First post, by Grub3r
I've come across a quite humid FIC 486-VIP-IO system with an ATI Mach32 Graphic Wonder VLB card.
after letting it dry for some weeks i assembled the system again(ram/video) and tried to start with no video output/no beep(the keyboard numlock light could be turned on/off)
I tried both VLB slots on the mainboard with no luck.
I installed a SIS PCI video card and it it booted/beeped with video output just fine.
this is my first 486 system and I've never seen a VLB card until now, studied the manual but couldn't find any config regarding setting up a VLB cards.
output on video jumper is on VGA(but that is only for monitor if I understand correctly)
are there any special procedures to install a VLB card generally or this particular ATI card?