First post, by schlang

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Rank Oldbie

Hi, I have a 4-port KVM with DVI/PS2 ports, and what I want to do is to use the same PC with two different KVM inputs.
The reason behind this is, I have a Geforce4 with DVI output, but when I play 3Dfx games, the VGA signal of the Voodoo2 goes into a VGA-DVI converter.

Is there a Y-cable so I can use the same PS2 connectors of the mainboard with two different input cables at tghe same time?

PC#1: K6-III+ 400 | 512MB | Geforce4 | Voodoo1 | SB Live | AWE64 | GUS PNP Pro
PC#2: 486DX2-66 | 64MB | Riva128 | AWE64 | GUS PNP | PAS16
PC#3: 386DX-40 | 32MB | CL-GD5434 | SB Pro | GUS MAX | PAS16

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Reply 1 of 4, by Disruptor

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Rank Oldbie

Basically there do exist splitter / Y cables that use all 6 pins of the PS/2 connector:
Shared: Power, Ground
Keyboard: Clock, Data
Mouse: Clock, Data

It just depends on how your KVM is wired internally.

Which KVM do you use?
Can you post a picture please?

Reply 2 of 4, by schlang

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Rank Oldbie
Disruptor wrote on 2024-04-07, 17:33:
Basically there do exist splitter / Y cables that use all 6 pins of the PS/2 connector: Shared: Power, Ground Keyboard: Clock, D […]
Show full quote

Basically there do exist splitter / Y cables that use all 6 pins of the PS/2 connector:
Shared: Power, Ground
Keyboard: Clock, Data
Mouse: Clock, Data

It just depends on how your KVM is wired internally.

Which KVM do you use?
Can you post a picture please?

thats what I'm using


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PC#1: K6-III+ 400 | 512MB | Geforce4 | Voodoo1 | SB Live | AWE64 | GUS PNP Pro
PC#2: 486DX2-66 | 64MB | Riva128 | AWE64 | GUS PNP | PAS16
PC#3: 386DX-40 | 32MB | CL-GD5434 | SB Pro | GUS MAX | PAS16

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Reply 3 of 4, by Disruptor

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Rank Oldbie
schlang wrote on 2024-04-07, 23:05:

thats what I'm using

Ah, then I got your message wrong.

It looks like you need 2 channels for one PC - one for the VooDoo VGA output and one for the GeForce DVI output.
You don't want to use the VooDoo VGA input connector.
But you just have one input for them.
Have you considered of using an USB to PS/2 adapter?
Then you have 2 inputs and can split them to the KVM.

(I'd like to find just the same KVM you have.)
Can you test whether your KVM supports 1920x1080 (or 1920x1200) output?
It is officially for up to 1280x1024.

Reply 4 of 4, by schlang

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Rank Oldbie

Yeah the problem with the USB/PS2 adapter is that it only works in Windows.
The KVM supports 1600x1200 without issues and with 1920x1080 there was some random flickering which would come and go randomly.

PC#1: K6-III+ 400 | 512MB | Geforce4 | Voodoo1 | SB Live | AWE64 | GUS PNP Pro
PC#2: 486DX2-66 | 64MB | Riva128 | AWE64 | GUS PNP | PAS16
PC#3: 386DX-40 | 32MB | CL-GD5434 | SB Pro | GUS MAX | PAS16

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