DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1440 of 1987, by Rencer

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Rank Newbie

Today when I updated my system (Manjaro Linux) using yaourt command in terminal, I saw that there is this new version (dbgl 0.90-2).
But it can not be compiled.
When it validating source files, the 'dbgl.sh" fails, and gives an "One or more files did not pass the validity check!" error.

Update: No more errors, it's working fine now.

Last edited by Rencer on 2020-01-06, 18:28. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1441 of 1987, by willow

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Ihave one question.
In dbgl option, there is an option to indicate rom directory fot mt32 rom.
I don't know that I must write in this part.
I have tried to indicate the path but error.
Anbody can help me?

Reply 1442 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I never used that option. Just put the MT-32 roms in DOSROOT and you'll be OK.

Reply 1443 of 1987, by dbgl-user

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Rank Newbie
Neville wrote on 2019-12-25, 22:12:

I never used that option. Just put the MT-32 roms in DOSROOT and you'll be OK.

wished it was that easy.

i still run an ancient 2014 daum dosbox version, mt32 (dosroot) is fine.

now, to jump on a newer train, i had a look at what actual versions incl. the mt32 patch.

i picked up a 64bit build from here: https://code.launchpad.net/~i30817/+archive/u … /dosbox-patched

all dependencies are correctly installed for this dosbox version.


mpu401              = intelligent
mididevice = mt32
midiconfig =
mt32.romdir = ../dosroot
mt32.reverse.stereo = false
mt32.verbose = false
mt32.thread = false
mt32.chunk = 16
mt32.prebuffer = 32
mt32.partials = 32
mt32.dac = auto
mt32.analog = 2
mt32.reverb.mode = auto
mt32.reverb.time = 5
mt32.reverb.level = 3
mt32.rate = 44100
mt32.src.quality = 2
mt32.niceampramp = true

./dosbox in terminal:

DOSBox version SVN
Copyright 2002-2019 DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL.
CONFIG: Loading primary settings from config file dosbox.conf
MIXER: Got different values from SDL: freq 44100, blocksize 512
MIDI: Opened device:mt32

starting a game in dbgl 0.90 via the new dosbox version, i can hear no music playback at all.

what am i missing?

again, daum is working properly.

Reply 1444 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I have a really stupid question... let's say many of my profiles (but not all) have a link named the same way and there's a typo. Can I change it on all its instances with a single step?

And no, I'm not asking this feature to be added to DBGL. Chances of people making the same mistake as I did are close to zero.

Reply 1445 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Neville, I think the easiest way to do this is to close DBGL, and make a backup of DBGL's "db" folder. Then, load db/database.script into your favourite text editor and search/replace the string that you would like to correct. Just restart DBGL to test your changes.

Reply 1446 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

That seems to do the job. Thank you!

Reply 1447 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

I've just released DBGL 0.91 on the website, no changes since the last beta, enjoy!


Reply 1448 of 1987, by _Rob

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Hi, running DBGL v0.91 on Fedora 31.

When downloading cover art from mobygames, a lot, but not all, of the images are corrupted. I have not used the cover art downloader in months, so I don't know what broke it. But the cover art that I downloaded in the past is fine. I tried it with 2 different games, and the effect was the same.

Just to clarify the images in the preview pane are fine. It is only after you finish and close the edit window that you see the corrupted images. And open the captures folder and opening the images with the system image viewer shows the same corrupted images. So somewhere between the preview selection and storing them in the captures folder they are getting corrupted.

Reply 1449 of 1987, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie

Dosbox "rook" here so be gentle!

Just bought Madden 97 (dos) and it comes with (2) cd's. What dosbox front end would be easiest to run the game in win10?

So far only tried D-Fend Reloaded with single cd games, didn't find any info on working with multiple cd's. Might've overlooked
something in the "help" files.

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 1450 of 1987, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

You can mount two or more CD-ROM images as D:, and then change between them with CTRL+F4.


The "mounting" part is what annoys most people who use DOSBox, but it's not complicated. Normally all you need to set up is a folder in your computer to act as C:

Reply 1451 of 1987, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie

Many thanks Neville!

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 1452 of 1987, by _Rob

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In addition to the corrupted screenshot problem I mentioned above, I have one other strange issue.

When I right click on an entry and select "Start manually with" the behaviour is different for the DOSBox instance that is set for your global default or the game default and other DOSBox versions.

Selecting the DOSBox version that the game is set to start with, it will mount the configured volumes and change to the directory. Basically everything but start the game, which is great for troubleshooting.

But select any other DOSBox version, and it will not mount the volumes. There are also no errors to indicate it even tried. Running the mount commands manually will work fine.

FYI, I have regular DOSBox, DOSBox ECE and DOSBox-X as my choices. With DOSBox ECE set as the global default.

Reply 1453 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the heads up _Rob, the "Start manually with"-issue will be fixed soon, silly bug.

I'm having trouble reproducing the problem about the corrupt MobyGames images though, can you give me one example game which suffers from this issue?

Reply 1454 of 1987, by _Rob

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rcblanke wrote on 2020-03-04, 11:07:

Thanks for the heads up _Rob, the "Start manually with"-issue will be fixed soon, silly bug.

I'm having trouble reproducing the problem about the corrupt MobyGames images though, can you give me one example game which suffers from this issue?

Thanks rcblanke. As to the corrupted images, it happens with any large image it seems. In particular the box shots seem pretty much guaranteed to trigger it. Are you converting the images between the selection and copying them to the screenshots directory? If so how?

As to examples, you can take literally anything. But if you need examples, take "Battlehawks 1942". Here the box shots will get corrupted but the screenshots will not. For some games even the screenshots will get corrupted. I think it depends on size or resolution of the source images.

The attachment Screenshot from 2020-03-04 14-06-05.png is no longer available
The attachment Screenshot from 2020-03-04 14-05-39.png is no longer available
The attachment Screenshot from 2020-03-04 14-09-14.png is no longer available

Reply 1455 of 1987, by _Rob

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Forgot to add, I tried with both Java 8 and Java 11.

Reply 1456 of 1987, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

A few corrections in this new build:

  • Fixed "Start profile manually with a specific DOSBox version" creating an incomplete .conf file (_Rob);
  • Fixed downloaded websearchengine images sometimes being saved in invalid format (_Rob);
  • Linux: Fixed screenshot context menu items not responding.

All the latest files To upgrade from 0.9x, just fetch dbgl.jar as usual.


Reply 1457 of 1987, by _Rob

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Thanks rcblanke!

I just applied the fix and both issues are fixed!

Reply 1458 of 1987, by _Rob

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Another problem that I have run into. DBGL sometimes gets confused with symbolic links on Linux. Basically if the directory directly underneath dosroot is a symlink, it handles it fine, but not when the symlink is further down.

In this example I will use QFG1VGA, where "QFG1VGA" is a symlink to a directory elsewhere on the filesystem (a directory holding ScummVM games).

This works:
Inside the dosroot directory...

ln -s ~/scummvm/QFG1VGA QFG1VGA

DBGL settings:

mount c "QFG1VGA"

This also works:
Inside the dosroot directory...

mkdir QFG
ln -s ~/scummvm/QFG1VGA QFG/QFG1VGA

DBGL settings:

mount c "QFG/QFG1VGA"

This does not work
Inside the dosroot directory (same as above)...

mkdir QFG
ln -s ~/scummvm/QFG1VGA QFG/QFG1VGA

DBGL settings (mount changed!):

mount c "QFG"

When I say it does not work, I mean from a DBGL perspective. DOSBox itself has no problems with it.
When you attempt to close the edit dialog, DBGL first starts suggesting:
Would you like to add the mount location "QFG/QFG1VGA", and pressing No it will give an error "You must enter a valid mount location", refusing to allow you to continue.

I can "Fix" the problem by saying Yes and editing he resulting .conf file by hand, removing the "mount D..." line that it added and changing the "D:" to "C:", and changing the "cd \" to "cd \QFG1VGA".
If I then run the profile, it will again give a warning that the profile appears to be incomplete, but clicking Ok on that, it will run it just fine.

Reply 1459 of 1987, by dbgl-user

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Rank Newbie

here is a quick question: how to mount games with multiple discs?

selecting 2 cues at the same time is possible, but starting dragon lore from c: will not work then?

mounting only one image as d: is fine though.