Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 43600 of 54413, by Shponglefan

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Picked up this Tandy 1000 HX locally today. It came with a CM-5 monitor, although I've got it hooked up to a Packard Bell CGA/EGA screen here.

Seems in great shape, both drives seem to work perfectly.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 43601 of 54413, by BitWrangler

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Must. Resist. The. Wedge. Of. Cuteness.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 43602 of 54413, by BitWrangler

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luckybob wrote on 2022-03-30, 20:59:

to say nothing of quad-floppy support.

Well spotted, also good advice, first rule of quad floppy club, don't talk about quad floppy club. ... otherwise you'll find yourself having to explain it and it gets to be like a tech version of Who's on First.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 43603 of 54413, by Repo Man11

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Joseph_Joestar wrote on 2022-03-30, 10:16:

Just got this Gainward GeForce4 Ti4200 for 10 EUR from my local classifieds:


Condition was unknown/untested and the stock cooler was full of dust and grime. I didn't dare fire up the card in that state, so I replaced the cooler with a DeepCool v65 after putting on a fresh coat of thermal paste. At first, the card wouldn't boot, just displaying a black screen. But after thoroughly cleaning the contacts with isopropyl alcohol, it came back to life! I ran some quick tests and everything seems to be working correctly. Needless to say, I'm extremely happy with this bargain purchase.

I had a red MSI Ti 4200 that I bought in 2003. Here it is with my 8K3A+, an Athlon 1700+, a Thermalright AX7, and my fancy added video card cooler. It had replaced a Cardex 64 megabyte Ti 4200 that I bought in October of 2002 that failed while still under warranty. When I got the warranty replacement one, I gave it to a friend as a wedding present.

"I'd rather be rich than stupid" - Jack Handey

Reply 43604 of 54413, by appiah4

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Repo Man11 wrote on 2022-03-31, 05:46:

I had a red MSI Ti 4200 that I bought in 2003. Here it is with my 8K3A+, an Athlon 1700+, a Thermalright AX7, and my fancy added video card cooler. It had replaced a Cardex 64 megabyte Ti 4200 that I bought in October of 2002 that failed while still under warranty. When I got the warranty replacement one, I gave it to a friend as a wedding present.

"Here man, have a Ti 4200. I'm sure you'd rather play a game than get laid now that you're married. If you have even the choice, that is."

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 43605 of 54413, by appiah4

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Got this POS for 5 bucks. Cases are kinda rare these days. I really want a horizontal desktop AT 😒

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 43606 of 54413, by Cuttoon

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-03-31, 11:33:

Got this POS for 5 bucks.

That is actually a good catch. The compact setup with the vertical PSU spot is rather rare, I'd say. It's no InWin A500 but has the same nice geometry.
I'm watching an PII offer on Ebay atm, mostly for the case of that type.
(Edit ...aaand it passed 40 € with hours to go, so I'm not going to buy that one, Live!Drive, GA-6BXC mobo and quality case be damned.)

appiah4 wrote on 2022-03-31, 11:33:

Cases are kinda rare these days. I really want a horizontal desktop AT 😒

You mean a full height, standard AT case, not a pizza box?
I used to think those were the more common ones and still would say they're about 50:50 over the whole ~15 years of AT cases?
I have one NOS on the heap I can't quite decide what to put in. Rather boring one, no "MHz" display.

I like jumpers.

Reply 43607 of 54413, by appiah4

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Yeah lools like a cheap A500 clone is why I got it. I will move my Socket A Voodoo 3 rig to this.

Yeah that full height AT desktop case is what I lack and covet. Pretty rare where I live. PCs went mainstream with the Yahoo craze around 98-99 so most AT cases around here are cheap Taiwanese baby at mini towers..

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 43608 of 54413, by Cuttoon

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-03-31, 12:15:

Yeah lools like a cheap A500 clone is why I got it. I will move my Socket A Voodoo 3 rig to this.

Yeah that full height AT desktop case is what I lack and covet. Pretty rare where I live. PCs went mainstream with the Yahoo craze around 98-99 so most AT cases around here are cheap Taiwanese baby at mini towers..

If it's not too confidential, where do you live, roughly?
Because, after all the globalization BS of the last decades, I'm sometimes amazed that there actually are some local differences left.
Like, apparently, the Amiga was much more popular in Germany than most other places.

And maybe, there's a half of the world where people frown upon boxes on their desks and prefer tower cases below them?

I like jumpers.

Reply 43609 of 54413, by appiah4

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I live in Turkey.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 43610 of 54413, by Nexxen

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-03-31, 13:03:

I live in Turkey.

Ok, that was lame. 😀

The country is big, but is the market for old computers as big?

