Ensign Nemo wrote on 2024-07-08, 05:47:
I think the problem with (some) dishwashers is that they reuse water from a previous cycle as a way to conserve water. I.e. if your dishwasher does and you wash electronics in the dishwasher, then a) first your electronics will be washed in water from a previous cycle (not sure of that matters) and b) your next cycle, maybe the plates and cutlery you eat from/with, may be washed with water that might contain pollutants.
Another one would be if any residues or contaminants are left over, even if the dishwasher doesn't reuse water. I've never used a dishwasher that was 100% effective at cleaning everything that I've had on a plate. While the levels wouldn't likely be that high, I'd still be concerned over any long-term health impacts from repeated exposure. If enough people did this sort of thing, it probably wouldn't be great for the local wastewater treatment system either. I don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I thought my original comment was a reasonable health concern. Judging by the size of the average backlog, I think most people here would benefit from a few extra healthy years in their life. (-:
you people need to frigging RELAX.
Do you believe the water coming out of your tap is 100% pure H2O? Spoiler... ITS NOT. Hell, i bet a good number of you still have lead water pipes. yea, lead is toxic, and should be avoided. but an adult is usually capable of handling some, with no ill effects. 100% if you deal with lead on a daily basis, this is a different story. But washing some electronics, once in a blue moon... YOU WILL BE JUST FINE.
for fucks sake, get an old broken down dishwasher on facebook/craigslist for FREE, hook it up to a gfci outlet and a garden hose and do it outside. save the waste water if you care and send it to someone who deals with it.
good lord, some of you people desperately need to go outside and touch grass.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.