Reply 140 of 279, by DosFreak

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For XP and browsers compiled with VS 2015-2019 the latest VC++ 2019 redist for XP is v14.28.29213.0

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Reply 141 of 279, by RayeR

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DosFreak wrote on 2021-04-28, 23:55:

For XP and browsers compiled with VS 2015-2019 the latest VC++ 2019 redist for XP is v14.28.29213.0

Does it help in any meaning for browsers that are not XP compatible (compiled in new MSVC without compatability mode)?

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Reply 142 of 279, by DosFreak

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Nope these are for applications compiled with the VS2017 v141 toolset or less down to VS2015.
If a browser was compiled with VS2019 without the VS2017 v141 toolset then it wouldn't work.
If the browser does not work on XP then you'd need to hexedit files, use wrappers such as OneCoreAPI, revert non the commit that broke XP compatibility or compile the last working commit of that browser.

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Reply 143 of 279, by RayeR

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So VC redist is just cosmetic update.

Ah, OneCoreAPI again, we would need some recent build, I think it's still under development but maybe not fully disclosed (maybe other non-public repo than github) due to licensing issues...

Gigabyte GA-P67-DS3-B3, Core i7-2600K @4,5GHz, 8GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, GTX970(GF7900GT), SB Audigy + YMF724F + DreamBlaster combo + LPC2ISA

Reply 144 of 279, by Zup

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Maybe it's too late, because Flash has been banned, but what about adding a list of compatible flash versions for that browsers?

There are a list of latest supported versions on wikipedia, but keep on mind that
- Although it seems that latest Windows 95 version supported is, the ActiveX version is only a OCX (without installer, netscape version is fine). If you want to have a installer, you should get 6.x instead.
- Flash Player versions after contains a timebomb that prevent contents from being played at all. I guess that the last version supported for any OS should be from the 31.x branch (to be safe).
- Although NPAPI was supported from the start, I don't know when PPAPI (Chrome) started to being supported.
- Also, I don't know when did Adobe started to have a standalone player. It seems to be on the 9.x branch, but...
- For some time, there were different installers for Windows x86 and x64 versions, but latest versions seems to have a "universal" installer. Would it be useful to find the latest non-merged Windows version?

Sadly, it seems that the only way to get that flash versions seems to be crawling on archive.org, finding them on old CDs or trying to googling them.

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Reply 146 of 279, by leileilol

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Wonder if there's anything remotely netscapesque for armhf and/or aarch64 linux around now. Iceape's jettisoned out of existence so there's just two chromey browser choices on <insert debian downstream distro here>.

long live PCem

Reply 147 of 279, by Bruninho

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I do not like the new “Firefox” design.

About your browsers… I dunno but I use a moonscape theme with an old Pale Moon build in my Windows XP VM. Some variant of this theme could probably work for you?

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Reply 148 of 279, by eL_PuSHeR

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Firefox 91.0 is out. I don't know if I like them to be releasing major version numbers so quickly.

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Reply 150 of 279, by keenmaster486

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Once upon a time the Mozilla devs had too much to drink and decided it would be a good idea to move the decimal point one place to the right on their version numbers, for some reason

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Reply 152 of 279, by Caluser2000

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As long as it works as intended who really cares?

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Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 156 of 279, by Bruninho

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Safari 15 new tab layout is simply... outrageous. I'll have to live with that.

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