Bug fixes and speed-up *PICS*

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Reply 40 of 53, by CraigG

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Have you uploaded it to Sourceforge ?

If you have, I'll get it and test a few games for you.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
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Reply 41 of 53, by GoldFinger

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Well, I did not... 😀
I will do that now, and as soon as you read this it should be there as version 0.09a1.

Reply 42 of 53, by Stiletto

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CraigG wrote:

Have you uploaded it to Sourceforge ?

If you have, I'll get it and test a few games for you.

Feel free to post the results publicly for us interested readers. 😉

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 43 of 53, by GoldFinger

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I just uploaded two versions, one generates lots of debug info and the other does not, try first the normal one, if the game still has bugs (like croc), run with the debug version and send me the OpenGLid.log file.

Reply 44 of 53, by CraigG

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Ok, Croc still has black squares surrounding objects.

I have attached an SFX RAR of the Openglide log file.

It's about 10Mb, as I played it a bit.

One note, logging severly effects performance of Openglide, so it's a tad difficult to evaluate.
But a good idea to have 2 versions of each dll.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
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Reply 45 of 53, by CraigG

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Here's Ignition log, as this games exhibits strange slowdowns when playing. But let the game freeplay and it runs super smooth.

Running Fraps shows the game running at 60fps in intro mode, and a max 10 fps when you play.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 46 of 53, by CraigG

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Finally here's MDK.
This has strange Zbuffer problems, or thats what it looks like.
It seems the the buffer isn't being cleared, and the screen fills with multiple images of the same object.

Croc log is 118k
Ignition log is 131k
MDK log is 116k

Hope they're not too big. If you have winrar installed, I could post them in just rar format.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 47 of 53, by Glidos

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CraigG wrote:

Finally here's MDK.
This has strange Zbuffer problems, or thats what it looks like.
It seems the the buffer isn't being cleared, and the screen fills with multiple images of the same object.

Ha, I was just going to say it doesn't sound like a zbuffer problem, but just as I was going to hit the first key, I realised you are probably right.

I was going to say that if the zbuffer was not being cleared, then progressively less and less of the image would be displayed, and so you would see more and more of the black where the frame buffers are cleared before rendering.

But what I just remembered is that lots of game don't clear the frame buffers because the sceen covers the whole screen. So the z buffer not being cleared would have exactly the effect you say.

I think Fabio recently cured a problem with zbuffer clearing, but I guess not this one.

Reply 48 of 53, by GoldFinger

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Great Stuff Craig,
I will look at those logs and see what can be done, thanks...

Reply 49 of 53, by GoldFinger

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Hey Craig,
I was looking at the mdk log file and I notice that you are using a 16bits z-buffer, strange, you are running in 32bits color mode and a 16bit z-buffer? why is that?
OpenGLide is much, much, much better in 24 or 32 bits z-buffer so we don't need to do some sort of precision fixing.
Can you run MDK again in 24bits z-buffer if you can? or if you do not know how, try enabling precision fix....

Reply 50 of 53, by GoldFinger

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Z-Buffer seems to not matter in MDK, MDK disables depth buffer writing, very strange... 😀
I am investigating this further.

Reply 51 of 53, by Glidos

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I think I know what is going on. At least on some cards, enabling antialiasing switches to a 16bit depth buffer. It certainly does on my GF3.

Also, perhaps worth mentioning, the pricision fix doesn't really work. Well it does help some games, but it can also cause problems. The trouble is that the 16bit format gets considered by OpenGL to be a straight integer, and such it is not linear in screen space. This means it has the right value at the verticies of each polygon, but the iterated values elsewhere are wrong. The problem notices when you have a long polygon that stretches from nearground to forground and another little polygon half way along the long one. On the other hand, I don't think there is any other solution.

Redguard shows up the problem. Tomb Raider on the other hand needs the precision fix.

Reply 52 of 53, by CraigG

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Do you mean enable it or disable it ?

I thought it should look like this


As I read your description as saying that, if you enable this (i.e. =1) then it's because your GFX card only has a 16bit zbuffer.
So if it's set to =0 , then you will be using a 24/32 bit zbuffer.

Is that right ?

The main problem with MDK, and I think a lot of games, is overlayed text.
If you goto the joystick config option in MDK, the fps goes down to a constant 5fps, and the screen doesn't clear when you move the selection bar.

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 53 of 53, by GoldFinger

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EnablePrecisionFix should be set to 1 most of the times, if your board supports 24/32 bit z-buffer then OpenGLide will automactily not use the precision fix. It is something like this:

if the current z-buffer is over 16bits then disables precision_fix else if the user has enabled precision_fix enables it.

Got it? 😀

Ohh, I released another 0.09 alpha version, take a look at it please.