First post, by FezMonkey

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Okay, I know I'm a total n00b, and have only moderate skill in mucking about with my computer, but maybe with someone's help I can work this out.

My problem has been mentioned before here but I haven't seen a fix that works for me. Basically, I have an HP laptop, AMD Turion X2, Vista64, and DOSBOX v0.73 will not recognize the colon. Which is kind of important, because without it, I can't even do the first step of "mount c c:\gamefolder"

Oddly, DOSBOX does recognize the cap version of every other key, such as N, ), > and so on. Only : is missing! Even worse, the keymapper will not allow me to click the Shift + ; key to map the colon.

I've read the ReadMe file, gone through the Wiki, and scoured these forums, but with no luck.

So, any help in getting DOSBOX to recognize my colon??

Thanks a whole heap.

Reply 1 of 14, by robertmo

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Drakah wrote:
I just realized I had this problem after tonight playing in Underfoot. I could not use the "=" sign, " ' " sign, ir the "[" and […]
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I just realized I had this problem after tonight playing in Underfoot. I could not use the "=" sign, " ' " sign, ir the "[" and "{", probably others too.

Last week or so, I installed a WinTV HVR 2250 in my desktop, that came with a remote for Media Center.

Interestingly enough, it installed Microsoft eHome Infrared Tranceiver, as a Human Interface Device, which also installed 3 keyboards (Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 Keyboard, Microsoft eHome MCIR Keyboard, and Microsoft eHome Remote Control Keyboard keys), all found under Device Manager.

Little did I know that it was the culprit all along.

I use a USB Keyboard/Mouse combo using a receiver, since I use them wirelessly. The set I have is Microsoft Wireless Desktop Elite (Microsoft Wireless Desktop Elite Keyboard with Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0).

I do use the remote control that my TV Tuner card came with so I can be lazy and use it with the IR receiver the tuner came with, but I did not want to loose that functionality.
So, since I do not own any keyboard that has anything to do with Media Center, all I did was this (and was surprisingly easy):

1) Open Device Manager
2) Click on "Keyboards" to open the tree.
3) Right-Click on "Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 Keyboard" and choose "Uninstall", then click "Ok".
4) Right-Click on "Microsoft eHome MCIR Keyboard" and choose "Uninstall", then click "Ok".
5) Right-Click on "Microsoft eHome Remote Control Keyboard keys" and choose "Uninstall", then click "Ok".
6) Click on "Human Interface Devices" to open the tree.
7) Right-Click on "Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver" and choose "Disable", then click "Ok".

You do not have to reboot.

Now if you ever DO get a keyboard that uses Media Center, you can then go back and Enable that device, which will reinstall those keyboards again after rebooting.

Hope this helps!

Reply 2 of 14, by robertmo

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hexaae wrote:
I've found a flawlessly solution to solve the problem without drawbacks! :-) […]
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I've found a flawlessly solution to solve the problem without drawbacks! 😀

My system had 4 keyboard drivers installed:
Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard with HP QLB
Tasti di tastiera controllo remoto Microsfot eHome (=remote control)
Tastiera Microsoft eHome MCIR (?)
Tastiera Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 (????????????)

Since I noticed WUAE showed 'Tastiera Microsoft eHome MCIR 109' when using -rawkeyboard I had the idea to remove it from Device manager. To be exact I manually changed (=forced installation) the driver for it to be generic 'HID compatible device' (this left just the first 3 keyboards and created another generic HID device in the HID node list) and.... it worked!!
Now all emulators give me back the correct keys, and WUAE also works without -rawkeyboard (now shows 'Tastiera Microsoft eHome MCIR') with all keys available, also <, ì, è, + etc. correctly mapped as I see on the keyboard!

All in all it seems it was a wrong driver device detection adding an unexistant keyboard to the list, that merged in the whole virtual keyboard used by DirectInput and caused all the troubles!
Phew... I couldn't find a better solution, and the system runs fine, including the 2 remote controller and HP Quicklaunh buttons so it's all right!

Thank you again Toni for your infinte patience that has driven me in the right direction!
And thank you for WUAE that in this strange case geve me the clue to solve a HW/driver problem as well

Simply uninstalling 'Tastiera Microsoft eHome MCIR 109' was not enough as Vista automatically would have found and reinstalled this keyboard!

Reply 3 of 14, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

You mean none of the two above solutions help you?
What keyboard devices and also what hid devices have you got in your device manager?

Reply 4 of 14, by SirAudens

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Rank Newbie

I believe I found an answer. Instead of trying to keep it uninstalled I decided replace the driver.