PC#1 Pentium 233 MMX - 98SE
PC#2 PIII-1Ghz - 98SE/W2K

Reply 43611 of 54413, by Repo Man11

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andrea wrote on 2022-03-30, 19:24:
Repo Man11 wrote on 2022-03-30, 18:22:

Seasonic suggested I contact this place, and they just replied to my email that they have cables which will work. https://www.moddiy.com/

But as I mentioned before, I now have three different power supplies that I got for free or for cheap that have this issue, and I find it frustrating because the missing cables almost certainly were left in the original box because they weren't needed at the time, then someone threw the box away because "Why am I saving this box?"

chrismeyer6 wrote on 2022-03-30, 18:28:

I'm glad to see you found a solution. Sadly I've been in the same boat with modular power supplies

I've seen on Aliexpress several types of "Corsair" modular PSU cables going for very cheap. Even if your PSU is not a Corsair, once you know its pinout you should be able to easily repin the PSU-side molex of the modular lead to match your needs. Otherwise I fear that buying the proper model-specific cables, especially if it's a less common model or if you need more than one or two will end up costing more than an equivalent, complete, supply.

Yes, the cables from the place Seasonic suggested aren't inexpensive. I contacted a Chinese vendor on Ebay asking if their cable would work, or if they sold ones that would, and their answer was right to the point. Finding the pin outs and doing it myself might be my only low cost option.

"I'd rather be rich than stupid" - Jack Handey

Reply 43612 of 54413, by Repo Man11

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I especially enjoyed this comment on this video. My discovery that these cables aren't interchangeable didn't come at the price of any damaged hardware, but it could have.


"I'd rather be rich than stupid" - Jack Handey

Reply 43613 of 54413, by BitWrangler

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Cuttoon wrote on 2022-03-31, 11:43:

Live!Drive, GA-6BXC mobo and quality case be damned.

If those are called out in the description it's going north of $150

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 43614 of 54413, by Kahenraz

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Repo Man11 wrote on 2022-03-31, 15:08:

I especially enjoyed this comment on this video. My discovery that these cables aren't interchangeable didn't come at the price of any damaged hardware, but it could have.

You can also buy an inexpensive ATX power supply tester; this is how I test my cables. This way, you can validate whatever guesswork or testing you've done on a consumable, rather than an expensive motherboard.

Reply 43615 of 54413, by Repo Man11

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Kahenraz wrote on 2022-03-31, 17:15:
Repo Man11 wrote on 2022-03-31, 15:08:

I especially enjoyed this comment on this video. My discovery that these cables aren't interchangeable didn't come at the price of any damaged hardware, but it could have.

You can also buy an inexpensive ATX power supply tester; this is how I test my cables. This way, you can validate whatever guesswork or testing you've done on a consumable, rather than an expensive motherboard.

Good point - I actually have one, and I just purchased a pin removal tool; I'll be using it to test my work when I rework cables for my Seasonic PSU.

"I'd rather be rich than stupid" - Jack Handey

Reply 43616 of 54413, by BitWrangler

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I am confident enough of my basic multimeter skillz that I just grab any old PSU cables I see and reconfigure them as necessary. Got a small stash of spares I just fish into when need arises.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 43617 of 54413, by appiah4

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Nexxen wrote on 2022-03-31, 14:24:
Baklava! Ok, that was lame. :) […]
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appiah4 wrote on 2022-03-31, 13:03:

I live in Turkey.

Ok, that was lame. 😀

The country is big, but is the market for old computers as big?

Like I said, there was little penetration of x86 PCs until the 98+ internet boom. I was lucky to have a father who was big into micros, we had an 800XL back in 87. Anyway, there was a very active Commodore scene in the 80s and early 90s, both for the C64 and Amiga, but micros were never well known or considered as education tools like they were in the west. x86 PCs only started becoming common household items when the Amiga 500 started becoming second fiddle to PC releases, that coincides mostly with the 486SX release or thereabouts. Regardless, they remained inaccessably expensive for most until very end of the 90s. The internet kind of coincided with a period when the country's economy transitioned from being a closed market to an open market, so the sound of a modem handshake kind of defined a whole generation here.. That's why those mini towers are so abundant but the desktop PCs are kind of nonexistant; x86 was largely an enthusiast thing during the 8086 through 486 years. Vast majority just had C64s and A500s.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 43618 of 54413, by Cuttoon

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-03-31, 13:03:

I live in Turkey.

ok, that feels pretty remote, economically, tbh. But why would desktops be less common? Strange. I could ask my neighbor. Or the other. Or the third one.
If you had any exchange with Berlin, I could help you out 😉

I like jumpers.

Reply 43619 of 54413, by Cuttoon

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BitWrangler wrote on 2022-03-31, 17:03:
Cuttoon wrote on 2022-03-31, 11:43:

Live!Drive, GA-6BXC mobo and quality case be damned.

If those are called out in the description it's going north of $150

They were not and I had to puzzle the mobo designation together. But the Live! is difficult to conceal in the photo.

Think now that it's over it's ok to link to it? Please correct me if not.
Definitely not my sale. But it's "parts only" and pretty crummy description so I was hoping for a good opportunity.
Got one of those for a really nice German brand p133 yesterday, it's on its way.

I like jumpers.