First post, by superfury

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Anyone knows what the actual meaning of bits 4/5 of the 8042 output port is?

OSdev (https://wiki.osdev.org/%228042%22_PS/2_Contro … ler_Output_Port) says it's the status of IRQ1 and output buffer full from first/second PS/2 port (so basically bits 0 and 5 of the status register in 2 bits). So setting bit 5 will set bits 0&5 of the status register and IRQ12 and clear IRQ1. Otherwise, setting bit 4 will set bit 0 of the status register and IRQ2 and clear bit 5 of the status register. If neither is set, bits 0&5 of the status register will be cleared and IRQ1 and IRQ12 lowered?

Or is what Bochs says correct? It's just an input/output buffer full status mirror? What happens when software tries setting/clearing those bits and setting them to a different value than read? Or are they ROM (so writes have no effect on them)?

UniPCemu currently uses them as a output buffer full flag for first/second PS/2 port (according to OSdev).

Anyone knows the truth?

Re: 8042 operation and command set
Apparently they aren't the buffer full/aux bits? They're just the IRQ lines driven by the 8042? So the status register is unaffected by it, but changes in the status affects it to raise/lower IRQ lines instead?

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Reply 1 of 13, by superfury

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Hmmm... What happens if software writes the 8042 output port and the buffer is filled due to incoming data? Or is that prohibited from happening? Can that cause a loss of interrupt?

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Reply 2 of 13, by Battler

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- superfury: From what I see in the disassembled and commented IBM AT and PS/2 8042 firmwares on halicery (you need to use the Wayback Machine now since the site is now gone), commands are not processed until IBF is clear (ie. there is no incoming data to be read).

Reply 3 of 13, by superfury

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Battler wrote on 2023-09-18, 18:55:

- superfury: From what I see in the disassembled and commented IBM AT and PS/2 8042 firmwares on halicery (you need to use the Wayback Machine now since the site is now gone), commands are not processed until IBF is clear (ie. there is no incoming data to be read).

OK. Just prevented the input buffer from being handled and emptied while the output buffer is filled with a command to execute. So the CPU needs to read it (lowering it's IRQ) from port 60h before the input buffer starts to be handled during the next 12 clock tick(s) after.

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Reply 4 of 13, by Battler

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And it looks like I typo'd above, I meant, until OBF is clear. Basically, there's two conditions for a command to be processed: IBF set and OBF clear, ie. there must be a byte in the input buffer and nothing in the output buffer.

Reply 5 of 13, by superfury

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Battler wrote on 2023-09-19, 14:49:

And it looks like I typo'd above, I meant, until OBF is clear. Basically, there's two conditions for a command to be processed: IBF set and OBF clear, ie. there must be a byte in the input buffer and nothing in the output buffer.

Does that apply to all commands? What about their parameters?

- 8042 command byte
- byte to first ps/2 output buffer parameter
- byte to second ps/2 output buffer parameter
- security string byte
- output port parameter
- vram write parameter

I've currently applied it to all of the above. I only didn't apply it to the normal first/second ps/2 port outputs (they aren't a 8042 command anyways, other than the 8042 escape for the second ps/2 port that is).

Or is it only applicable to the first/second ps/2 output buffer and the output port parameters?
Does it apply to the 8042 command byte itself as well?

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
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Reply 6 of 13, by superfury

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OK. Just found a bug in the 8042, where it encounters a 8042 with full input buffer trying to set A20 on the i440fx (trying to flash the BIOS ROM). That now failed because the 8042 ignored the write to the 8042 output port because the input buffer was full (so it didn't properly abort, clearing the buffer in a half kind of way (clearing the write flag that indicates the write be handled when it shouldn't).

Seeing that fixed now, the BIOS does some initialization. Then I see it tries to write the buffer (but the input buffer is full, so it's blocked). Then, once the 8042 output buffer is actually cleared during POST (about when starting the RAM counting on the display), it's processed and sets A20 high. After that it seems to behave normally.

