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DOSBox Feature Request Thread

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Reply 260 of 298, by azn

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Rank Newbie

Hello, I hope this post will not get ignored as it is the last piece of the puzzle i need to make my Wii a DOS gaming machine.

So what is the story. Rather short, I have some games and i use this menu as my game launcher. All works perfect except one thing - cannot change the config file or mapper file while dosbox is already running. At first I hoped to be able to switch .conf files with the CONFIG command but when I've read the documentation it was clear to me it will not be possible.

So I thought, well, maybe I cannot reload different config file but I should be able to change cycles, frameskip etc. Well, maybe I can change the cycles, and frameskip amount but what I also need is changing the mapper file for different games. I've tried:




gave me the result I wanted but it does not work, i do not see the effect of the keys I mapped.

So the big question is - am I doing something wrong? Or something is not working? Or maybe there is a custom patch needed? And if so, is there any hope someone will be able to produce one?

I only need to reload the mapper file and see the results. Changing cycles or frameskip can be done with the chain of commands, no problem with that - i am not picky. I just really need to be able to change the mapper file while dosbox is running.

Hope to hear from you about that.

Take a look at my YouTube channel - totally dedicated to retro shooters

Reply 261 of 298, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

AFAIK changing maper files while DOSBox is running is not possible. Just create config files for all the games you want to play and just stop the emulation and start for a new game.

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 262 of 298, by azn

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Rank Newbie
Dominus wrote on 2021-03-12, 21:18:

AFAIK changing maper files while DOSBox is running is not possible. Just create config files for all the games you want to play and just stop the emulation and start for a new game.

The thing is that it ruins the whole thing i am aiming to do 🙁. Maybe there is some workaround solution like some command that connects and disconnects the joystick or something like that.

Or is there any chance someone may be able to produce a patch to make it work? Yet, if so it must be compatible with r4301 as it is the newest version we have on Wii.

Hope there is any chance to make it work.

I guess you can be wrong. As when I enter the mapper and change something like bind a key to a gamepad key, dosbox saves these changes and automatically loads that configuration so it looks like dosbox is writing .map file and loads it right away without quitting. So I assume there must be a way to do it.

Just wanted to add that I've spent last evening trying something, or should I rather say anything to make it work. I changed joysticktype from fcs to none and back to fcs using CONFIG command - hoping it will reload the driver and load the new mapper I've set also with the CONFIG command. I noticed that it does not even disable joystick when switched to none. I tried to put .map files where dosbox config file is located by default. Tried the opposite as well, like putting it elsewhere and providing full path as dosbox see it, like C:/MAPS/MYFILE.MAP etc. Today I've tried removing default .map file and copying another one in the same directory to the one with default name so the name is the same - only settings are different. No luck as for now.

Take a look at my YouTube channel - totally dedicated to retro shooters

Reply 263 of 298, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie

When Pressing CTRL+F1 we have keymapper , i want see here mouse too with ability to remap mouse buttons < even map action to mouse movement, reverse mouse possibiliy, ability to disable axis , so it will greatly help on FPS where mouse movement unwanted and we need only mouse turn =)


Reply 264 of 298, by DOSGuy

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Rank Newbie

I know that DOSBox doesn't like Lemmings, so don't groan. I've already read Bradr's excellent explanation of the in-frame palette switching that the DOS Lemmings games perform on VGA graphics cards in Mode D in order to display more than 16 colors per frame ([SOLVED] How does Lemmings (for DOS) do in-frame palette switching?).

This isn't a "fix Lemmings" feature request. This is a "fix screenshots" feature request.

While playing Oh No! More Lemmings with machine=svga_s3, choosing "VGA" and "High Performance PC", the game looks pretty good, other than not having the right colors at the bottom because the palette switch isn't captured. When I take a screenshot with Ctrl+F5, or record a video with Ctrl+Alt+F5, the colors at the top are totally wrong, but the colors at the bottom are right. It looks like the screenshot function generates the image at the end of the frame by reading the frame buffer and applying whatever colors are in the palette at the time. That paints the whole image with the colors that are only supposed to go at the bottom of the screen.

