Reply 20 of 64, by Xian97

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Surprised that nobody has mentioned the original F.E.A.R. yet. That one made me jump several times with things suddenly appearing when I wasn't expecting them.

Reply 21 of 64, by leileilol

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i'm surprised nobody's mentioned vampire savior yet

long live PCem

Reply 22 of 64, by swaaye

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Phantasmagoria! 😲 😲 😎


Pure, wholesome and unrelenting terror right there.

Reply 23 of 64, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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Amigaz wrote:

¤Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday (C64), the first level scared the hell out of me when I was a youngster 😁

You mean the level when we meet SCOT.DOS on the first place? The level where party members, one by one, get insane until you find the appropriate medical station?

Seconded. The level is so damn creepy. Not because it has zombies or ghosts or such, but because of the sense of mystery and uncertainty that ambiently creeps itself throughout the level. It doesn't matter that your party has the most kickass weapon when they one by one become insane.

On the other hand, monsters in Alone in the Dark can be bashed, shot, and killed. So it's not really that scary.

Reply 24 of 64, by ripsaw8080

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Ravenholm in Half-Life 2. I think I'll try to go through it again using only the gravity gun, which is one of the Steam achievements.

Reply 25 of 64, by Anonymous Freak

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Doom and Phantasmagoria. Both played in a basement late at night with no lights on.

Reply 26 of 64, by leileilol

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ripsaw8080 wrote:

Ravenholm in Half-Life 2.

I never liked that physics novelty demo. The scariness is only overplayed by the annoying poison headcrabs and the terrible nearest-neighbor filtered 11khz zombie moanies. It's a bad effort at scary at best... which is made even worse by instant autoloading of whatever after you die. No tension there.

long live PCem

Reply 27 of 64, by PowerPie5000

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leileilol wrote:

i'm surprised nobody's mentioned vampire savior yet

I have that for the Sega Saturn (along with Darkstalkers, Night Warriors etc...) and there's absolutely nothing scary about those games. It's just a classic arcade beat' em up 😀

Reply 28 of 64, by WolverineDK

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leileilol wrote:

i'm surprised nobody's mentioned vampire savior yet

Are we talking about the 2D fighting games series known as Darkstalkers in Europe ? Cause I do not know why you feel that is scary, but oh well 😀

Reply 29 of 64, by ripsaw8080

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leileilol wrote:

which is made even worse by instant autoloading of whatever after you die. No tension there.

I don't know why Valve didn't make an option to disable auto-saving, but of course you can self-administer a harsher death penalty. If you think the level lacks tension, try it on hard difficulty using only the crowbar; which becomes more about evasion than killing stuff. There are ways to dodge the nastier situations if you are quick and stay focused on getting the heck out. It may end up being more annoying than tense depending on your temperament, but you will really hate toxic headcrabs, and exploding barrels that can be useful tools become only hazards to avoid.

Reply 30 of 64, by F2bnp

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Half Life 1. All of it. It scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.
Then there's FEAR, and Ravenholm in HL2 (which for me is a much much better game than its predecessor) and Silent Hill and tons of others.

Reply 31 of 64, by SKARDAVNELNATE

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Xian97 wrote:

Surprised that nobody has mentioned the original F.E.A.R. yet. That one made me jump several times with things suddenly appearing when I wasn't expecting them.

That game didn't have any effect on me. Since I didn't expect something to happen I was usually looking the other way when it did. So all I knew was something happened but I missed it. The invisible ninja thing had potential, then I realized I could just position myself in a corner and kick him in the face at the right time.

Reply 32 of 64, by PowerPie5000

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Does anyone remember Deep Fear for the Sega Saturn? It used to creep me out quite a bit. I still own the game and might fire the old Saturn up and see how "scary" it seems these days 🤣

Reply 33 of 64, by Amigaz

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
You mean the level when we meet SCOT.DOS on the first place? The level where party members, one by one, get insane until you fin […]
Show full quote
Amigaz wrote:

¤Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday (C64), the first level scared the hell out of me when I was a youngster 😁

You mean the level when we meet SCOT.DOS on the first place? The level where party members, one by one, get insane until you find the appropriate medical station?

Seconded. The level is so damn creepy. Not because it has zombies or ghosts or such, but because of the sense of mystery and uncertainty that ambiently creeps itself throughout the level. It doesn't matter that your party has the most kickass weapon when they one by one become insane.

On the other hand, monsters in Alone in the Dark can be bashed, shot, and killed. So it's not really that scary.

Yeah, that derelict spaceship can be very scary but I was refering to the spaceship at the start of the game with all the aliens and your party and weapons suck so it's equally scaring as the ghost ship 😀

My retro computer stuff: https://lychee.jjserver.net/#16136303902327

Reply 34 of 64, by eL_PuSHeR

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I remember to have jumped on my chair sometimes while playing some Horrorsoft games (Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Waxworks).

Reply 35 of 64, by HunterZ

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DosFreak wrote:

System Shock 2

vlask wrote:

Alien versus Predator 1 PC version, not gold one (gold one had saving option, original version not).

These. Also, while playing Fallout 1 in the dark in the middle of the night, The Glow and The Master both creeped me out quite a bit.

Reply 38 of 64, by swaaye

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You can tell that some people haven't played the really nasty psychological horror games when they suggest AVP2, FEAR or oldies with cute graphics like Alone in the Dark 1. It's not that FEAR, Doom3 and AVP1/2 aren't atmospheric and unnerving but they just aren't at the top! 😁

Unless you guys are immune to Penumbra / Amnesia / STALKER / System Shock 2. Is that the case? I can't imagine that.

Reply 39 of 64, by HunterZ

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SS2 wasn't that more scary and AVP1 for me, but I think that's because I was more afraid of dying in AVP1 due to the asinine (or novel depending on your point of view) save system. Also, the telekenetic monkeys in SS2 made it hard to take too seriously :p