Reply 60 of 90, by Deksor

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Bump : browsing through the files, I noticed that there are many files that are identical and only 640 bytes in size. Looking inside them I figured out that they were error messages saying that I downloaded too much, bla bla bla ...

... Except it's not me. I tried one of the failed IDs and I still got a 640b file.

TL;DR : solvusoft made a poor backup 😅

Maybe I'll revisit all of this to get rid of them and also add the .exe vetz saw.

Maybe I could also try a second pass to find out which links still lead to a valid page on driver guide. Hopefully if there isn't too many of them maybe we could make a collaborative download to get the remaining software ?

Trying to identify old hardware ? Visit The retro web - Project's thread The Retro Web project - a stason.org/TH99 alternative

Reply 62 of 90, by Horun

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I was able to get a couple of the missing 640b files for the Gateway modem from Driverguide, also got a few off Solvu but they were not the same as on driverguide, in fact the Solvu drivers were not for the gateway modem as described.
the Gateway archive thru wayback still had the best of those files that I was searching for with DriveGuide second....
just an observation along with wayback loosing some Nvidia drivers I had links to that worked a few years ago but not now...

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 63 of 90, by Kahenraz

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vetz wrote on 2021-02-18, 19:19:
Other sites are video-drivers.com, printer-drivers.com, cdrom-drivers.com and probably more. […]
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Deksor wrote on 2021-02-18, 19:02:
I like this idea :) […]
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I like this idea 😀

Ozzuneoj wrote on 2021-02-13, 06:20:


Not sure if this site ever had the actual files available, now they just try to give you a stupid "updater" for each link, but there are THOUSANDS of file names listed here, many of them for obscure hardware. This can be a big help when searching the other sites.

This site is actually a "hotlinker" to driverguide. There are many like this one, I don't remember their names, and I don't know who made them, but all their listing are hotlinks to driverguide.

However it's still useful in a way because the pages list some content that isn't indexed by google on driverguide.
Once you've located your driver on soundcard-drivers.com, click on "more", then look at the URL. It shoul look like "http://www.soundcard-drivers.com/drivers/xxxx … /yyyyyyyyyy.htm" "yyyyyyyyy" is actually the id in Driveguide's database !
You can then type "https://www.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php … erid=yyyyyyyyyy" to get to the driver you wanted 😀

As for nvidia driver, here's a post I made on Win3x.org listing every nvidia drivers for windows 3.1x/NT3-4/9x with the version, the release date and the cards that are supposed to be compatible with it ^^

It's pretty useful when trying to match a card's release date, because I noticed drivers often got much worse some time after the release (for example : driver 3.x from 1999/2000 works perfectly on my geforce DDR, driver 21.x from 2001 is garbage for that card).

Other sites are video-drivers.com, printer-drivers.com, cdrom-drivers.com and probably more.

Unfortunately alot of the uploads do not exist any longer on driverguide.com using the trick above. According to archive.org, direct downloads on video-drivers.com were possible up untill january 2018 when it seems their CAPTCHA service either changed or went down, and then they just removed it.

Solvusoft.com seems to either be linked to Driverguide or have copied a large amount of their drivers. Here I've found drivers missing on driverguide.com. The trick is to use the ID on video-drivers.com/etc and add it to the following URL:


Where XXXXX is the ID.

Thanks for this! I used this trick to get a driver that I could only find indexed on DriverGuide.

Another trick I found is to use the following URL, with the ID on the end:


Reply 64 of 90, by Ozzuneoj

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Just wanted to post this here too.

The ftp.dyu.edu.tw has apparently been down for a while, but thankfully I had downloaded about 10GB (11,000 files) from there back in 2020, just in case it ever went down. I have uploaded it to archive.org, and it is available here:

I had read that the ability to browse and download files from inside 7z archives could sometimes be problematic, so I opted to use .zip for that reason, despite the nearly 3GB file size difference. It's far more likely that people will browse the files online than download the entire archive anyway.

Though, honestly, I'm not 100% sure if archive.org will show all 11,000 files within the zip. I looked at the list, but I'm not about to go counting them. 😀

As a super cool bonus, you can easily search this list of files in your browser, so if you're looking for an obscure file name it's very simple to search for all or part of it (in case it was renamed) via that screen.

Now for some blitting from the back buffer.

Reply 65 of 90, by Horun

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Ozzuneoj wrote on 2023-02-24, 21:23:
Just wanted to post this here too. […]
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Just wanted to post this here too.

The ftp.dyu.edu.tw has apparently been down for a while, but thankfully I had downloaded about 10GB (11,000 files) from there back in 2020, just in case it ever went down. I have uploaded it to archive.org, and it is available here:

I had read that the ability to browse and download files from inside 7z archives could sometimes be problematic, so I opted to use .zip for that reason, despite the nearly 3GB file size difference. It's far more likely that people will browse the files online than download the entire archive anyway.

Though, honestly, I'm not 100% sure if archive.org will show all 11,000 files within the zip. I looked at the list, but I'm not about to go counting them. 😀

As a super cool bonus, you can easily search this list of files in your browser, so if you're looking for an obscure file name it's very simple to search for all or part of it (in case it was renamed) via that screen.

Thanks ! I was just there a few months ago, about Xmas time, and it loaded ok. Yep is down 🙁 Will grab your archive. Thanks again !

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 66 of 90, by 0x6A7232

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Found a nice site with an old mobo not listed (Siemens D990, and when listed, I couldn't find drivers or manuals) in many other sites here: https://theretroweb.com

Reply 67 of 90, by Horun

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🤣 a member since 2019 and only 3 posts ? Guess you havent kept up with all that has gone on but Ok that is a vogons members built website 😀

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 68 of 90, by Kahenraz

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Ozzuneoj wrote on 2023-02-24, 21:23:
Just wanted to post this here too. […]
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Just wanted to post this here too.

The ftp.dyu.edu.tw has apparently been down for a while, but thankfully I had downloaded about 10GB (11,000 files) from there back in 2020, just in case it ever went down. I have uploaded it to archive.org, and it is available here:

I had read that the ability to browse and download files from inside 7z archives could sometimes be problematic, so I opted to use .zip for that reason, despite the nearly 3GB file size difference. It's far more likely that people will browse the files online than download the entire archive anyway.

Though, honestly, I'm not 100% sure if archive.org will show all 11,000 files within the zip. I looked at the list, but I'm not about to go counting them. 😀

As a super cool bonus, you can easily search this list of files in your browser, so if you're looking for an obscure file name it's very simple to search for all or part of it (in case it was renamed) via that screen.

The .tar format with compression might be another good choice for archive.org.

Reply 69 of 90, by janskjaer

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I'm trying to download old drivers for the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz. Voyetra's FTP site (ftp.voyetra.com), which is still there. However, it does require a password:

Response:	331 Password required
Response: 530 User cannot log in.

I wondered if anyone knew it, as others may have also tried to source drivers or tools from Turtle Beach.

DELL Dimension XPS M200s
:Intel P1 MMX 200MHz
:DOS 6.22/Win95b
:Matrox Millenium II + m3D (PowerVR PCX2)
Chaintech 7VJL Apogee
:AMD AthlonXP 2700+
:512MB DDR
:Win98SE/2000 SP4
:3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP

Reply 70 of 90, by Horun

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Yes the anonymous login does not work anymore AFAIK. The are SC drivers here in our library: http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?file … 507&menustate=0 and at archive org and driverguide.
Someone posted the 2001 original cdrom and a few other drivers: https://archive.org/search?query=%28turtle%20 … santa%20cruz%29

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 71 of 90, by Horun

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I grabbed all the web pages from Ellatha.com from ALL section (good source for finding many old website names to use in wayback machine). Have not edited any pages except the index, works well in newer FF and IE.
source: http://web.archive.org/web/20030320092134/htt … /Computing/all/
Attached the stuff below......

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 72 of 90, by BitWrangler

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One of the rare few places you can even find mention of the Ambra line of PCs any more never mind any support...

I was also intending to post an AST support page, but it must be bookmarked on another machine... will add in edit.

Edit: aha, here it is https://www.sandyflat.net/digerati/ast486/pre … files/index.htm other AST file listing on menu at left towards the bottom, AST BIOS AST Drivers etc

Quite handy since ari-service.com is dead on the web and archive didn't catch much from it.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 73 of 90, by Horun

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Good work ! I vaguely remember Sandyflat, did not know ari-service was totally dead, have not been there in a while , a few years. Thanks !
added: a quick test of this page did get some files (only tried a few): http://web.archive.org/web/20081025060122/htt … th=/ftp/d-bios/
was able to grab those files from old ari-service, will post em
added: put them in our library here: http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?file … 6&menustate=0,0
Thanks Bitwrangler !

Last edited by Horun on 2023-11-22, 14:31. Edited 1 time in total.

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 74 of 90, by darry

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Ambra, that's a blast from the past!

I remember one of their TV commercials that had a gospel themed musical score. There was a reference in it to "trusting one's inner power".

I need to try to find that.

Reply 76 of 90, by Chkcpu

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-01-22, 07:48:
Not sure if this site is listed anywhere here on Vogons, but I have used it a bit of late and perhaps it can be of use to others […]
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Not sure if this site is listed anywhere here on Vogons, but I have used it a bit of late and perhaps it can be of use to others.


Its got a ton of latest BIOS files for Super 7 board that provide K62+ and K63+ bios files and also modded Bios files for boards that never got updates to support these CPUs, the modded files also bring 128gb drive support to many boards that never got it.

Its fairly comprehensive and covers a lot of boards, also has a good bit of info about may of the bios files and modded files and what boards and revisions they are for.

This K6plus BIOS repository has moved to:

Cheers, Jan

CPU Identification utility
The Unofficial K6-2+ / K6-III+ page

Reply 77 of 90, by eisapc

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Bondi wrote on 2023-12-10, 11:25:

An archived copy of some german file repository with lots of drivers and old stuff https://web.archive.org/web/20000621143458/ht … ware_index.html

Good to know its there, they have some interesting files I was not able to find elsewhere yet,
like the AHA154x BIOS with the alternate Boot-adress.
Vobis was a major PC-dealer in Germany in the 90s.

Reply 78 of 90, by tauro

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Great thread, thanks to all of you who shared links and uploaded the collections.

This website hasn't been mentioned. It contains lots of software and drivers with direct links. It's still up.