Original Voodoo 5 6000 prototype for sale on eBay

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Reply 160 of 311, by Tetrium

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Shponglefan wrote on 2023-05-07, 17:05:

Linus Tech Tips was apparently loaned this exact card and just released a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrWfhbqURC4

Yes, I just watched it. He seemed really happy with it 😋
Even Vogons was featured in it.

bloodem wrote on 2023-05-07, 17:13:
Shponglefan wrote on 2023-05-07, 17:05:

Linus Tech Tips was apparently loaned this exact card and just released a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrWfhbqURC4

Damn, you were faster than me! 😁

Later edit: well, that was... OK, but I was hoping for an LGR video. 🙁

Considering his audience, I think he did a pretty good job. There was even some bits of information I wasn't aware of.
He does make videos about older stuff from time to time.

Funny note is him mentioning that Anthony works with vintage GPUs, so then it's gotta be real vintage hardware 😜
(Btw, is Anthony still making these cards?)

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Reply 161 of 311, by feipoa

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Shponglefan wrote on 2023-05-07, 17:05:

Linus Tech Tips was apparently loaned this exact card and just released a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrWfhbqURC4

The deal fell through? If the card wasn't sold, I guess we don't know current market value.

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 162 of 311, by Intel486dx33

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The Ship has sailed on the Voodoo cards.
They are Over Hyped and over priced for used hardware with bad manufacturing and design.

You don’t need a Voodoo card to play most DOS games in Good Quality.

The “S3 Trio64 DX”. Will play 95% of DOS games in good Quality.

I would NOT pay more than $60 for a Good used Voodoo card.

It’s more of a “Windows 98 / Pentium card.”

These Voodoo cards were Plagued with Poor design and Bad SMB manufacturing process.

Also the Voodoo GPU chip gets very HOT so you need to add a BIG fan to Cool the card.

Those little fans on the Voodoo cards are inadequate.

Reply 163 of 311, by Meatball

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At the very end near $15,000 there's a "zero" feedback bidder, whom is no longer registered. And then there's a low feedback bidder with 24 retractions in the past 12 months involved since the mid $10,000's up until the mid $14,000's. These could be contributing factors as to why the sale fell through.

Reply 164 of 311, by leileilol

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Intel486dx33 wrote on 2023-05-07, 21:36:

You don’t need a Voodoo card to play most DOS games in Good Quality.

The Voodoo5 desire is usually more than about DOS games. The VGA core is pretty much the same as the Banshee

Intel486dx33 wrote on 2023-05-07, 21:36:

The “S3 Trio64 DX”. Will play 95% of DOS games in good Quality.

that video card doesn't even exist.

long live PCem

Reply 165 of 311, by Intel486dx33

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How many Voodoo cards do you own ?
I have about 10
And 4 of them don’t work because they over heated and the capacitors burst and leaked all over the PCB
Destroying the traces.

That why there are so few of these cards around today.
Poor design, cheap components, and bad manufacturing process.

Reply 166 of 311, by leileilol

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Intel486dx33 wrote on 2023-05-07, 23:49:

That why there are so few of these cards around today.

No, there's so few cards because 3dfx closed in 2000, followed by retro influencers longing about some late 90s glory days leading to hoarding and gouging (not too unlike CRTs and common NES cartridges now)

I've only had one fastvoodoo-induced failure among my voodoos and they weren't second hand - I upgraded from them - and those Voodoos were likewise superceding the 1995-96 S3 2D cards you are refering to.

long live PCem

Reply 167 of 311, by mwdmeyer

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I've got a lot of 3dfx cards. Overall very reliable. The voodoo 3s run hot but never had an issue with them. The voodoo 2s are good too, just need to be careful not to physically damage any of the legs.

They seem more reliable than say Gefore 2 GTS, I've had a few with dead memory.

Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com

Reply 168 of 311, by TheMobRules

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The 3dfx cards are generally reliable, and leaking capacitors is not a common type failure among them. Also, the only one that one could associate to DOS gaming is the original Voodoo graphics.

I think our friend, the AI chatbot that frequents this forum and impersonates a retro computing fan, was just not properly trained with 3dfx data 😛 .

Reply 169 of 311, by feipoa

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Meatball wrote on 2023-05-07, 23:33:

At the very end near $15,000 there's a "zero" feedback bidder, whom is no longer registered. And then there's a low feedback bidder with 24 retractions in the past 12 months involved since the mid $10,000's up until the mid $14,000's. These could be contributing factors as to why the sale fell through.

OK, thanks. So market value is probably closer to 10K.

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 170 of 311, by TrashPanda

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feipoa wrote on 2023-05-08, 02:39:
Meatball wrote on 2023-05-07, 23:33:

At the very end near $15,000 there's a "zero" feedback bidder, whom is no longer registered. And then there's a low feedback bidder with 24 retractions in the past 12 months involved since the mid $10,000's up until the mid $14,000's. These could be contributing factors as to why the sale fell through.

OK, thanks. So market value is probably closer to 10K.

Market value is what ever the market is willing to pay, I doubt its even 10k.

With things being as economically fucked as they are right now that card is going to be a hard sell to anyone but a few specific people who collect such cards, and with new V5 6000 cards being produced it would be economically cheaper to buy one of them and have a guaranteed working bug free model for the non collectors out there.

Reply 171 of 311, by Horun

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To me it aint worth $300. have some voodoo cards and they are way overpriced for their functionality IMHO. Back a few decades ago a friend gave me a few Voodoo 2 12mb cause they were basically useless at the time, still are. Sorry like someone once said "a sucker born every minute" 🤣. Just my opinion..

