First post, by Kurasiu

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My adventures with the CD-ROM controllers and sound card continues... I recently picked up an Aztech MM PRO 16III PnP card with an IDE/CD-ROM header. Since the card is PnP, and the Amibios in my 486 build isn't, I'm using dwcfgmg.sys/ICU utils to configure the card.

While the card is found and configured correctly by the Intel PnP driver (identified as AZT1006 Sound Device, works in all DOS games I checked), I have no idea how to use the CD-ROM header. I'm running the AZTPNP utility (taken from here, as it's the only DOS driver/util for AZT2320 I could find) with L switch turned on (supposedly it enables the CD-ROM driver), but no driver is able to initialize the conntected CD-ROM drive (not even the AZT ATAPI drivers, i.e. SGIDECD.SYS). Never used a PnP card in pure DOS before, so I'm not sure whether I'm missing something or using wrong drivers altogether...

I have the AZTPNP /A:on /L:on /D:C\dosdrv\azt\ line in my autoexec.

Pic of the card:

Reply 1 of 13, by zyga64

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I have older card based on AZT2316 and what worked for me was widely available vide-cdd.sys
You don't have to specify additional parameters apart from device name "MSCD000" (or whatever else you want, it must be the same as parameter for mscdex in autoexec.bat).

SCAMP: 286@20 /4M /CL-GD5422 /CMI8330
Aries: 486DX33 /16M /TGUI9440 /GUS+ALS100+MT32PI
Triton: K6-2@400 /64M /Rage Pro PCI /ES1370+YMF718
Seattle: P!!!750 /256M /MX440 /Vibra16s+SBLive!
Panther Point: 3470s /4G /GTX750Ti /HDA

Reply 2 of 13, by jmarsh

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If the IDE interface isn't enabled until the AZTPNP utility runs from autoexec.bat, device drivers in config.sys won't be able to see it because they get loaded before that happens.

Reply 3 of 13, by derSammler

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Rank l33t

Exactly. Probably no way to get this working with a non-PNP BIOS.

Reply 4 of 13, by JazeFox

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Yes! it is possible. You only have to use a device driver loader like DEVLOAD (http://www.infradead.org/devload/)
You could use it as this: DEVLOAD VIDE-CDD.SYS /D:MSCD001 in autoexec.bat, after card PnP initialization

I have a question for the OP, could you try my tool Unisound (UNISOUND - Universal ISA PnP Sound Card Driver for DOS v0.81b) the check if it detects and configures your card properly?
You said the ID ICU show is AZT1006... I have a MM PRO16III+ (without IDE header) and the Vendor ID shown is AZT2320. This is the only AZT2320 chip compatible card I have. If Unisound doesn't detect your card as supported, i would update my tool to support it. Thanks!!

Reply 5 of 13, by Kurasiu

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Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately neither of these worked... However while checking the AZTPNP.CFG file, I've noticed it only has sections for the audio device, MPU and gameport, with no mention of IDE/ATAPI configuration, which makes me believe this is the config file for the card without the CD-ROM header. Sadly, I wasn't able to find any cfg file that would mention IDE devices.

@JazeFox - I've tried running your program, however it returned an "unknown card AZT1006" which apparently is not supported yet.

Reply 6 of 13, by JazeFox

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Ok, I compiled a test version for your card to see if this could help you.

https://mega.nz/#!5Udhiaob!qneS5oGx-9onKlhnEU … VYwbFUei5KerUIQ

To test it with the IDE support, do this:

first of all set BLASTER var (with your preferred options):

BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 C168

"C" parameter set the IDE port (168 = quaternary. 1E8 = tertiary, 170 = secondary).

Next, run UNISOUND to configure the card (check if IDE is shown at initialization).


and check if it works.

As I don't know if your card (which has IDE port, mine doesn´t) accepts the quaternary port, first try with it. If it does not work, then try secondary (170) and finally 1E8, the tertiary, but this port in VIDE-CDD does not use standard IRQ, so when you try the 1E8 port, use this modified line to test it:


Reply 7 of 13, by Kurasiu

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Rank Newbie

Wow, that was fast, you're the man!! Indeed, that build of UNISOUND worked wonderfully, along with the IDE init (on port 168/IRQ 10)


Tested a few CDs and some games that were most problematic in the past (Monster Bash, Duke Nukem II...), and all of them worked great, with music and sound.
Thanks again for such a great piece of software!

Reply 9 of 13, by Kurasiu

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Yes, I tried them, but unfortunately there are no pure DOS drivers available, and the AZTPNP cobfig tool from their site lacks the required cfg file, so I believe it's generated when the NT/9x driver is installed.

I guess my victory was short lived, as even though I managed to load the drivers and run some installers from the CDs, the games themselves are unable to access the CD drive. 😒 They either report that no CD is inserted (Little Big Adventure), or throw a whole bunch of read/access errors (Albion)

I'll try later with a different port, new version of devload and some other drivers.

Reply 10 of 13, by JazeFox

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Hmm.. I checked that the DEVLOAD version I use is newer than the one in the page I posted (In fact I tried it, and it cause my computer to hang.)... I'm sorry.
Try the one in this page:

There you will also find vide-cdd.sys and atapicd.sys (Both are working for me)

It is also recomended to use shsucdx instead of mscdex (less memory footprint)

Let us know if it works better now.

Edit: I installed Little Big Adventure CD-ROM, and it works perfectly. I tested with 4 different sound cards with IDE port (altough they are not Aztech). Initialized with Unisound and tested with both vide-cdd.sys / atapicd.sys (using last version of devload), and with mscdex / shsucdx too. Also tested different CD-ROM drives and cables. All combiantions worked 100% OK with my LBA CD, installed and played a few minutes the game. Check everything, I'm sure you'll find the problem very soon.

Reply 11 of 13, by Kurasiu

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Okay, I made a little faux pas, as I tried it on a DVD-ROM drive. I dug up an old 24x CD-ROM drive and it works just fine!

LBA is still stubborn and refuses to work, but at least it's getting past the logos now (although crashes to a black screen after the first FMV ends). I had no problems running and playing Albion and Little Big Adventure 2, though!

Reply 12 of 13, by zapedge

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Regarding this card with Identifier AZT1006 have not found any Drivers for Windows 95. It seems this card is some kind of OEM Version (VOBIS I read somewhere) of the AZT2320.
I found Drivers for AZT2320 though and modified the INF-Files to match that Identifier. It just works instantly.

Basically one can search and replace the Identifier in the INF-Files with any Identifier. For Example AZT1008, which would be the HP version presented @PhilsComputerLab.

Should work with all AZT2320 based OEM Cards.

Reply 13 of 13, by Iarsin

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JazeFox wrote on 2020-03-14, 15:34:
@Kurasiu […]
Show full quote


Ok, I compiled a test version for your card to see if this could help you.

https://mega.nz/#!5Udhiaob!qneS5oGx-9onKlhnEU … VYwbFUei5KerUIQ

To test it with the IDE support, do this:

first of all set BLASTER var (with your preferred options):

BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 C168

"C" parameter set the IDE port (168 = quaternary. 1E8 = tertiary, 170 = secondary).

Next, run UNISOUND to configure the card (check if IDE is shown at initialization).


and check if it works.

As I don't know if your card (which has IDE port, mine doesn´t) accepts the quaternary port, first try with it. If it does not work, then try secondary (170) and finally 1E8, the tertiary, but this port in VIDE-CDD does not use standard IRQ, so when you try the 1E8 port, use this modified line to test it:


Unfortunately the file is gone.