Retro Hardware Collecting rants

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Reply 900 of 934, by NSX

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nowadays it's probably worth a fortune, that said if you have time to list all that on eBay 😁

Reply 901 of 934, by appiah4

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SodaSuccubus wrote on 2020-10-28, 09:51:
I guess this counts as a rant? I appologize if this isn't the kind this thread is for. […]
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I guess this counts as a rant? I appologize if this isn't the kind this thread is for.

Someone (I won't link to the listing directly) is selling an Amiga 1200 for $1,299 maple bucks on eBay.

This one is apperently tricked out with a 68030 CPU accelerator, modern CF storage and a re capped PSU. I know those pre-done add to the cost. No questions asked, absolutely, I understand those added expenses.

But..lets just focus on the Amiga alone here...

What the duck kind of world do we live in where a base A1200 is worth $500-1000? Someone please educate me because these crazy Amiga prices never cease to amaze and confuse me.

It's not a 'terrible' price for that A1200, to be honest. Those machines were always rare in the US.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 902 of 934, by Horun

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appiah4 wrote on 2020-10-28, 17:52:
SodaSuccubus wrote on 2020-10-28, 09:51:
I guess this counts as a rant? I appologize if this isn't the kind this thread is for. […]
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I guess this counts as a rant? I appologize if this isn't the kind this thread is for.

Someone (I won't link to the listing directly) is selling an Amiga 1200 for $1,299 maple bucks on eBay.

This one is apperently tricked out with a 68030 CPU accelerator, modern CF storage and a re capped PSU. I know those pre-done add to the cost. No questions asked, absolutely, I understand those added expenses.

But..lets just focus on the Amiga alone here...

What the duck kind of world do we live in where a base A1200 is worth $500-1000? Someone please educate me because these crazy Amiga prices never cease to amaze and confuse me.

It's not a 'terrible' price for that A1200, to be honest. Those machines were always rare in the US.

Yes ! Have you seen how much people are asking for any good working/tested older motherboards are in US now ? Is getting ridiculous !

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 903 of 934, by sf78

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SodaSuccubus wrote on 2020-10-28, 09:51:

What the duck kind of world do we live in where a base A1200 is worth $500-1000? Someone please educate me because these crazy Amiga prices never cease to amaze and confuse me.

Regional difference? Most of them were sold in UK, Germany and Scandinavia and it came out pretty late and didn't sell all that well. But like I said, regional difference as I could get one locally for around 150€. The prices have gone up though, 10 years ago an A500 was 40-50€ and A1200 100€. Back then, I bought one A1200 with a CF-drive and a new mainboard and floppy drive from eBay (Greek seller) for 170€ + shipping. I considered it to be expensive. I later got another A1200 with a Blizzard IV Turbo (32Mb) from a friend for "safe keeping" as he tends to visit a couple of times a year to play with it. The cheapest one I got was in a shopping cart full of devices (Atari, Amiga, MSX) that I paid 15€, but that was just being in the right place at the right time lucky.

Reply 904 of 934, by TheMobRules

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TheMobRules wrote on 2020-08-25, 23:00:
Wow, seems like the Amiga craze has reached yet another level of madness. I was browsing eBay and stumbled upon a listing for an […]
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Wow, seems like the Amiga craze has reached yet another level of madness. I was browsing eBay and stumbled upon a listing for an empty Amiga 2000 box at $1000 + shipping!

A cardboard box.
An empty cardboard box.
An empty cardboard box with stains and marks that doesn't even look remotely new.

The seller claims that it's a unique collector's item and the auction has a bunch of watchers... is this sh*t for real or just a money laundering scheme? I honestly cannot tell, are there people really paying those numbers for empty boxes?

Well, the empty A2000 box is now sitting at the bargain bin price of *cue Dr. Evil* ONE MILLION DOLLARS! (+61.55 USD shipping). Hurry up guys, there are other 33 watchers that may snatch it at any time now!

Not sure if this is some kind of joke, but I wonder if a $1,000,000 price tag on an empty box would trigger some kind of alert in eBay's systems...

Reply 905 of 934, by Mister Xiado

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Ebay didn't bat an eyelash at the piles of $40,000 80GB 5400 RPM PATA HDDs that were constantly being sold back and forth. Give you two guesses as to what was on them.

b_ldnt2.gif - Where it's always 1995.
Icons, wallpapers, and typical Oldternet nonsense.

