First post, by Kouwes

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In another thread here I asked about my AMD K6-2 533 system that worked fine but suddenly wouldn‘t go higher than 640x480. Card is a Voodoo 3 2000 PCI. As suggested, I ordered new caps for that board, it had Tayeh caps.
Haven‘t replaced them yet so I can‘t tell if it’s working now.
But I have the same problem with another PC. Always worked fine but when I switched it on yesterday the resolution in Win98 was at 640x480 and no way to change that. I tried my Panasonic CRT, didn‘t help.
Ah, the PC has a Voodoo 5 5500 AGP. So I tried a Voodoo 3 3000: same problem.
So I guess the MoBo has a problem?
The caps all look ok, and yes I know that doesn‘t say much.
Board is a P3B-F by the way.
Seems it needs new caps all well then? Any thoughts?
PSU is ok, 12.2 and 5.1V on the molex connectors.

Reply 1 of 6, by rasz_pl

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Rank l33t

>640x480 and no way to change that.

what does that mean exactly? system crashes? no other resolutions showing up? is that all in windows?

AT&T Globalyst/FIC 486-GAC-2 Cache Module reproduction
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Reply 3 of 6, by rasz_pl

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at 16 colors or any depth you want?
did you use same monitor cable for both monitors?
what monitor is installed in windows? http://ps-2.kev009.com/pcpartnerinfo/ctstips/3ff6.htm

AT&T Globalyst/FIC 486-GAC-2 Cache Module reproduction
Zenith Data Systems (ZDS) ZBIOS 'MFM-300 Monitor' reverse engineering

Reply 4 of 6, by Kouwes

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Same cable, yes. But the cable works just fine with any other PC I have.
Like I said, the Win98 desktop resolution was set at 1600x1200 when I used the PC the last time - which is like several months ago.
I usually use an HP LP2065, no problems with it. Tried another PC with Win98 and 1600x1200 worked fine so no problems with the monitor and the cable I‘d say.

Last edited by Kouwes on 2024-05-20, 12:13. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 6 of 6, by Kouwes

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rain wrote on 2024-05-20, 12:10:

It look like driver issue, which directx version you use

Not sure to be honest but then again, on that PC I only play games that support Glide - hence the Voodoo 5. Also, the desktop resolution has nothing to do with directx.
As for the driver: got it from Phil‘s site and I have been using the PC with the same setup for years.