First post, by Imperious

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This is my original Voodoo 1, a Diamond Monster 3D rev D. A while back it was starting to randomly lock up after varying periods of gaming, eventually
deteriorating to the point leading to the screen below upon trying to start anything.
I was thinking the worst as in bad FBI or TMU but thanks to a fantastic repair video by vswitchzero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFucW4uB5k I got some ideas.
I have been able to do some diagnostic tests leading to the hopefully accurate conclusion that it has 1 or more bad ram ics connected to the FBI chip.
Testing only in Dos with TombRaider I started by playing around with the SST settings for the TMU in autoexec.bat.
I tried turning it off or on and running with 0, 1, 2 mb ram.
That was giving some non repeatable symptoms. Sometimes the game would run without any texture mapping, sometimes not. Other times
the game didn't run at all just exited with a cannot load texture map error.
The last thing I tried was to alter the amount of ram available to the FBI chip to 1MB and that got Tomb Raider up and running albeit with random
glitches. I had already tested all pins on the FBI and TMU ics, they are solid. I did resolder the ram chips and then tested all the pins connections to
the FBI chip and again there are no issues there.
So next step is to remove and replace the ram ic's connected to the FBI chip. All textures are good so will say highly unlikely any problems with the TMU or the 2MB ram.

I hope this helps some people as there are very few voodoo 1 repair videos or blogs anywhere and a lot more for voodoo 2's.

Last edited by Imperious on 2023-02-27, 13:14. Edited 3 times in total.

Atari 2600, TI994a, Vic20, c64, ZX Spectrum 128, Amstrad CPC464, Atari 65XE, Commodore Plus/4, Amiga 500
PC's from XT 8088, 486, Pentium MMX, K6, Athlon, P3, P4, 775, to current Ryzen 5600x.

Reply 1 of 5, by Imperious

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Atari 2600, TI994a, Vic20, c64, ZX Spectrum 128, Amstrad CPC464, Atari 65XE, Commodore Plus/4, Amiga 500
PC's from XT 8088, 486, Pentium MMX, K6, Athlon, P3, P4, 775, to current Ryzen 5600x.

Reply 2 of 5, by Imperious

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Rank Oldbie

I finally got around to removing the FBI memory ics . Took it into work where there is a hot air solder station. I cleaned all the solder on the removed ics as I wanted to test the memory
and also test the replacement memory to avoid soldering in another faulty ic. It took a while but I finally found a copy of Video memory stress test 1.21 (attached below)
I have a 2mb S3 Trio 64 v2 and a couple of S3 Virge DX's so I used them to test the old memory 1st. One of the Voodoo's memory ics tested bad but there were no errors as
such, just it only identified 1mb when 2mb was installed. The card sees either 1mb or 2mb so I just swapped out one of ic's for testing. If anyone tries this the sockets eventually
get a bit loose as they are not really designed for repeated swapping of ics in and out. I had to spread out the memory pins to get the original ics working again in the s3 trio.
Soldered the new ics in and all good now. Pics below.

Last edited by Imperious on 2023-02-27, 13:47. Edited 1 time in total.

Atari 2600, TI994a, Vic20, c64, ZX Spectrum 128, Amstrad CPC464, Atari 65XE, Commodore Plus/4, Amiga 500
PC's from XT 8088, 486, Pentium MMX, K6, Athlon, P3, P4, 775, to current Ryzen 5600x.

Reply 3 of 5, by Imperious

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successful tests

Atari 2600, TI994a, Vic20, c64, ZX Spectrum 128, Amstrad CPC464, Atari 65XE, Commodore Plus/4, Amiga 500
PC's from XT 8088, 486, Pentium MMX, K6, Athlon, P3, P4, 775, to current Ryzen 5600x.

Reply 4 of 5, by stef80

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35ns EDO chips ... nice. In most cases it was 50ns for early V1s.
What equipment did you use for soldering/desoldering?
Great job, btw 😉.

Reply 5 of 5, by Imperious

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Rank Oldbie

I have a standard Hakko Soldering station at home and I used a Hakko FR-803 desoldering station at work. Other than that just solder braid and flux.
There is a bit too much solder on the pins but doesn't matter as no shorts.

Atari 2600, TI994a, Vic20, c64, ZX Spectrum 128, Amstrad CPC464, Atari 65XE, Commodore Plus/4, Amiga 500
PC's from XT 8088, 486, Pentium MMX, K6, Athlon, P3, P4, 775, to current Ryzen 5600x.