First post, by jaromaz
MacintoshPi is a small project that allows running full-screen versions of Apple's Mac OS 7, Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 with sound, active Internet connection and modem emulation under Raspberry Pi. All this without the manager, only a multimedia SDL2 library and from the CLI / Raspberry Pi OS Lite. This lets emulators use full power of Raspberry Pi, making them more stable and useful in combination with additional retro-software.
Installation requires running a single script "" on a clean Raspberry Pi OS Lite and waiting about two hours for the packages to compile and install.
In addition, thanks to a document contained in the project, it is possible in dual-boot to place the fastest (bare-metal) Commodore 64/128/PET emulator BMC64, thus building an interesting retro package on a single SD card. The entire MacintoshPi project runs on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, 2, 3, 3B, 3B+ (at present, it does not run on version 4).
Below you will find a short clip showing what MacintoshPi can do:
For more information please visit MacintoshPi GitHub project page: