With todays emphasis (by the "masses") on phones and tablets much more than
traditional PCs, I wouldn't be surprised at all it such a thing came available.
I wouldn't mind it mydelf if a low-cost ARM desktop were available.
I'm never going to give up my DOS machines, I still do a LOT of quick-and-dirty
tools with my own Micro-C/PC compiler which is DOS.
I do have some winblows PCs, mainly to access the internet and (up till Win32)
they ran DOS code quite well.
After windows went mainly Win64, no more 16-bit/DOS code... So I use DosBox
quite a bit, and also created my own DVM (Dunfield Virtual Machine) that
implements a processor I designed back-in-the day which is both very simple
(virtually no condition-flags, one of the hardest things to emulate in a
portable language like C) and an ideal target for my C compiler.
This let me just re-compile almost all of my DOS "stuff", runs much faster than
DosBox under Win64, and giving my "stuff" full access to the PC - But obviously
any "stuff" that uses inline 80x86 assembly, or relies on hardware I didn't
want to take the time to fully emulate in DVM can't transition, but a LOT of my
little tools work well. So it's mostly still working well for me.
but... I'm also someone who doesn't like my systems to change on other peoples
whims... and that's pretty much impossible in todays environments.
So, I've switched mainly to Chromebooks for accessing the internet. Yes, they
update constantly, but I accept that as it help minimize security risks on the
system I used to access "the world", and I don't use them as my "daily driver".
It would be nice if such a system could be available as a desktop!
I use KVM switches to make multiple systems easily accessible from one keyboard
and display, and although the Chromebook will support an external keyboard,
mouse and display.. it would be nice if I could just have another little
desktop system tucked in my system rack instead of having to get out a laptop.
Dave ::: https://dunfield.themindfactory.com ::: "Daves Old Computers"->Personal