Since this got revived, I'll add that old mice seem to last longer before having double-click problems.
Logitech wireless mice went down the toilet in the last few years. Now the range is terrible, and they don't track reliably like they used to (the cursor moves in large steps instead of moving smoothly and sometimes keeps moving after you stop moving the mouse). I find them completely unusable, even for testing.
The Microsoft Pro Intellimouse (the "gaming" re-release from a few years ago) is the first mouse I've had the scroll wheel encoder fail on. I had to disassemble it and clean the contacts once, and I need to do it again (or just get a better mouse). I don't know why a mouse like that doesn't have an optical encoder, and it looks like a custom part instead of the usual PCB-mount encoder.
Then I got a Cherry MW 2310 2.0 for a laptop mouse, and it had some double-clicking problems the last time I tried it. It seems to change DPI settings randomly as well, and someone had the really dumb idea to make it run on two AA batteries in parallel (I've been using a single battery, but I haven't used it enough to tell how good the battery life is). On the other hand, it has decent tracking (not the wired-like precision of Microsoft wireless mice, but those eat batteries and have painfully loud left and right buttons), a more reliable microswitch for the middle button instead of a tactile switch, and good wireless range.