WARNING: This will disable your Remote Control!

1: COPY don't move, just COPY "C:\windows\system32\drivers\kbdclass.sys" to your desktop

2: Rename the "kbdclass.sys" on your desktop to "kbdhid.sys"

3: take control and delete(i always back things up into a different folder) "C:\windows\system32\drivers\kbdhid.sys"

4: Move the "kbdhid.sys" from your desktop to "C:\windows\system32\drivers"

5: Now when you restart it installs the basic keyboard drivers into you HID keyboard divers. so the drivers will still show in your device manager, but will work as the stander driver. (PS. if you have a remote control for your PC, doing this will probably make it never work.)


Reply 5 of 14, by Josiah

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robertmo and hexaae, what does WUAE mean? I tried finding it on two online acronym finders without success. I am having this same problem with DOSBox. Did you identify what keyboard driver your system is actively using via the -rawkeyboard command in WUAE, whatever program that is, and then b/c it was not a keyboard you recognized, you decided to remove it from the installed keyboard drivers list in Device Manager? Doing this by manually changing your driver so it would appear in the HID device list? How did you do that? I don't understand. Sorry....

I am trying to run on a new machine an old application for my Timex Data Link watch, programmed for Windows 95/98 using a CRT monitor to flash light codes to program my watch and input data into it. My machine is a Dell Studio 1735 with Intel Core2 Duo running Windows Vista (32-bit, Home Premium) and, obviously, with an LCD monitor rather than a CRT monitor. I found a web page saying that I could successfully get the old Timex app to work on laptops with LCD monitors and running XP and Vista by running the program in Windows Compatibility mode. However, running it under Win98 compatibility, with and without 256 color scheme, did not work. I received the following error from the Windows Compatibility Wizard: "16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem. The system does not support full screen mode." My system never attempted to run/flash the codes that should program my watch. Trying to fix that error led me to DOSBox, which brought this additional keyboard error in running DOSBox....

Hope someone can help. Thank you.

Reply 6 of 14, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

Windows UAE i guess.

I think he says about doing it through updating drivers.

Reply 7 of 14, by sthubbar

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Robertmo and Drakah,

Thanks a million. the solution of disabling the Microsoft non-existant devices was great.

Reply 8 of 14, by jimmy11

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Robertmo and Drakah,

Thanks a million. the solution of disabling the Microsoft non-existant devices was great.

Yea thanks for this solution, even i had the same problem 😀

Reply 9 of 14, by lucy123

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jimmy11 wrote:

Robertmo and Drakah,

Thanks a million. the solution of disabling the Microsoft non-existant devices was great.

Yea thanks for this solution, even i had the same problem 😀

Thanks a lot, disabling the Microsoft non-existent devices worked for me too.

Reply 10 of 14, by viktorz

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Rank Newbie
lucy123 wrote:

Yea thanks for this solution, even i had the same problem 😀

Thanks a lot, disabling the Microsoft non-existent devices worked for me too.[/quote]

Problem was in keyboard hardware not in device driver. Or not supporting drivers ))

Last edited by viktorz on 2018-09-21, 11:32. Edited 3 times in total.

Reply 11 of 14, by alexfru

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Rank Newbie

I have the same problem with the 0.74 version on Windows 7 64-bit if I use the binaries from the official website.

However, I've just downloaded and recompiled myself both SDL and DosBox using MinGW32 gcc/g++ 4.6.2 and the problem is gone in the freshly compiled version. If I use DosBox from the official website and the newly compiled SDL (simply overwrite the DLL), I don't have this problem anymore.

Looks like an SDL problem.

Reply 12 of 14, by Minkus

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Rank Newbie

I've had this problem in DosBox 0.74 where the following keys all do not work:
and where the ] key becomes [ and # becomes ]
This is fixed when I remove the USB infrared receiver for my Windows Media Center remote control from my computer.

It would be good if this could be fixed in DosBox itself - if DosBox only 'bound' to 'real keyboards' perhaps? Not sure what this looks like in Windows terms - but never had this problem in anything else... I think my 'unplug' solution is effectively the same as the 'Disable Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver' solutions mentioned above...

Reply 13 of 14, by Minkus

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P.S. Should have said - the above is with a UK keyboard

Reply 14 of 14, by ripa

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Rank Oldbie

Dosbox uses SDL as the input API, and SDL in turn uses Win32 API or DirectInput. It would be best to fix the problem in SDL. SDL allows switching input APIs with SDL_VIDEODRIVER but it also affects video output like the name hints.