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 172 of 311, by Minutemanqvs

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My 2 cents: hoarding hardware without actually using it as an "investment" seems stupid. Electronics is typically a thing that doesn't age well, look at all the recaps that have to be done and the BGA soldering problems. It's not like a mechanical watch that can still be repaired 200 years from now. And the "market" for buyers is very small, basically a bunch of geeks who enjoyed the hardware during their teens, trends can change quickly and good luck selling your $150 Voodoo 3 then. I'm following some auctions with very high prices on eBay for a couple of components, they don't sell since months and the buyers still expect that some day a dumb guy will have too much money in its pocket and buy it, that's just sad.

If you have 20 Voodoo 2, keep maybe 3-4 if you are really worried of wearing them out and let others enjoy the others.

As I said on the last page, the 2 Voodoo 5 6000 we bought in 2003-2004 were 800 to 1000€. Not more.

Searching a Nexgen Nx586 with FPU, PM me if you have one. I have some Athlon MP systems and cookies.

Reply 173 of 311, by rasz_pl

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Intel486dx33 wrote on 2023-05-07, 23:49:
How many Voodoo cards do you own ? I have about 10 And 4 of them don’t work because they over heated and the capacitors burst an […]
Show full quote

How many Voodoo cards do you own ?
I have about 10
And 4 of them don’t work because they over heated and the capacitors burst and leaked all over the PCB
Destroying the traces.

only V3 and up have capacitors that could potentially do it, but even then they are too young and small to actually cause track corrosion

TrashPanda wrote on 2023-05-08, 02:44:

Market value is what ever the market is willing to pay, I doubt its even 10k.


TrashPanda wrote on 2023-05-08, 02:44:

With things being as economically fucked as they are right now that card is going to be a hard sell to anyone but a few specific people who collect such cards, and with new V5 6000 cards being produced it would be economically cheaper to buy one of them and have a guaranteed working bug free model for the non collectors out there.

https://www.luxhabitat.ae/the-journal/top-10- … y-in-the-world/
no one is buying this card to play glide games 😀 its all speculation on rarity

AT&T Globalyst/FIC 486-GAC-2 Cache Module reproduction
Zenith Data Systems (ZDS) ZBIOS 'MFM-300 Monitor' reverse engineering

Reply 174 of 311, by timsdf

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Rank Newbie

It's awesome to get a video of the card before it's sold (again). Video could have been more in depth of games and benchmarks vs TNT2, Geforce2 etc. but it covered most features and weaknesses of the card well.

Test system was a good choice for compatibility too.
Linus test system:
Epox 8K5A2 VIA KT-333
Athlon XP 2200+
1024mb DDR 266mhz

Reply 175 of 311, by aaronkatrini

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Came here after watching the Linus video. Well, what can I say...

I'm partially happy to see that a well reputed Tech-Tuber did a video on it. These cards deserve all the press attention they can get, not to be stored on a private basement and rarely put on show. In all honesty I would've preferred LGR or someone else big in "Retro Tech community" , because LinusTechTips has nowdays less tips but more videos of them putting new tech in the hands of Linus and him pretending (acting) to not know how it works while trying to figure it out, I'd say I'm not pleased by this format. However I totally agree with Tetrium ("Considering his audience, I think he did a pretty good job.").

Also why did the V5-6K get such a low 3Dmark01 score? Was only one core running?

BTW, why is everyone bashing on the Voodoo cards? Bad caps, bad design, overpriced.... Isn't the fox reaching the grape?

Reply 176 of 311, by HanSolo

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Meatball wrote on 2023-05-07, 23:33:

At the very end near $15,000 there's a "zero" feedback bidder, whom is no longer registered. And then there's a low feedback bidder with 24 retractions in the past 12 months involved since the mid $10,000's up until the mid $14,000's. These could be contributing factors as to why the sale fell through.

To me that sounds like the card was never meant to be sold (Or at least not at that pricepoint)

Reply 177 of 311, by Skyscraper

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TheMobRules wrote on 2023-05-08, 02:17:

I think our friend, the AI chatbot that frequents this forum and impersonates a retro computing fan, was just not properly trained with 3dfx data 😛 .

I wonder if we ever get to know what the purpose of this whole experiment is...

Perhaps it's just a "because I could" thing.

New PC: i9 12900K @5GHz all cores @1.2v. MSI PRO Z690-A. 32GB DDR4 3600 CL14. 3070Ti.
Old PC: Dual Xeon X5690@4.6GHz, EVGA SR-2, 48GB DDR3R@2000MHz, Intel X25-M. GTX 980ti.
Older PC: K6-3+ 400@600MHz, PC-Chips M577, 256MB SDRAM, AWE64, Voodoo Banshee.

Reply 178 of 311, by mkarcher

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aaronkatrini wrote on 2023-05-08, 13:45:

Also why did the V5-6K get such a low 3Dmark01 score? Was only one core running?

The 3Dmark scores only depend on the game benches, not on the synthetic benches. The game benches in 3Dmark01 are targeted to cards supporting hardware T&L, and thus use a lot of polygons and/or lights. With the V5 architecture, all geometry and lighting calculations have to be performed on the CPU, which is the bottleneck in this case. 3Dmark99 (Direct X 6) would be a benchmark better suited to the Voodoo architecture.

Reply 179 of 311, by Shponglefan

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Minutemanqvs wrote on 2023-05-08, 06:04:

My 2 cents: hoarding hardware without actually using it as an "investment" seems stupid.

What I don't understand is people who complain about the prices of retro hardware while also sitting on a pile of retro hardware.

Prices are driven by supply and demand. If people want to ease prices of retro hardware, then making that hardware available on the market would do that.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards