Asus P2B-DS Build

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Reply 20 of 55, by chinny22

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There is this great site for any of the Asus P2B boards in general
http://homepage.hispeed.ch/rscheidegger/p2b_p … pgrade_faq.html
It also tells you how you can modify the boards VRM but I'm no where up to that level.

As I have a P3 1Ghz, I went down the much more technical method of just grabbing it out of my other PC and giving it a go, sadly nothing.

Reply 21 of 55, by shamino

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chinny22 wrote:

As I have a P3 1Ghz, I went down the much more technical method of just grabbing it out of my other PC and giving it a go, sadly nothing.

Has the BIOS been updated? If not then that might be the only issue.
Although I encountered several P2B boards with Coppermine VRMs prior to the officially supported revision, I think all of them still needed a BIOS update.
Most of my experience was with plain P2B and P2B-F boards. I only came across one P2B-D (never a P2B-DS), and that P2B-D was rev1.05 and didn't have a Coppermine VRM. Maybe rev1.03 is too far back to have much probability of a later regulator chip.

If it doesn't support Coppermine voltages, you could also use a slocket adapter with voltage jumpers on it, and set it to 1.8V.

Reply 22 of 55, by Skyscraper

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A trick you can use if the CPU sits on a slotket is to jumper the slotket to ask the board for a higher voltage.

Some Asus boards have VRMs thats wont supply any voltage below 1.8V, if CPUs are keyed for lower voltage the VRM will often output 0V but if you jumper the slotket to ask for 1.8V everything works fine. I do not know if this is common but it has worked for me with an Asus/HP Slot-1 OEM board which "people on the Internet" said would not post with Coppermine CPUs.

New PC: i9 12900K @5GHz all cores @1.2v. MSI PRO Z690-A. 32GB DDR4 3600 CL14. 3070Ti.
Old PC: Dual Xeon X5690@4.6GHz, EVGA SR-2, 48GB DDR3R@2000MHz, Intel X25-M. GTX 980ti.
Older PC: K6-3+ 400@600MHz, PC-Chips M577, 256MB SDRAM, AWE64, Voodoo Banshee.

Reply 23 of 55, by i386

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I'd use Katmai 600MHz matched pair CPU. I think it very nice CPU,
but of course it is just my IMHO.

Anyhow if you wish to use S370 coppermine CPUs, remember that both
SLot1->S370 converter must be with dual support, else SMP will not work.

If your coppermine chips with FSB133, AGP will be run at 89Mhz.
It might be produce problems with AGP cards stability.

Also if IIRC, for normal PCI freq(33MHz) if FSB 133, needs to hardware
modification(very difficult!) for set proper FSB/PCI divider.

I'd never use this board with 133MHZ FSB CPUs, for preventing problems
with stability.

Reply 24 of 55, by chinny22

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BIOS is the latest BETA, Previously it was the last non beta version, Think the Beta adds support for Tualatin's not Coppermine's but didn't hurt to try.
Yeh I could go down the Slocket path but its just not worth the trouble of finding 2 of the things, and me being me would want them to match plus you loose the Slot 1 CPU's which I really like.

Anyway did a lot of work on this over the weekend, First I went round to my place to pick up the Antec case. This was previously a "CCTV server" (Asus P5KPL-AM based PC's running WinXP x64) One of the motherboards is now in my main PC and the Antec case was being used as temporary storage for my P4 "Ultimate Win98 build" project which is on long term hold.
The P4 board went into the Obsidian 650D case specify brought for the project (in the box beside the reddish case) also in the picture is the Dell P3 1Ghz which is donating a lot of its parts for this project, An AMD based Compaq Presario I picked up from the curb just near my place, a little Compaq D510 tucked in the corner which was my "server" for many years and now full of dust, a horrible cheap red case I picked up for free when I was desperate for a case for my P4 build, now housing the 2nd P5KPL-AM board, my DX4 120 and a couple of 100MB switches and a 8 port Compaq KVM. the D510 on the top is about to get a new life as a basic PC in my Mrs warehouse, nothing fancy, no internet just MS Office so she can access files from a USB stick. the rest sadly will be "hibernating" here for at lest another year 🙁

Got the case round to the Mrs's home and started unpacking. The power supply is supposed to be for the P4 build so first step was to remove all the SATA & PCI connectors and the SATA DVD drive.

Next spread everything out...That's a lot of stuff!

First decision what to use for graphics? The Voodoo's are staying I like the SLI/SMP setup but do I go the GForce 2 MX that matches the M/B perfectly or the more useful Ti4600 stolen from the Dell 1Ghz?

For now I'll go the Ti4600 so I can play D3d games. Long term I think It'll go back to the Dell and the GF2MX will come back as it'll primarily be a Glide box.

