First post, by APOPAP
I replaced my isa display adapter with a pci one.After booting,a black screen appeared.With -v mode it boots ok.I tried reinstalling the os.
What do you think?
I replaced my isa display adapter with a pci one.After booting,a black screen appeared.With -v mode it boots ok.I tried reinstalling the os.
What do you think?
I think it would help if you told us which ISA display adapter and which PCI one. It sounds like the OS doesn't have native drivers for whatever you put in there, but it could be a matter of settings (or indeed a dead card).
Well,the isa card is a trident one 512kb I think.The pci is a trio64v+ (1mb).
With win 98 the card works ok,with 256colors.(After some tries)
I started nextstep with default vga and s3 display driver.May the port adress cause a problem?
Also an image(sorry for the quality,just a screenshot)
I guess this is related to your previous thread. On the first link @Horun provided:
3.32 Added support for the Trio64V+ chipset
Is this the version of the driver you have installed? If it doesn't work, where did the screenshot come from?
If you want assistance in troubleshooting, you have to provide more detail, the hardware in question, what you've tried, what were the symptoms, what was in the logs, etc.
I have used generic vga display driver,the same with the isa card just to be able to boot with bw colors,but unfortunately the system boots with only -v mode.
The screenshot is just one example of the display configuration panel.
The system:
soyo sy 5bt
150mhz pentium mmx
32mb ram
S3 trio64v+(the new card)
Trident tvga 8900c(old card)
1,2gb hdd
Also a picture of the cards
A also took a picture of my vga configuration after booting with -v mode.
Ah, so -v means start in VGA mode. Did you install version 3.32 of the S3 driver? Other than that, I've no idea I'm afraid, I've never used NextSTEP before.
I don't have much experience with Nextstep (I've only messed around with Apple Rhapsody), but did you try installing any of the S3 drivers from the display dialog? Your Trio64 might be compatible with the 805 or 928 drivers.
Alternately, the Diamond Stealth 64 (PCI) driver might work since it uses the Trio64 chip.
Here's the Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM driver that might work with your card (it's compressed): … .pkg.compressed
Here are instructions that might help to install the driver: … iver.ReadMe.txt
fosterwj03 wrote on 2024-09-21, 00:51:I don't have much experience with Nextstep (I've only messed around with Apple Rhapsody), but did you try installing any of the S3 drivers from the display dialog? Your Trio64 might be compatible with the 805 or 928 drivers.
Alternately, the Diamond Stealth 64 (PCI) driver might work since it uses the Trio64 chip.
Diamond Stealth 64 is S3 Vision 964 based (not Trio).
Need help? Begin with photo and model of your hardware 😉
After installing generic S3 pci driver,I got high resolution with colors.
But,again I must always start the system with -v parameter,or the system hungs.
I am uploading and a screenshot.(Sorry for the low resolution)
Babasha wrote on 2024-09-21, 06:56:fosterwj03 wrote on 2024-09-21, 00:51:I don't have much experience with Nextstep (I've only messed around with Apple Rhapsody), but did you try installing any of the S3 drivers from the display dialog? Your Trio64 might be compatible with the 805 or 928 drivers.
Alternately, the Diamond Stealth 64 (PCI) driver might work since it uses the Trio64 chip.
Diamond Stealth 64 is S3 Vision 964 based (not Trio).
You are correct for the early Stealth 64 models. I was thinking of the "Stealth 64 DRAM T" model specifically which uses the Trio64. Regardless, the Diamond driver update package I linked above supports the Trio64. The Readme I linked is for the older Stealth 64, but the installation instructions should be similar enough.
APOPAP wrote on 2024-09-21, 08:00:After installing generic S3 pci driver,I got high resolution with colors.
But,again I must always start the system with -v parameter,or the system hungs.I am uploading and a screenshot.(Sorry for the low resolution)
You're getting closer. I still wonder if a Trio64 driver will solve the issue. Your best bet might be the updated Diamond driver package.
I tried that,but the same error.I think it doesn't load the display driver while loading the graphical bootup.Just the default vga b/w driver.
On nextstep faq I found that:
6.34 RAM greater 64MB, now I get a black screen!
Many users discouver a nice effect: They add RAM to their computer so they have more than 64MB of RAM installed. After rebootin NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP only a black screen appears and the system is
stalled. This is a common problem. Reboot using the default configuration or with the VGA driver installed. Run Configure and select your graphic driver. Enter a value greater 64MB (in hexadecimal numbering, eg.0xA000000) and save. That's it. Previously your drivers memory did collide with your computers memory.
6.28 Booting hangs with black screen
Triton Bootoptions
On some Triton based boards there seems to be a graphic problem while booting. The solution is to switch off graphic display and always boot with the '-v' option turned on (enter this at the 'boot:' prompt).
If you don't get a 'boot:' prompt, or if you just want to fix things forever, you need to enter Default.table and Instance0.table in /usr/Devices/System.config and set 'BootGraphics="No"'. This has the
same effect as typing '-v' at the 'boot:' prompt every time. Setting BootGraphics=NO can also be done from the Expert panel in
And my mobo (sy 5bt) I think is a triton.But in my case the graphical bootup worked just fine with the old isa card...
I might be a PCI bus issue, then.
Should I try moving the card to another pci slot or can a bios setting cause that?
If it's a memory capacity error, try the boot option:
That will limit memory to slightly less than 64MB.
I limited the ram to 32mb ,just to be sure...nothing