86Box renders the in-frame palette switch correctly, so the whole screen displays correctly. That's not surprising. What was a bit surprising is that the screenshots are also correct. Maybe it generates the screenshot directly from the canvas? If it's generating the image by reading the frame buffer, it has a way of compensating for the in-frame palette switching, which seems less likely.

Anyway, I don't really mind DOSBox not being as accurate as a full PC emulator, but it's a problem that my screenshots don't match what I see in the emulator! I realize that most games don't switch palettes mid-frame, but it would be nice if DOSBox generated screenshots the way 86Box does so that WYSIWYG when you take a screenshot/video.


"Today entirely the maniac there is no excuse with the article." Get free BeOS, DOS, OS/2, and Windows games at RGB Classic Games

Reply 266 of 298, by DOSGuy

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ripsaw8080 wrote on 2021-04-01, 05:36:

As mentioned in the thread you linked, the machine=vgaonly setting will display the palette switch correctly; however, it will not help capturing.

Right, yes. So the request is for WYSIWYG capturing.

"Today entirely the maniac there is no excuse with the article." Get free BeOS, DOS, OS/2, and Windows games at RGB Classic Games

Reply 267 of 298, by anakin94

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Rank Newbie

Matrox Mystique emulation would be interesting for running supported games with MSI (Matrox Simple Interface).
Also the bundled games would be running and perform better than on real hardware.
And the Mystique has a very unique graphic look, because of it's missing 3D features.

Enhanced for Matrox Mystique

Reply 268 of 298, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie

also a very big hoping PCEm will suppor it
http://www.pcem-emulator.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtop … fb2298f08e96d5e


Reply 269 of 298, by anakin94

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Rank Newbie
RaVeN-05 wrote on 2021-04-06, 08:39:

also a very big hoping PCEm will suppor it
http://www.pcem-emulator.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtop … fb2298f08e96d5e

Very interesting link, thanks.
I'm looking forward to it.

Enhanced for Matrox Mystique

Reply 270 of 298, by dnewhous

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Version 83.13 of DOSBox X will not install. What an odd dialog. It appears to be Windows generated. I do have Spywareblaster installed and I do not know how that affects the operating sytem.

Daniel L Newhouse

Reply 273 of 298, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

I don't think so. Can you give us an example of what you want to accomplish?

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 275 of 298, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

It works, you might need to turn it on though.
With regards to DOSBox X. This forum and thread is for DOSBox.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 276 of 298, by dnewhous

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Rank Member

I found the configuration file and changed gus to true. No dice. I realize this thing is using something like CQM synthesis to imitate LA synthesis and GM. But with the frustration with soundfonts, I can understand why the Gravis Ultrasound may be a better option. With the FB-01 I can hear part of the BGM that I can't hear with the Soniqbear, which has me a little peeved.

Daniel L Newhouse

Reply 277 of 298, by _Rob

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Rank Member

To turn on GUS support, you need to do more than just set a config option, you also need to have the GUS "ULTRASND" directory in the root of your emulated C: drive with the correct files in it, and set the ULTRASND environment variable pointing to the directory. And you need to configure the game for GUS. There are guides about how to set it up, just search for it.

Reply 278 of 298, by dnewhous

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Rank Member

Can you make it work in IRQ 9? IIRC, that's the IRQ where I got it to work back in the day when I had one installed. I'll admit, the online instruction caught the error the GUS wasn't enabled.

AWE32 support was added in DOSBox -X. The mode can be selected but there's no OPL3 sound. I'm using the menu bar to map the drives. In DOSBox -x the OPL emulation is broken, even though you can choose the audio modes.

The Gravis Ultrasound mode in XCom is IRQ-less. Can't DOSBox be the same way?

Daniel L Newhouse