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Reply 662 of 782, by clueless1

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Very fun game. Great RPG for working adults -- easy to get in and out of, can play very short sessions without getting "stuck" in a time-consuming combat or other situation, not super long by RPG standards. It took me a little over 2 months to complete the 46.8 hrs.

eschalon book 2.png
eschalon book 2.png
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Reply 663 of 782, by schmatzler

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After many years I started up "Vampire - The Masquerade: Redemption" again and played through it.

My god, this game has one of the stupidest storylines I've ever experienced. I was interested in what happened in the predecessor of Bloodlines (one of the best RPG's), but the writer(s) of Redemption are the worst.

"Oh hey, I'm Christoph. I am a devout believer and I love this one nun. Wait, I got bitten and I am a vampire now, but I still love her.
Now she's been bitten, too, and for no apparent reason she suddenly hates me.
Damn, a pillar has fallen onto me and I wake up after a hundred years. Mh ... let's see ... oh now she loves me again!
... but I have to do a boss fight to get her back."

Jesus Christ, please kill me already, I cannot take this anymore!

The gameplay is unfortunately not good either. The AI of the companions is so bad, they constantly shoot on walls wasting ammunition or get stuck everywhere in the level. The gameplay only consists of repeatedly pressing the left mouse for the whole game. Ugh.

I am so glad it's over. Looked at the other games the developers have made and they were all rated very bad. I guess this one only got moderately good reviews because of its unique setting back in the day.

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 665 of 782, by DosFreak

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Ion Fury on Ultra Viscera difficult for 14hrs and 37m

Great game. Ran great. Looked great...heh. Ammo was scarce even when used sparingly which was a good thing.

A few times I was confused about what the game wanted me to do but I just needed to look around more.

Didn't have much lucky finding secrets so did pretty bad at that.

The game is really good at getting you to use all of your weapons.

Get ready to quicksave and quickload ALOT.

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Reply 666 of 782, by clueless1

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Just finished Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge. Played on a real DOS PC clocked to P75 with caches disabled to keep it from running too fast. I also switched from a fast PCI graphics card to onboard Cirrus Logic to help with slowing things down. Finally, I swapped in a SB16 Vibra because it has a PC Speaker header, which made the PC Speaker sounds much more bearable. I have to say, this was one of the most fun games I've ever played. I don't think I could've done it back in the day, without online maps, cluebooks, and other help resources, but with all those things, it was super entertaining. This is also the longest I've ever spent playing a single game at just over 111 hours. It was worth it, and I'm going to transfer my party to Wizardry 7 and then 8. I used the Cosmic Forge Editor to help rolling good characters not take so long, as well as fix a couple of bugs. Nicely, this could be done in Windows, then copied over to DOS and work fine. Here's a few screenshots of the endgame sequence:

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The final boss battle
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1.04 MiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception
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460.45 KiB
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There are 4 possible endings, I just took the main "best" ending. It would probably take many more hours to go through the others, and I'm ready to move on. All that's left is preparing my characters for transfer to Wizardry 7. Only certain inventory items make the transfer, and I'd like to maximize the transfer process to give my Wizardry 7 starting party a nice boost in weaponry.

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Reply 667 of 782, by Kerr Avon

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DosFreak wrote:

Control by Remedy

Yeah, I finished that (back when it came out). I don't remember how much I completed of the side-quests, does the game give you a figure for the total percentage of the game you've completed? I did complete the main quest, and was surprised at how abruptly it ended.

Control is an uneven game, doing some things extremely well, some badly, and ending up being one of those games that's mostly really good, but could have been fantastic if they'd have done things like even out the difficulty spikes, vary the random interruptions more, actually make the surviving humans seem more alive, etc. But on the plus side, when it's good it's really good, the game world is very well done, the story and premise is interesting (though could be told better, I think), the game is mostly very enjoyable to play, and rather than rip-off over games the developers actually seemed to go for some originality in the setting and story.

Did Control sell well? Or is it another good and rather imaginative game who's poor sales mean that it won't get a sequel. 😠

Reply 668 of 782, by DosFreak

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Finally got around to playing the Xen level on Black Mesa.

I last played Black Mesa when the Black Mesa Mod was released back in 2013 so it's been awhile but a FPS is a FPS so nothing to be rusty about and the story is so minimal there is not much to miss.