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
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Reply 7 of 13, by Battler

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It always applies - if the input buffer is not full, then the keyboard controller has not received a byte, and if the output buffer is full, then there's a byte pending for the host to read. A command that wants one of more parameters is processed after every byte - if it wants more bytes, it repeats the same wait for all of them.

This also means that the host must make sure to wait for IBF to be cleared (which indicates the firmware running on the 8042 has accepted the byte previously sent by the host) and read any sent bytes (so OBF is cleared, if at all set) before sending anything.

Reply 8 of 13, by superfury

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Although this issue is old, I noticed one odd thing with the latest CPU bugfixes.

When the BIOS executes, I see it writing 0xDD and 0xDF to the output port for some odd reason, on the i440fx (don't know about other architectures yet)? It's probably enabling and disabling the A20 line, but also keeps re-triggering the IRQ line that way?

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
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Reply 9 of 13, by Battler

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Bits 4 and 5 of P2 are the IRQ bits on a PS/2 keyboard controller - on a PS/2 keyboard controller, OBF is not actually wired to any IRQ, the IRQ's are instead wired to those P2 bits. This was done in order to be able to have two IRQ's, ie. the extra IRQ (IRQ 12) when the data is from the second device (the mouse).

Also, the IRQ's on a PS/2 controller are level-triggered - usually connected to a latch. So only toggling bit 1 should not be re-issuing any IRQ.

Reply 10 of 13, by superfury

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Battler wrote on 2024-06-06, 02:39:

Bits 4 and 5 of P2 are the IRQ bits on a PS/2 keyboard controller - on a PS/2 keyboard controller, OBF is not actually wired to any IRQ, the IRQ's are instead wired to those P2 bits. This was done in order to be able to have two IRQ's, ie. the extra IRQ (IRQ 12) when the data is from the second device (the mouse).

Also, the IRQ's on a PS/2 controller are level-triggered - usually connected to a latch. So only toggling bit 1 should not be re-issuing any IRQ.

Then what happens with a write of the Output Port (command D1) to set/clear A20 (DDh/DFh)? That would imply always setting IRQ12 high(DD/DF=110111x1)? Or does it do a special check ((comand&~2)==0xDD)) to only affect bit 2?
Other than affecting the clock/data bits in there (bits 2-3 and 6-7). Or are those ROM?

So perhaps 0xDD/0xDF special cased (only bit 2 used) and bits 2-3 and 6-7 acting ROMmed? Wouldn't make sense to allow bits 2-3 and 6-7 to be writable, since it messes up hardware timing?

Edit: It's slightly more complicated, it seems:
8042 operation and command set

Apparently, the IRQ pins are effectively read-only when the interrupts are in use (I think that means that the bits 0-1 of the Controller Configuration RAM (byte 0 that's written by command 60h) are set respectively for those two bits, bit 0 set for bit 4 to be unwritable and bit 1 set for bit 5 to be unwritable).

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
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Reply 11 of 13, by Battler

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What BIOS is doing that? Because DD and DF make perfect sense on an AT keyboard controller - bits 4 and 5 are not used there at all.

As for the case of PS/2 - remember that later KBC's and chipsets tend to have a "Fast A20" mode where writes to P2 only affect bit 1.

Reply 12 of 13, by superfury

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Battler wrote on 2024-06-14, 23:27:

What BIOS is doing that? Because DD and DF make perfect sense on an AT keyboard controller - bits 4 and 5 are not used there at all.

As for the case of PS/2 - remember that later KBC's and chipsets tend to have a "Fast A20" mode where writes to P2 only affect bit 1.

The i440fx motherboard BIOS is doing that multiple times during POST. It's clearly writing to the output port (sending command D1 to port 64h, then sending the DD/DF to port 60h).

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
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Reply 13 of 13, by Battler

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By then, keyboard controller-levle fast A20 was already a thing, and in that case on D1 DD/DF, only bit 1 is changed.