PC-Engineer wrote on 2020-09-17, 06:53:
Maybe i misunderstood the focus of your systems. Your systems have much redundancies and there is no Red thread visible. If your goal is to just build some systems, then keep it as it is.
Keep your systems, they are not bad. But without a clear focus or a personal story - just a system, boring. My opinion.
Fair enough mate. The focus feels pretty clear to me though: toying with several builds that cover all kind of periods and use cases, I don't mind some overlap or redundancy, and having a blast doing it because I'm having more fun playing with the hardware, swapping things around, testing, benchmarking and overall giving an extended or second life to all that stuff I've grown up with, than actually playing games.
So yeah I guess we could say you misunderstood my intentions and missed *my* point, and it feels like you're actually trying to push *your* personal story. You're recommending very specific items that I don't have to replace things I have for very anecdotal or (in my opinion) poorly justified reasons.
I do have a DX2-66 in a drawer as said before. I switched it to a DX-33 because it's at the perfect spot for early DOS, and with disabling caches I can really slow it down to allow very speed sensitive games.
You're recommending a DX4, and while it is a very cool and interesting CPU in itself and I may get one for preservation's sake, it doesn't do anything particular. As said by Warlord, the P3-600 can be heavily slowed down and probably to DX4-100 level. And anyway (and I'll get to it later) I'm now thinking about trying to find a more relevant in-between build, not having a faster CPU of the same generation. Honestly my 486DX-33 is perfect to me and has handled 100% of what I wanted to do with it beautifully. I've settled for simply using it with the TNDY 3voice (love me some Sierra games Tandy music, I had no idea this existed as a kid!) and the NXPro (it's a real OPL3 and proper SBPro2). It's good enough and it's probably my favorite machine of the bunch that represents most of my childhood. And for the graphic cards, I'll keep using what I have. If you have specifics to support your DOS compatibility differences between a S3VirgeGX and a MX440, I'm interested out of curiosity, but what I read didn't really support that claim I believe? Also as I already have a Ti4200 I'll use it as well in spite of your poor experience with them. I'm aware the FX5900 is a well regarded and sought after alternative though, and if the Ti4200 fails or if I see a FX5900 at some point, I'll remember it.
Also noted for the intelligent mode you are right, I was confused about the limited list of games that actually require it, and indeed it's well covered by the 486. I also calmed down on the soundcards hysteria 😀
Again thanks for your comments anyway, discussion and opinions is why we're here.
Warlord wrote on 2020-09-17, 07:36:
I think a DX2 66 is just about the perfect 486 cpu. But thats not what he has. As you can de-turbo it to 33mhz and disable the L2 that gets you to 386 speeds. which is about right for the most speed sensitive games. Like Ultima VII. And its fast enought to run everything up to games that really want a Pentium to run.
As said actually I do 😀 but haven't found a real use to it yet! I'm happy with the 33 so far and it allows me to get to ludicrously slow speed territory.
chinny22 wrote on 2020-09-17, 10:30:
Reason? this will be your primary D3D PC, but would be a shame not to use the V2 SLI somewhere!
Hehe well I like we're you're going with this, seems like you and I have our hearts in the same place 😀
I'm really starting to fancy the idea of your build 2 to properly fill the gap. I believe a Pentium 200 MMX to pair with the Voodoo1 and the AWE32 would be a pretty cool and relevant addition to the lineup..what do you guys think?
Then it's true what would be builds 3 and 4 in your list are still pretty redundant, but that's still cool none the less and it would let me play with two different configs. I like you idea of splitting them as Glide and D3D builds, almost makes me feel like a justification I could serve my wife when she asks what the new computer is for and who would most probably answer with an uninterested eye roll as she would have no idea what I'm talking about and be bored already 😁