Next card down was an easy one. Nic, Intel 100MB I got from somewhere, Went with Intel rather than another brand to keep the Intel theme.
Sits a bit close to the Video cards fan for my likening but its the smallest card so best I can do, sorry.

That was boring, something a bit more fun, Windows sound the Audigy 2 ZS, Again stolen from the Dell (hence the 2nd CD drive in the Dell to keep dust out)
This I don't feel so guilty over as the bay doesn't really suit the Dell's beige case. I have another without the Drive bay that can go there

Finally for PCI the Voodoo's which were originally going to go where the Audigy was but that blocked the M/B's SCSI connector

ISA is were things got interesting.
The DX4 has a AWE32 but as that wouldn't be getting used for a while thought I'd use my 2nd card here BUT I also found an SB32 CT3600 which I didn't know I had (salvaged from some PC over 10 years ago) in my box of IT bits when I was last back in Oz and had brought back with me so was thinking of maybe using that, hmmm...

In the end the AWE won, only it didn't fit. OK decision made SB32 it is, nope doesn't fit either! it was only then I remembered something else I brought back from oz...

This one I do remember where it comes form. Someone at work who I helped recommend a new PC for back in mid 2000's and offered to take his old PC. Think it was a MMX based machine I sadly stripped in 2013 JUST before getting back into old PC's.

I'm down to my last ISA slot, but don't have any need for it. Besides I need that space in the back of the case for something else.

A CF card reader. For quick and easy transfers with my Osborne 486.
But this was a big compromise as its no where near the other IDE devices so it gets the secondary IDE channel all to it's self.
Meanwhile a 40GB HDD has to share with the DVD drive. HDD is nothing special Seagate ST340015A, rather obviously scored from work.
DVD-RW is a Liteon LH-20A1P, I could lie and say I chose this cause it was the first 20x Really its cause I picked it up from free somewhere, its black and the blue activity light matches the case. I did update the firmware to the latest though.

Also poorly photographed it the now almost standard in my builds Gotek FDD.

SCSI wise I'm using the 9.1 GB drives when I upgraded my Prolient 1600 (also annoyingly a duel P3 600) Why 3? Casue I have 3! plus it maxes out the cable nicely. I seriously doubt I need more space but have a few larger drives and a cable with a 5th connecter if I really need.

The adaptors work well but I'm a bit concerned about the power connector, as the other side is rather close the HDD itself.

For the moment I'm putting a small strip from the anti static bag they come in between the drive and the adaptor.

And finally something that does fit perfectly. Where as the old case the drives sat much closer together, here they are just the right distance apart.

And that's it! The not quite finished product.

Front all naked.

And now covered up

Side all naked

SLI goodness just visible

And a rather full back

Still to do.
- Ideally I'd use rounded cables but as I hope to reunite this board with its original case one day in the far future these will do.
- The ATX M/B power cable is a bit short to make neat. I think you can get longer ones but same story as the rounded cables, not going to happen.
- the mess casued by the case fan's power. I have a plan, which will benefit whatever's in this case watch this space...
- 5.25 to 3.5 bay, Any ideas? I can only find ugly plastic ones.

At the moment it boots but that's it. Still have to load the OS's so hoping it all actually works!

Edit -updated pics URL

Last edited by chinny22 on 2018-06-13, 11:20. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 25 of 55, by shamino

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Be careful with that Albatron Ti4600. I've had 2 Albatron Ti4200 cards with that same heatsink/fan. On one of them, the fan seized up, luckily no harm was done before it was replaced. On the other, one of the push pins eventually came loose. The heatsink lost contact and the card was ruined. So my impression of those HSF assemblies is 0/2 thus far.

Reply 26 of 55, by tayyare

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chinny22 wrote:

5.25 to 3.5 bay, Any ideas? I can only find ugly plastic ones.

What's wrong with plastic, especially for that price:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/3-5-to-5-25-Drive-Bay … 589019982&rt=nc

But if you want to pay more:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/EverCool-Black-Metal- … 773568196&rt=nc

Geforce4 Ti 4200 64MB
Diamond Monster 3D 12MB SLI
120GB IDE Samsung/80GB IDE Seagate/146GB SCSI Compaq/73GB SCSI IBM
Adaptec AHA29160
3com 3C905B-TX
Gotek+CF Reader
MSDOS 6.22+Win 3.11/95 OSR2.1/98SE/ME/2000

Reply 27 of 55, by oerk

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Wow, that really is a lot of stuff. Like!

How are those Compaq 9.1 GB drives? I remember an acquaintance with an old Compaq machine with two of those SCSI drives in it. They were LOUD... really LOUD!

Reply 28 of 55, by luckybob

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It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 29 of 55, by chinny22

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I shall call it the nippleator in response to luckybobs picture (not really)

I only noticed the gotek FDD is dead, I thought it was just the loose power connector but its not 🙁 Must of been DOA, I got 2 about a year ago, one I use in my daily driver and this was waiting sitting in a draw waiting for my next project. Oh-well was more of an luxury, I'll replace it at some point.
Still looking for a drive bay converter. After one that has the mesh look like the rest of the case front.

shamino wrote:

Be careful with that Albatron Ti4600. I've had 2 Albatron Ti4200 cards with that same heatsink/fan. On one of them, the fan seized up, luckily no harm was done before it was replaced. On the other, one of the push pins eventually came loose. The heatsink lost contact and the card was ruined. So my impression of those HSF assemblies is 0/2 thus far.

Funny you say that, my heatsink was a bit loose, I was blaming for the not ideal way of transporting it between the 2 places but it was definitely loose. also the push pins fault.

Regarding the noise. The drives originally came from this
Once a game is going I wouldn't notice the first 2, if the PC's under the desk. But the real noisy one from the video is also here. I hope it dies first, bet it out lives me. After a bit it just becomes background noise.

Reply 30 of 55, by chinny22

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I'm happy enough to now call this finished (yeh right) but all that's left is little things that can wait.

Here you can see the most recent addition, lots of Aerocool Dead Silence fans.

Got a 14cm for the top and 3 12cm fans for the front and side. All in matching blue. The original 12cm fan is also on the back. I have the 2 front as intake and the rest as exhaust. The CPU's only get slightly warm now, even under load and as a bonus it shifts enough cool air around the little cubby hole when the Prolient 1600 (Also a duel P3 600) is also on, which used to be quite warm when it shared the spot with a dead HP ML 310.

And here is the inside with the fan cables now all nice and tidy

I've replaced a front panel until I order a replacement gotek drive and still want to max out the Ram. Even further down the track I still want to reunite this with the original case and use the Antec 300 on something else, but that's long, long way down the track.

I was surprised how many games DID work in Windows 2000, One of the Need for Speeds gave trouble so just installed all 3 (NFS3, 4 and Porsche) in 98 as they are based on the same engine. The only other game was Return Fire which "cant be installed in Windows NT" That game is older then time itself and needs Windows to be running at 256 colours so that's fair enough. Every other game from some early 9x games like Warcraft 2 battlenet, KKND, Powerslide installed fine and is so much more stable. I have a new favourite OS for 9x gaming now!

Edit -updated pics URL

Last edited by chinny22 on 2018-06-13, 11:23. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 31 of 55, by oerk

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chinny22 wrote:

I was surprised how many games DID work in Windows 2000, One of the Need for Speeds gave trouble so just installed all 3 (NFS3, 4 and Porsche) in 98 as they are based on the same engine. The only other game was Return Fire which "cant be installed in Windows NT" That game is older then time itself and needs Windows to be running at 256 colours so that's fair enough. Every other game from some early 9x games like Warcraft 2 battlenet, KKND, Powerslide installed fine and is so much more stable. I have a new favourite OS for 9x gaming now!

That's good to hear, since I much prefer Windows 2000 over 98. Stability und usability is much better, I have nothing but fond memories of 2000. Just wish it would boot a little faster. Once I reinstall my Athlon machine, it's going to be dual boot 98/2000 also.

Reply 32 of 55, by chinny22

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Visited the family in Australia earlier this year so did a bit of a stocktake of what I still have at my parents. This is the motherboards original case.
I will bring it back with me on one of my visits home and reunite the 2 but maybe wait till I'm no longer living in a flat!


Behind door number 1

Behind door number 2

Plenty of space inside!

Round the back

Close up of the Redundant PSU

I cant remember if the 32x CD drive is original, the 12x defiantly isn't.
One of the HDD's is out of a HP Workstation -Long gone, and the other is probably original, both less then 8GB

PSU seems to be a Emacs RPD-5300F

Reply 33 of 55, by shamino

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That is an amazing case. I have too many mid-towers and nothing as nice as this.

Reply 34 of 55, by digicube

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Is it possible to install Windows NT 4.0 on a Asus P2B-D motherboard? Asus website only list Win9x drivers.

Reply 36 of 55, by chinny22

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digicube wrote on 2020-12-24, 23:36:

Is it possible to install Windows NT 4.0 on a Asus P2B-D motherboard? Asus website only list Win9x drivers.

Did you have success? Driver wise it'll just use the same drives as any other BX motherboard

Reply 37 of 55, by digicube

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Where can I download Windows 95 USB driver for Asus P2B-D? I installed XUSBSUPP but it still has a ? in device manager.

Reply 38 of 55, by chinny22

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Did you install the chipset drivers?
Easiest place to find them is on Phils page. Your after the 2nd option, 3.20.1008.zip
