Reply 26100 of 29186, by mrfusion92

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First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores.

Screenshot 2023-12-01 12-49-09.png
Screenshot 2023-12-01 12-49-09.png
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802.32 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception
File size
1.39 MiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception
File size
980.11 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 26101 of 29186, by Tiido

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PcBytes wrote on 2023-12-01, 09:18:

(though with some patience and a bit of dremeling, I reckon it's possible to turn it into stereo).

Turning a mono machine into a stereo one may be a significant undertaking, the drum needs to have the 2 extra heads for stereo support to and any required chips in signal path present for it. Linear audio/mono signal path is completely separate from one of stereo.

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 26102 of 29186, by vmr_

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smtkr wrote on 2023-12-01, 02:21:

And what appears to be a distinctly Canopus graphics card (which one, I can't tell).

Geforce 2 MX400.

correct. Interestingly enough it nearly beats Canopus Spectra X20 Geforce3 in 3dMark 99 and 3dMark2000, need to do more tests.
Possibly with Pentium III 1GHZ SL4KL, as I used a PIII 800MHz for the dust off tests

Retro builds & sandbox
IBM XT 5160 | 286 | 386 | 486 | S4 SI5PI AIO & S4 Batman + P60 SX828
S8 & PPro 200 | SS7 FW 5VGF & Asus P5A & AOpen AX59PRO K6-III+ 550MHz
Asus K7M Athlon 1Ghz GDF | Abit SH6 Pentium III 1GHz SL4KL...

Reply 26103 of 29186, by vmr_

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mrfusion92 wrote on 2023-12-01, 12:16:

First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores.

Really like this setup, have you tried a PIII 1GHZ dual CPU on Asus P2B-D or equivalent?

Retro builds & sandbox
IBM XT 5160 | 286 | 386 | 486 | S4 SI5PI AIO & S4 Batman + P60 SX828
S8 & PPro 200 | SS7 FW 5VGF & Asus P5A & AOpen AX59PRO K6-III+ 550MHz
Asus K7M Athlon 1Ghz GDF | Abit SH6 Pentium III 1GHz SL4KL...

Reply 26104 of 29186, by ubiq

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mrfusion92 wrote on 2023-12-01, 12:16:
First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores. Screenshot 2023-12-01 12-49-09.png […]
Show full quote

First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores.
Screenshot 2023-12-01 12-49-09.png

Huh, the Slot 1 slots are reversed from pretty much any other board I've seen. I've seen regular and dual slot 1 boards with the slots perpendicular to this orientation, but never flipped like this.

Anyway, enjoy! I've got a dual slot 1 build that I got going a while ago and haven't really put it through its paces yet. Failed to get SMP Q3A running, I remember that...

Reply 26105 of 29186, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++
vmr_ wrote on 2023-12-01, 15:25:
mrfusion92 wrote on 2023-12-01, 12:16:

First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores.

Really like this setup, have you tried a PIII 1GHZ dual CPU on Asus P2B-D or equivalent?

That's on my to do list, have a "fixer upper" P2B-D lurking around, two s370 1Ghz PIII and a number of slotkets to persuade into working with them. Not quite sure what gfx will go with it, I might give it a Gf3.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 26107 of 29186, by ubiq

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BitWrangler wrote on 2023-12-02, 02:55:
vmr_ wrote on 2023-12-01, 15:25:
mrfusion92 wrote on 2023-12-01, 12:16:

First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores.

Really like this setup, have you tried a PIII 1GHZ dual CPU on Asus P2B-D or equivalent?

That's on my to do list, have a "fixer upper" P2B-D lurking around, two s370 1Ghz PIII and a number of slotkets to persuade into working with them. Not quite sure what gfx will go with it, I might give it a Gf3.

Hmm yeah, it was back in July - I got a couple slocketed Mendocino 533s going on an ASUS P2L97-DS. Ultimately didn't build a system with it, as I had a P2B-DS and higher sights. Currently that system has a couple SL457 P3-800s in it. I have a couple 1100MHz S370 SL5Q3s that I want to get in there, but I'm about 1 coppermine-compatible slocket short. I've been working on my soldering game, so it might be time to revisit modding one of my cheaper slockets...

File size
1.61 MiB
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Reply 26109 of 29186, by rasz_pl

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smtkr wrote on 2023-12-03, 01:07:

Those P3 800s are so power efficient, though. 21W for 800EB vs. 33W for the 1.1GHz.

scaling is almost linear, at the time your desk lamp was burning at least 60W

https://github.com/raszpl/FIC-486-GAC-2-Cache-Module for AT&T Globalyst
https://github.com/raszpl/386RC-16 memory board
https://github.com/raszpl/440BX Reference Design adapted to Kicad
https://github.com/raszpl/Zenith_ZBIOS MFM-300 Monitor

Reply 26110 of 29186, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

Downloading bios files off a motherboard makers ftp in ch before they remove everything. Got a long was to go.....filezilla reports over 100Gb still in queue..ue..ue...ewu 🤣
added: currently working on soc 1150, 1151, 1155, 1156, will work on 2011 later. Looks like elhvb.com has most of the soc 462, 478, 775, 939, 1366 stuff...

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 26111 of 29186, by mrfusion92

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Rank Member

Restored an HP Compaq nx9420 I have found at work.

