

Commits on Aug 14, 2019
Query on forum asking if project is abandoned Sept 23, 2019
Project confirmed as not abandoned as of October 14, 2019
Commits on Oct 18, 2019

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Reply 56 of 229, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie
DosFreak wrote:
https://github.com/atauenis/webone […]
Show full quote
bfcastello wrote:

Just for clarification, If I had installed Windows 2000, would WebOne run on it? And Windows 98?


The proxy should be ran on a modern PC with .NET Framework 4.6 (or newer).
Compiled stable build for Windows 7 SP1+ is in the EXE folder of this repository.

.NET 4.6 doesn't work on Windows 98 or Windows 2000. Windows 2000 only support .NET 4.0 using Blackwingcat Extended Kernel with the modified .NET 4.0. Windows 98 only supports .NET 2.0.

I've never used Mono on Windows so not sure what operating systems it's compatible with but it looks like the last version compatible with XP was Mono v3.2.3 which might work on 2000 with Blackwingcat Extended Kernel or with KernelEx on Windows 98.

You can point both operating systems browsers to a modern PC running the proxy though.

dan86 wrote:

I don't see anything wrong with it. Not sure why anyone wold get so worked up over asking if the project was still active. 😕


When the initial post was made it was about 30 days since the last commit which is an extremely long time, I didn't think that was too long of a time to assume the project was abandoned so for that I apologize profusely.
After an excruciatingly long 51 days of no commits the developer posted here stating that development was not abandoned.

WebOne - proxy for old browsers to make them Web 2.0-capable

Commits on Aug 14, 2019
Query on forum asking if project is abandoned Sept 23, 2019
Project confirmed as not abandoned as of October 14, 2019
Commits on Oct 18, 2019

Well.... that's what I was suspecting... since I want to run both OS in a vanilla state, I might just run WebOne in Windows 10 and point them to this machine like you suggested.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 57 of 229, by ATauenis

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bfcastello wrote:

If I had installed Windows 2000, would WebOne run on it?

My project is using .NET 4.x libraries to run. Probably even with Extended Kernel it will not work (but I don't sure) because it also using WinHTTP driver (http.sys) which been introduced in Win2003/XP SP2. So XP SP2 or 2k3 SP1 is a theoretical minimum of OS version that can run WebOne. But it also is using .NET services to download content from HTTPS sites. They became excellent only since .NET 4.6.0, in previous versions enabling of TLS 1.2 can be do only via hacks (SecurityProtocols setting in webone.conf) and rely on installed patches for .NET 4.0 and Windows SChannel.dll. Probably changing SecurityProtocols may help with Mono too, I have not tried yet.

Running it on Win10 is correct. Even the original 1507 build have no problems out of box. Build 1903 can enable even TLS 1.3 by default.

Clients can be with any OS and with any browser (except first ones that don't know what proxy is).

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 58 of 229, by ATauenis

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Version 0.9.2 is ready
It have some improvements on traffic patching and introduces tested and ready-to-use ability to watch videos with using the proxy PC as codec converter.

  • Added ability to spoof user agent via webone.conf.
  • Added DefaultHostName setting (allowing DOS/*nix clients to fully use the proxy even if its Windows/NetBIOS name is unknown in parallel world).
  • ForceHttps section is now working for URLs listed in FixableURL and FixableType rules.
  • URL editing masks are now same in all places.
  • Added new URL editing masks:
    • %Proxy% - shortcode for %ProxyHost%:%ProxyPort%
    • %UrlNoQuery% - original URL without ?arguments=
    • %UrlHttps% - original URL with forced HTTPS protocol
    • %UrlHttp% - original URL with forced insecure HTTP protocol
    • %Url% - URL-encoded original URL (https://example.com -> https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com), don't confuse with %URL% which is not encoded
  • Fix stdout stream support in converters (now they're working really on-fly).
  • Converters now can use stdin too. For those no temporary files are need now.
  • Added full support of avconv (it should be installed in same folder of WebOne to work properly).
  • Added webone.conf rule that converts YouTube raw video files to ASF (should help with ViewTube).
  • Added .vbs script for utilizing ViewTube Protocol (VTP) and external players without using WebOne as default proxy server (viewtube-vbs.zip on download page).
  • Added .bat script for utilizing youtube-dl+avconv as in-proxy converter to watch YouTube in external players as is (webone-youtube-dl.zip on download page).
  • So it's possible to watch videos or through ViewTube or by their YouTube URLs in other players. Video-related configuration rules are commented by default.

It's now available on new address: https://github.com/atauenis/webone/releases/tag/v0.9.2
Old path (EXE folder of repository) also still goes to latest version of WebOne.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 59 of 229, by keenmaster486

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Rank l33t

I have installed WebOne on a Windows 7 VM and am having issues with image converting.

I uncommented the FixableType blocks in the config file.

The demo works, on http://proxyhost/!/

But when attempting to load a website that has a png or webp image, the proxy server hangs at "downloading content" and the temporary files are all 0 bytes.

What could I be doing wrong?

World's foremost 486 enjoyer.