Reply 906 of 934, by Hanamichi

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Mister Xiado wrote on 2020-11-09, 15:48:

Ebay didn't bat an eyelash at the piles of $40,000 80GB 5400 RPM PATA HDDs that were constantly being sold back and forth. Give you two guesses as to what was on them.


I knew a guy from work, he invested most of his savings at a low price. The price fell heavily afterwards, he had a bit of a breakdown but migrated overseas later on and rebuilt his life.
He couldn't be reached after a while.
Then came the peaks of 2017, we always wondered if he forgot about his wallet maybe it was sitting on a work laptop, all those millions lost 🤣

Reply 907 of 934, by creepingnet

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Probably the only rant I have recently is about E-bay sellers not replying to questions about an item they have....

Still looking for a touch screen glass panel for my NEC Versa M/75 and have asked this one guy twice in mail messages about the panel. I think I'll just call their shop's phone number about it. Looks like they may have what I'm looking for under a different part number.

Tried the same with China on a glass panel earlier.....they got back to me but "could not find one for that application" which is funny considering how many 10.4" and 9.4" LCD panels they have.

Actually, WTH is is it with touch screen digitizers - new or vintage - in general where it seems nobody uses a universal set of measurements for them.....or at least tells me if it's the viewable area or the full size of the panel? I bought a 9.4" panel.....turns out it was 9.4" with 8.4" viewable area - that called for a refund...I'm looking for 10.4" with a 9.4" viewable area. China wanted in millimeters (122x118).....hmm.....

The problem is digitizers have 2 different measurements - the panel itself, and the "viewable area" ie the area in which you are actually touching the screen and via online it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to tell which is which.. Really thinking I should ring up a local Casino supply warehouse and just take the laptop screen with me there and see if we can match it up. This is times when brick & mortar are better....sadly COVID-19 has made that approach worse.

And what's aggravating, in general, about talking to so-called "Normal" people about certain esoteric vintage computer bits is that people often have assumptions about what the hardware is that you are using based on age.....ie, 486 laptop with touch = restive touch - this one is surface capacitive (3M MicroTouch)....makes sense, it WAS A $6500 laptop when new in 1994. I've run into that a lot with other parts as well...like cases (GEM DeskPRo 386 style case - people think it's a DEC Rainbow). I have to be careful when I look for parts I can find in modern places because if I tell them what I'm working on, they are like "Sorry, can't help you, that's too old, but we have this (insert brand new computer) here" sales pitch that I've heard way to long in the 20 years I've been doing this. These maroons or the org they work for seem to fail to realize that I may very well ALREADY HAVE a "Modern" PC and am just partaking in a hobby (usually)....but hey, to them, it's just "oooooold".

~The Creeping Network~
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Reply 908 of 934, by TechieDude

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I apologise if it is a bit off-topic, but I recently browsed ObscureGamers (I don't have an account there) because I'm also interested in Beta versions of games, as well as prototype hardware and devkits (WAAAY out of reach, but one can dream!), and, honestly, what I saw was horrible. They prided themselves in becoming an online museum of sorts, and some video game store was about to donate them some great stuff, so things were alright at first. However, shit hit the fan real hard there due to drama and people screaming "GIMME TEH BUILDZ!!!" and harassing the crap out of everyone who had anything worthwhile, even though they wanted nothing more than to share their prototype builds of games etc. Apparently, that only resulted in the museum and 60+ TERABYTES (yep, you read that right!) of betas, cancelled games, SDKs, interviews, artworks etc. being flushed down the toilet, most likely never to be seen again, and the mental health of many members suffering greatly... I barely scratched the surface, but I hope the situation improves and that data gets recovered some day, but it doesn't seem likely. Things seemed to go great in the beta community due to the leaks, but something just HAD to go disastrously wrong, didn't it? Couldn't they NOT act that crappy? *sigh* I miss the old AssemberGames, and I don't get why that got shutdown the way it was, but now I'm getting too off-topic, even for my rant.

I know it's not exactly on-topic, though prototypes and devkits of retro consoles are still retro, and the thread wasn't originally meant to be that serious, but I really had to get it out of my system because it sucks that a few rotten morons ruined everything for everyone, yet again... Seriously, no matter which way you look at it, it's depressing.

Reply 909 of 934, by Joseph_Joestar

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Yesterday, I bought some retro hardware and asked the seller to send it to me using an express courier delivery service. I specifically said that I would pay for the shipping costs. Today he contacted me and said that he sent it using a non-tracking postal service to "save me some money". Cue Picard facepalm on my end.