Had to use "sv_unlockedchapters" to access the Xen level since my save from 2013 was incompatible
Game ran well at 2560x1440 with full details with no issues at around 100+fps with dips to the 80's sometimes.
I did experience some CTD occasionally.
The platforming is annoying but bearable.
No NPCs in the Xen levels. Just alot of dead humans, on one hand would have been nice to have some dialogue or explanation but on the other hand mabye not.
Loading screens are still there which is annoying
Save often
Game still works on Windows XP although I played it on Windows 10. Use SmartSteamEmu if you don't like the Steam requirement.

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Reply 669 of 782, by DosFreak

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Halo The Master Chief Collection - Halo Reach
Boring but well executed. Glad I'm done playing it. Dread playing the original Halo again so will possibly skip it when it comes out. We'll see.

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Reply 670 of 782, by bushwack

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Beat The Outer Worlds at the first of the year. Not the game I wanted it to be (open world) but good non the less. Played at 5760x1200 on triple wide Dell Ultrasharp U2410 monitors.

Reply 671 of 782, by DosFreak

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Devil May Cry 5
Runs great, no crashes.
Hard to keep track of all the moves with 3 different characters so end up mashing buttons so game ends up being easy because of that but if you play the game over and over and over and over then I would likely remember them all.
Works with Goldberg steam emu

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Reply 672 of 782, by clueless1

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Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant.

Took me 201 hours over the course of 131 days (4.4 months!). My favorite part of this game (and the series) is party development. There's just so many ways you could go! You can use vanilla classes and class-switch as many times as you want, or you can keep your characters the same class all the way through. Class-switching is probably the better way to go if you want to maximize party strength and diversity, but I preferred to keep my party as they were originally rolled:
Arnellis - Male Dwarf Lord - similar to a Paladin. Fighter with a Priest spellbook. Used two of the best swords in the game: The Avenger, and Excalibur.
Khal - Male Mook Samurai. Mook are a Wookie-like race. Samurai are specialized fighters with martial arts skills and a Mage spellbook. They can develop the Kirijutsu skill (critical hits). Used two of the best swords in the game: The Muramasa Blade (Samurai-specific) and the Light Sword.
Arya - Female Faerie Ninja. Weak and hard-to-develop at first, incredible natural armor class and deadly fighters once developed. Uses the Alchemist spellbook. In addition to Kirijutsu, they can develop the Ninjutsu skill (hide/sneak attack). She was my best melee fighter at the end with the unique Cane of Corpus weapon (only Faerie Ninjas can wield this weapon and it's the most powerful in the game).
Jaana - Female Dwarf Valkyrie. Wife of Arnellis. Fighter with Priest spellbook. Specializes in polearms and she used the best polearm in the game (Maenad's Lance). Has the lowest leveling requirements, so levels up faster than anyone else.
Mihru - Male Felpurr Monk. Felpurr are a cat-like race with appropriate reflexes to match. Monks use the Psionic spellbook. They can develop Ninjutsu and Kirijutsu. He finished the game with the Zatoichi Bo, the best extended range weapon for Monks.
Gwenno - Female Elf Bard. Utilized many musical instruments (ie, high-level spells without spellpoint requirements). Uses the Mage spellbook. Bards can develop Ninjutsu. She started off with a Bard-specific sword (Vorpal Blade) and finished the game with Cat o' Nine Tails (the best extended range weapon a Bard can wield).

So I chose to develop this party without class changes, starting in Wizardry 6. I transferred the party to Wizardry 7 when I beat 6 and maintained my no class-change code. Now my party is transferred into Wizardry 8 and I will likely keep up this code. Getting back to party development, I love how you can develop each character differently from the next. I chose to develop different skillsets that complemented one another. Jaana was my primary healer, Mihru and Gwenno were spell-buff support (Haste, Bless) that could pitch in melee combat as-needed. Arnellis, Khal and Arya were fighting machines with complementary spell support as-needed. I did like how you could dynamically change the game difficulty between Easy, Normal and Expert. I usually kept it in Expert to maximize XP, but when things got impossible (The Gorrors come to mind) ratcheting it down to Easy was a nice option. I also used Easy when resting to minimize attacks while we slept.