I never had personally a 17'' notebook and I think this model is a very good specimen. It sports a Centrino Duo T2500 @ 2 Ghz, ATi Radeon X1600 (default res of 1440x900) and 3 GB of DDR2. With the help of the SSD now XP flies in this machine.
It's also very well built, nice full size keyboard and hinges are so sturdy.

Here it is running SimCity 4.

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1.26 MiB
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Reply 26112 of 29186, by Sphere478

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Rank l33t++
Horun wrote on 2023-12-03, 03:12:

Downloading bios files off a motherboard makers ftp in ch before they remove everything. Got a long was to go.....filezilla reports over 100Gb still in queue..ue..ue...ewu 🤣
added: currently working on soc 1150, 1151, 1155, 1156, will work on 2011 later. Looks like elhvb.com has most of the soc 462, 478, 775, 939, 1366 stuff...

Thank you that! Please re host somewhere for everyone to have access

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 26114 of 29186, by Horun

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Rank l33t++
Sphere478 wrote on 2023-12-04, 00:32:
Horun wrote on 2023-12-03, 03:12:

Downloading bios files off a motherboard makers ftp in ch before they remove everything. Got a long was to go.....filezilla reports over 100Gb still in queue..ue..ue...ewu 🤣
added: currently working on soc 1150, 1151, 1155, 1156, will work on 2011 later. Looks like elhvb.com has most of the soc 462, 478, 775, 939, 1366 stuff...

Thank you that! Please re host somewhere for everyone to have access

fek ! last night grabbed all the 1150 and 1151, tonight it times out. I will try again tomorrow.

Last edited by Horun on 2023-12-04, 14:20. Edited 2 times in total.

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 26115 of 29186, by chrismeyer6

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Nexxen wrote on 2023-12-04, 01:49:

I was checking some K6 stuff and found that amd-k6.com isn't online anymore.
Hope anyone can shed some light.

I just checked and it loads up some Chinese language site. Hopefully the original comes back as it was a great resource.

Reply 26116 of 29186, by Horun

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Rank l33t++
chrismeyer6 wrote on 2023-12-04, 02:09:
Nexxen wrote on 2023-12-04, 01:49:

I was checking some K6 stuff and found that amd-k6.com isn't online anymore.
Hope anyone can shed some light.

I just checked and it loads up some Chinese language site. Hopefully the original comes back as it was a great resource.

Owner took it down: http://web.archive.org/web/20230608041646/htt … www.amd-k6.com/
you can browse a bit: http://web.archive.org/web/20221209160436/htt … www.amd-k6.com/

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 26117 of 29186, by Shponglefan

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Rank l33t

Working on a pair of builds: Pentium 200 and Pentium Pro 200.

Pentium 200 and Pentium Pro 200 Builds.jpg
Pentium 200 and Pentium Pro 200 Builds.jpg
File size
735.77 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception

Did some stress testing of each system for about an hour each to see how cooling performed and making sure they are stable.

Pentium 200 Build in progress.jpg
Pentium 200 Build in progress.jpg
File size
790.14 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
Pentium Pro 200 Build in progress.jpg
Pentium Pro 200 Build in progress.jpg
File size
730.72 KiB
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 26118 of 29186, by H3nrik V!

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Rank Oldbie
ubiq wrote on 2023-12-02, 18:12:
BitWrangler wrote on 2023-12-02, 02:55:
vmr_ wrote on 2023-12-01, 15:25:

Really like this setup, have you tried a PIII 1GHZ dual CPU on Asus P2B-D or equivalent?

That's on my to do list, have a "fixer upper" P2B-D lurking around, two s370 1Ghz PIII and a number of slotkets to persuade into working with them. Not quite sure what gfx will go with it, I might give it a Gf3.

Hmm yeah, it was back in July - I got a couple slocketed Mendocino 533s going on an ASUS P2L97-DS. Ultimately didn't build a system with it, as I had a P2B-DS and higher sights. Currently that system has a couple SL457 P3-800s in it. I have a couple 1100MHz S370 SL5Q3s that I want to get in there, but I'm about 1 coppermine-compatible slocket short. I've been working on my soldering game, so it might be time to revisit modding one of my cheaper slockets...


What are those downright beautiful copper heatsinks? Would really match my P2B-DS and 2xCuMine 1.1 ... 😀

If it's dual it's kind of cool ... 😎

--- GA586DX --- P2B-DS --- BP6 ---

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀

Reply 26119 of 29186, by H3nrik V!

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Rank Oldbie
ubiq wrote on 2023-12-02, 00:35:
mrfusion92 wrote on 2023-12-01, 12:16:
First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores. Screenshot 2023-12-01 12-49-09.png […]
Show full quote

First power up of the DK440LX and, as most of you have guessed, it has two 266 Klamath cores.
Screenshot 2023-12-01 12-49-09.png

Huh, the Slot 1 slots are reversed from pretty much any other board I've seen. I've seen regular and dual slot 1 boards with the slots perpendicular to this orientation, but never flipped like this.

Anyway, enjoy! I've got a dual slot 1 build that I got going a while ago and haven't really put it through its paces yet. Failed to get SMP Q3A running, I remember that...

Didn't notice that CPU placement before now, but yeah, I haven't seen Slot-1s with the fan turned to the back of the motherboard before, either ...

If it's dual it's kind of cool ... 😎

--- GA586DX --- P2B-DS --- BP6 ---

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