First post, by Osmodia
Hi guys,
I recently bought a SC-55 which I connected to my Creative Soundblaster 16 CT2230.
It works great using the built in ROM Playback, I am hearing the MIDI Sound over my Speakers. So I guess the SC-55 and the wiring (SC-55 Output -> SB 16 Line In) works.
This is the Gameport MIDI cable I bought: … eu/353122971100
Relevant parts of autoexec.bat:
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6
C:\SB16\SB16SET /P /Q
I tested DOOM and Duke Nukem 3D. Sound Canvas is selected and the Port is 330 in Duke3D Setup.
Unfortunately the connectors aren't labled at all. So during testing (via Music Card testing in Duke 3D Setup), I tried both in the MIDI 1 and MIDI 2 Input on the SC-55.
No Music, no output, nothing happens on the SC-55 Display. I already did a reset of MT-32 mode, GS Mode and All modes.
I don't know if its the cable or a bad config.
Some help would be appreciated, thanks 😉