I consider this the perfect RPG for my tastes. Yes, it was too long, and some of the puzzles were so obtuse that a cluebook or walkthrough was required, but I have no problem with that. There's always hints up on my main system right next to my retro DOS PC, and I have no qualms with using maps and hints as much as I want. It makes it more fun and less frustrating. This was one of the best gaming experiences I've had, and I look forward to continuing my adventures with the same party in Wizardry 8 (a game I beat when it was current). I remember Wizardry 8 as the best RPG experience I've ever had (yeah, better than the experience I just had with Wizardry 7), so I look forward to another few months of adventures with my motley gang of adventurers.

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Reply 673 of 782, by Badscrew

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Don't you laugh.
I consider that I've beaten the Windows Minesweeper.
Played it for hours every day between 1996 and 1998, ended up resolving the big "expert" field (99 mines?) in under 60 seconds. Never played any game since then.

Reply 674 of 782, by DosFreak

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Doom Eternal

The platforming nightmare is over, hopefully no one copies that shit. Dying Light did it right.
Game is too cartoony. Not scary.
Runs well at 2560x1440 at full details at 144fps with dips to 90fps on some levels. Wonder if ID err Bethesda will ever release the code for their games again. Haha. No.
Only two crashes to the desktop.
Not sure if I'm old or what but trying to remember tons of combinations for each weapon against each enemy while going full tilt is just annoying, you don't have to use the optimal method for each enemy tho, spray and pray still works fine as long as you remember to chainsaw away and glory kill over and over and over ugh.
End game is crap.
What was the point of the space castle?
Game uses Denuvo unless you grabbed the executable when the game was first released or download it off the net, game has also been cracked to remove the Bethesda login requirement which is needed because you'll have issues connecting to it so best to disable the requirement.

Mabye Doom Retribution next?

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Reply 675 of 782, by robertmo

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Try Eternal Castle for a change now 😉

or Planet Alpha

or Black The Fall

Reply 677 of 782, by DosFreak

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Resident Evil 2
8h 59m playing Claire
No crashes. Ran at 100+fps.

Never bothered with the console version since I always had too many PC games to play and didn't want to bother wasting my time on a console game I'd never be able to play again so glad this was brought to PC. Definetly worth playing.

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Reply 678 of 782, by clueless1

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Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
26 hours. I love that you could play most of the game with a stealthy style. Too much running and gunning stresses me out, especially when it's a boss battle and I keep dying over and over til I drop the difficulty. I really liked all the cut-scenes. They did a great job with the voice acting and animations. Some weird, unbelievable plot twists, but also some really funny and clever ones (auditioning for the role of yourself in Hitler's screenplay of how he captured you). Game ran at a nearly constant 60 fps on my i5-4590/1650 Super platform on Ultra details. Only the 4GB VRAM limited me from running it on higher settings.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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Reply 679 of 782, by Oj0

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Wow some of you guys game a lot 😁

I've started MANY, but there are very few I've completed.

Age of Empires
Age of Empires II
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Bio Menace
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Commanche 3
Commander Keen 1-3
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Company of Heroes
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Croc: The Legend of Gobos
Deus Ex
Doom II
Dungeon Siege
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
Far Cry
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
Future Cop L.A.P.D.
Ghost Recon
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
Gunman Chronicles
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Opposing Forces
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Just Cause
Kingpin: Life of Crime
Max Payne
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Mirror's Edge
Monster Truck Madness 2
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed Underground
Need for Speed Underground 2
Need for Speed Carbon
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2010
Quake II
Republic: The Revolution
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Shadow Man
Sleeping Dogs
Soldier of Fortune
Splinter Cell
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Fifth Element
The Sum of All Fears
Thief: The Dark Project
Thief: The Metal Age
This War of Mine
Titan Quest
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft
Tomb Raider: Revelation

I think that's it.

Bondye: Pentium II 400MHz, AOpen AX6BC EZ, 256MB PC-100, 40GB IDE HDD, PowerColor EvilKing 4 Voodoo4 4500 AGP
Daily Driver: Core i7-4790K, Gigabyte GA-Z97X Gaming5, 16GB DDR3-1600, 120GB SSD + 10.5TB SATA HDD, GeForce GTX 1050