last programming project

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First post, by ncmark

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Rank Oldbie

One of the last programming projects I was working on - granted this was many years back now.
Actually had two programs - both written in pure assembly. The first read sectors off a floppy and displayed the contents. Also allowed you to edit the contents.
The second program read the FAT and gave you a listing of files.
Both used BIOS calls - no DOS
I eventually wanted to combine the two - highlight a file and then switch to a graphical view of the FAT to show you which sectors are allocated to that file. Next step would have been determine file size and actually open the file.
Would have been the first step toward an OS - like DOS 0.10
But....I gave up on it....what's the point

Reply 1 of 1, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie

FAT is an inasanely easy system to work with. I wrote a pure asm program to 'quick format' a disk (before quick format was a thing 🤣), and all it did was mark non bad FAT entries as empty. takes all of a second. FAT is quite simple.

it only gets a bit tricky when you have LFN's in the fat.

I'd say, go for it, not "whats the point", this is a hobby, if its fun, go for it. if its not fun... then dont!

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--