First post, by Peter Swinkels
Okay, having managed to find a copy of PowerBASIC 3.5 (which in many ways is superior to QBasic/QuickBASIC/VBDos/GWBasic/etc. I started playing with its features. Many are familiar to me from the afore mention BASIC dialects. However PowerBASIC contains a few unique features and uses an unusual syntax here and there. PowerBASIC fortunately does have a fairly decent online help built in, however and this the point of this is whole post:
There appears to be no way to copy/paste (internal to PowerBASIC itself) parts of the online help to the editing window. QuickBASIC does have such a feature. Also unlike the former, PowerBASIC does not offer any option to print the manual or anything from the editing window. (If the latter were possible I would simply copy/paste into that and print from there.)
I don't think DOSBox has a feature to save text-based (TUI's) screens to a screen-capture file the same way it does save screenshots to *.png image files. Otherwise I could have used that method.
So I guess my final question is:
Does anybody reading this know of a DOSBox variant that allows me to copy/paste from a TUI into Windows, or perform a print-screen (old-school DOS did that when the user presssed the "Print Screen" button) to the printer. If I don't want to print to my printer I can probably have Windows redirect whatever I want printed to a file.
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