ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-08, 20:42:
Some news, I've successfully added SysEx MIDI message support to the Apogee Sound System. With this implemented, I've also added Roland MT-32 GM initialization. Currently, I can only test this on emulators, so is anyone willing to try out this new feature on a real MT-32? Thanks!
I have an actual MT-32 and would be happy to test this, but I'd need to set up a system with it.
Does FastDoom also support MIDI through the serial port, with something like the MPU-232 adapter? I have a Sound Blaster 16, but I'm not sure if I have the correct DB15 to MIDI cable to hook the MT-32 up to it.
Alternatively, I could also hook up the MT-32 through a USB MIDI adapter, which I also have. But that would only work through an emulator, so the MT-32 would be the only genuine hardware in such a setup.
Not sure what time I'll have this set up to test this for you. Hopefully some time this week or in the coming weekend.