Regarding the dynamic x86 non-recursive page fault handling - I cannot really say from my own experiences, because when the dynamic x86 core was ported from SVN it worked for me, but both TheGreatCodeholio, Rob and another user stated that even though the core worked fine for them in DOS, they encountered BSODs often when running Windows 9x, which meant it was not yet stable for them for the purpose of Windows 9x. But when the non-recursive page fault handling was introduced all of them reported that it had become much more stable for them to run Windows 9x as a whole (albeit with other known issues). So the non-recursive page fault handling did appear to be important for them, and it was merged to the repository at that time so that they could finally run Windows 9x with the dynamic core reliably, and also as a result it cannot really be reverted from the main code at this time. For me the non-recursive page fault handling is optional because I did not really encounter the issue myself, and I can try to disable it from my own system for performance comparisons etc, but not from the repository yet for reasons mentioned above, unless the said issue is resolved in some better way.
hail-to-the-ryzen: Indeed DOSBox-X includes several experimental features, but it is also needed to be added that the development pattern of DOSBox-X is largely incremental, which means that it is generally expected or hoped that a commit does add values to the existing code. So for the non-recursive page fault handling for example it resolves the major stability issue for people like TheGreatCodeholio and Rob, even though the commit itself cannot be described as 100% stable, apparently. In general DOSBox-X’s experimental features will not be the default option unless they are indeed considered important. Any experimental features are expected to be improved in later PRs or commits of course. This is why many commits are being made to fix existing issues or other fixes, instead of having to perfect it in a single PR or commit. But efforts are being made to stabilize the code before an official release.