I would much rather pay extra to have the package delivered to me within the next day using a reliable courier than to save 5 EUR and wait for a week for a non-tracked shipment. And it isn't the first time this has happened either. Why the hell do people do this?

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 910 of 934, by Miphee

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Because they haven't lost an untracked package yet. Scummy buyers love untracked packages because they get to keep the package and ask their money back from Ebay/Paypal. The only way cheap sellers learn.

Reply 911 of 934, by canthearu

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Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2021-03-10, 09:49:

I would much rather pay extra to have the package delivered to me within the next day using a reliable courier than to save 5 EUR and wait for a week for a non-tracked shipment. And it isn't the first time this has happened either. Why the hell do people do this?

You only have to wait a week for deliveries?

The vast majority of my retro deliveries take a minimum of 2 weeks, and often many weeks more.

Absolutely annoys me to tears. I would kill a puppy to reliably receive stuff in a week.

Reply 912 of 934, by kixs

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I've no idea whats happening with USPS and international shippings from USA... been waiting for a package since late November. Only info I get is the shippings are delayed... I really hope the package won't get lost as the contents are really nice 🙁

And it was shipped as priority.

Requests here!

Reply 913 of 934, by Joseph_Joestar

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canthearu wrote on 2021-03-10, 12:33:

You only have to wait a week for deliveries?

It's a local order (same country, city to city) and those are usually delivered within 24 hours when an express courier is used.

Using regular, non-tracked mail it takes up to a week.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 914 of 934, by original_meusli

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kixs wrote on 2021-03-10, 12:54:

I've no idea whats happening with USPS and international shippings from USA... been waiting for a package since late November. Only info I get is the shippings are delayed... I really hope the package won't get lost as the contents are really nice 🙁

And it was shipped as priority.

I bought some retro games from Finland in January, still waiting for them to leave the depo in Finland. Their ancestors rowed over here much quicker. 😁

Reply 915 of 934, by liqmat

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kixs wrote on 2021-03-10, 12:54:

I've no idea whats happening with USPS and international shippings from USA... been waiting for a package since late November. Only info I get is the shippings are delayed... I really hope the package won't get lost as the contents are really nice 🙁

And it was shipped as priority.

There are three people still waiting for their boxes from the PPro haul I shipped in mid December from the U.S. The UK is a choke point right now due to Brexit and my boxes are stuck in a UK warehouse from what I have been told. Luckily for me most of my boxes passed through the UK before all hell broke loose. It could be another month or two before my boxes get released from the UK. I am just crossing my fingers they don't get sent back. If I am shipping something to a UK address, no problem. It's when it has to pass through the UK and to an EU country where the problems start for me.

Reply 916 of 934, by Big Pink

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UK customs was a complete mess at the start of the year. I bought a GeForce PCX 5300 from a seller in Spain back in December (wanted it for a build on my week off at the New Year as several attempts to purchase a 5750 had fallen through at this point). After its departure scan on the 26th it dropped off the face of the Earth until it blasted through customs in less than 60 seconds in the middle of February - exactly at midnight, according to the questionable tracking information. I was fully expecting some BS retroactive customs surchage.

I thought IBM was born with the world

Reply 917 of 934, by debs3759

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I have no problem with goods coming into the UK or leaving to non EU countries. Haven't shipped anything this year to the EU, but I know things passing through the UK are messed up. All so a few rich men can dodge taxes (don't get me started on Brexit - biggest lie to be sold to us in my memory)

Last edited by debs3759 on 2021-03-10, 21:43. Edited 1 time in total.

See my graphics card database at www.gpuzoo.com
Constantly being worked on. Feel free to message me with any corrections or details of cards you would like me to research and add.

Reply 918 of 934, by kixs

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Now it happened two times!! That I've opened some selling website and didn't look at the opened pages till some time later... both times I could've bought a really nice Canadian ISA VGA card for a decent price 🙁

Requests here!

Reply 919 of 934, by Big Pink

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debs3759 wrote on 2021-03-10, 17:16:

I have no problem with goods coming into the UK or leaving to non EU countries. Haven't shipped anything this year to the UK, but I know things passing through the UK are messed up. All so a few rich men can dodge taxes (don't get me started on Brexit - biggest lie to be sold to us in my memory)

I'm exercising a lot of restraint to not derail this thread... shall we say I was very disheartened on January 1st to see all the continental pieces of hardware I was watching on eBay leap up in price due to customs duty and postage costs going all over the place.

I thought IBM was born with the world