First post, by sergio27ru

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Hello all! I've got a problem with es1688+es968+qs700: esfm work well 220/5/1/330, but onboard wavetable doesn't work by any settings\jumpers configuration, also dosn't work external wavetable. I'm think - that needed software activation programm (or card is dead). Does somebody have an expirience with this cards and mpu? please help!

Last edited by sergio27ru on 2023-11-29, 12:33. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 40, by appiah4

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Have you checked to make sure that the Synth is not muted with the DOS mixer? Use ESSVOL.EXE to check, and adjust if necessary.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 2 of 40, by sergio27ru

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appiah4 wrote on 2020-12-21, 07:46:

Have you checked to make sure that the Synth is not muted with the DOS mixer? Use ESSVOL.EXE to check, and adjust if necessary.

Yes, of course, the values are fine.

Reply 3 of 40, by cyclone3d

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I am pretty sure that that card needs something besides the standard ESS1688 driver for the wavetable t work.

I'll check what I have maybe this evening since I should have a copy of that card but not sure if I have the correct driver saved for it or not.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 4 of 40, by badmojo

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sergio27ru wrote on 2020-12-21, 15:33:

Yes, of course, the values are fine.

Are you sure you're sure? ESSVOL has wavetable under 'aux' from memory so it's not obvious, and it's muted by default.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 5 of 40, by sergio27ru

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badmojo wrote on 2020-12-21, 21:13:
sergio27ru wrote on 2020-12-21, 15:33:

Yes, of course, the values are fine.

Are you sure you're sure? ESSVOL has wavetable under 'aux' from memory so it's not obvious, and it's muted by default.

Yes, im sure, fixed levels a lot of times. Will be wait for answer from cyclone3d, otherwice - probably card is not in work condition...
PS: now looking for simple es1688 cards for checking mpu port

Reply 7 of 40, by Wolfus

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How did you test it? Some games reset mixer values and default value for AUX is 0.

Reply 8 of 40, by sergio27ru

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1541 wrote on 2020-12-24, 06:33:

Would you mind posting your whole ESSVOL.EXE command here for reference?
I once had a similar issue with a ES1868.

Im using 2 diferent versions of ESSVOL.EXE with comand line: C:\ESSUTIL\ESSVOL.EXE /V:8 /L:8 /W:8 /M:0 /C:8 /S:8 /A:8 and SETVOL.EXE with graphic interface, volumes are adjusting ok, checked with Doom and/or DOSMID.EXE player

Reply 9 of 40, by sergio27ru

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Wolfus wrote on 2020-12-24, 08:57:

How did you test it? Some games reset mixer values and default value for AUX is 0.

I'm usually check the current level with a simple run ESSVOL.EXE and it shows the current level

Reply 10 of 40, by appiah4

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OK, if you are *that* sure then the wavetable probably needs another utility to initialize..

The problem is that I have no idea what that sound card or wavetable actually is. Googling the model name results in hits for two different cards, which may well be the same thing:

MultiWave Innovation

FCC ID search also gets a hit for MultiWave Innovation.

A google search leads to this obscure page which appears to be a mirror of their archaic web site, and at the bottom you can find some driver links but they are all gone.

http://3430.online.fr/computing/multiwave%20d … vers%20list.htm

But if you check the links they all refer to www.multiwave.com, so do an archive.org search for that:

https://web.archive.org/web/20000815200454fw_ … rt/download.htm

And if you check the ESS Download area:

https://web.archive.org/web/20000817024044fw_ … dio_support.htm

The DOS download package for the 32 PnP card is significantly larger.. So download that:

https://web.archive.org/web/20001016100541/ht … np_3ddoscfg.exe

Aaand.. no, it's not archived 🙁

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 11 of 40, by darry

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cyclone3d has (or had) a very similar card Re: Bought these (retro) hardware today . If there is an initialization utility (if one exists), he may have it or he might be able to confirm that none is necessary .

An Opti based card with similar wavetable chip, owned by dionb, was likely defective . See MediaMagic ISP32 (OPTi930A+QS700) - wavetable drivers etc cyclone3d has/had one of those as well and, if I understand correctly, it used bog standard Opti drivers for init .

At this point, my guess is that QDSP QS700 wavetable cards are always implemented with a micro-controller and initialization code in a ROM chip, so an external init utility does not exist for them because it is not needed . If I am right, this would point to your card being defective or, if very lucky, maybe having improper jumper settings .

Reply 12 of 40, by sergio27ru

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darry wrote on 2020-12-25, 17:56:

At this point, my guess is that QDSP QS700 wavetable cards are always implemented with a micro-controller and initialization code in a ROM chip, so an external init utility does not exist for them because it is not needed . If I am right, this would point to your card being defective or, if very lucky, maybe having improper jumper settings .

yessss.....im think the same... need some days to check\found another one es1688 and motherboards

Reply 13 of 40, by sergio27ru

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Checked al my cards, not one with es1688/698... But, I rechecked this card on other pentium1 and 486 motherboards. I don't understand anything, 1st test stand was a tomato board 5dhx-512k and all that happened you read before, as I wrote - board started, sound in windows/dos - exist, but another 2 boards didn't start! Very strange motherboard fault!?

Reply 14 of 40, by sergio27ru

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So, some days are passed 😉 unfortunately im still do not found es1688/698 card, but i have Sound Vision Gold-16 with es688 onboard chip. I found photos in inet where exactly same card but with es1688 and without Yamaha\clone OPL chips. I decided upgrade this card and check swapped MultiWave's es1688 chip. ....Tadam!!!!!
noooo. Same result: card is work well with essfm, but on the external wave table connector+ doughterboard (ofcourse checked all IRQ,DMA.Ports 300/330) - same - quiet MIDI clicks. Probably chip is dead...
Ok, that is result, not fantastic, but result. Next step: i found cheep notebook's compact card with es1688 chip, and swap it again - and again same: card is work well, but MPU doesnt work.
At this point I have a question: does anyone have Gold-16/es1688 sound card with doughterboard? Does it work well? Could you please send exactly your's autoexec/config lines?

Last edited by sergio27ru on 2021-04-21, 16:55. Edited 3 times in total.

Reply 15 of 40, by appiah4

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I have an ES688 card, and yes it works quite well. I use it with the TSR from the Edison Gold-16 drivers in my 386SX, along with a Pi-32. I do not have access to that PC at the moment but I will be able to play around with it on the weekend.

This is the card I have in there. The jumper setup should be the same as in the photo.

The attachment Edison Gold 16.jpg is no longer available

I also have an ES1868 in a Socket 7 PC that works perfectly fine with usual ES1868 initialization tools, no TSR needed. ES1688 should have been the same.

This many cards not working in a single PC in the same exact way leads me to believe the issue lies elsewhere. The MPU401 is usually defaulted to IRQ2/9, can you check and make sure that another card in your system is not using that interrupt? It might be a non-PnP card, or the BIOS may be misbehaving.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 16 of 40, by sergio27ru

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appiah4 - are you sure that yours es688 play MIDIs through MPU port 300 or 330? Maybe you hear esfm by 220 port? Im doubt because a lot of people tell me, that es688 do not have native MPU support and no one cants use doughterboards. One more - if im wrong - send me please drivers with TSR. Thank you.
IRQ - ok, thx, i'l recheck later.

Reply 17 of 40, by appiah4

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sergio27ru wrote on 2021-04-21, 11:48:

appiah4 - are you sure that yours es688 play MIDIs through MPU port 300 or 330? Maybe you hear esfm by 220 port? Im doubt because a lot of people tell me, that es688 do not have native MPU support and no one cants use doughterboards. One more - if im wrong - send me please drivers with TSR. Thank you.
IRQ - ok, thx, i'l recheck later.

I am 100% positive it is MIDI through port 330.

I uploaded the ES688 driver disks that include the MPU401 enabling TSR to vogonsdrivers in the past.


Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 18 of 40, by sergio27ru

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Thx, yes, i have the same drivers in my system, TSR - is a ENMPU.exe? And yes, TSR is working, mpu port is visible in dosmidi player but no sound. If im disable ENMPU.exe - no MPU device is founded by player. So, i found another one es688 card, also known like miss melody audio drive-es688 (photo in attach). Enmpu show that port/irq are Ok, but no MPU device is founded by player (esfm- Ok).

Reply 19 of 40, by appiah4

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OK, just to make sure.. You actually have a wavetable daughterboard connected to the card, right?

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.