First post, by JRRTolkien

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Rank Newbie

Hi, I tried to run this game on Windows 10, I installed the silent patch, but I still have problems making it work correctly, the game crashes in the character creation screen, does anyone know how to fix it?

Reply 1 of 4, by raulpuro

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Rank Newbie

The error occurs in all versions except the English, it is the front_pc.str file, each language has its own front_pc.str file, I cannot help you, I have no knowledge to modify the file or the nocd patch.

There are many people waiting to solve the error to play, where I include myself.

If you want to play, but without a guarantee of being able to finish the game, you can use the Frontend_PC.STR file in English and although it will not show any text can be intuit and when you can save, you change the file again by border_pc.str Italian.

I have uploaded the files to Mediafire in case someone wants to look at them.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/o96vjcsi8f72v8 … father.rar/file


Reply 2 of 4, by JRRTolkien

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Rank Newbie

I have the Italian version of the game and in addition to replacing the fronted_pc.str file I carried out a second procedure to try to make the change permanent, but I was only partially successful. I renamed the files in the fronted_pc\text folder with the codes of the files from the American version of the game, then I did the same thing for three of the six files in godfather_v4\text and then I also replaced the pause_pc file. Finally I edited the localtable.txt text file and changed the language to "en" in the first string.
Now I have the Italian texts that appear everywhere and the game doesn't crash when character creation. Until now I have noticed that not only the names of the NPCs are displayed, I think that to definitively resolve the only way is, as you well said, to modify the fronted_pc.stl file using an .stl editor software, I looked for some guide and I found this, I don't want to spend any more time, but maybe you can try it if you want:
https://www.reddit.com/r/battalionwarsmod/com … tr_file_editor/

Reply 3 of 4, by raulpuro

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Rank Newbie


I'm glad you can play, thanks for the information, but Python and Pyqt ... is too complex to me.


Reply 4 of 4, by mikolaj556

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Rank Newbie

Hey JRRTolkien, I have the same problem and I haven't found any fix. I have Polish version, the tutorial works etc. but I also can't name the character. Could you please share with me the codes of the files from the American Version? Or where to find them?