I think Orpheus II is so long because the card is the set of multiple devices in one (just think about how much space the PCMidi part takes up).
In my humble opinion, if MK1869 Extreme adopted the layout of the Gravis UltraSound PnP Pro (substantially shorter than a SounBlaster 16) could have sockets for memory SIMs, having a card slightly longer than the ISA slot 😉
Let's be clear, I find the work done on MK1869 Extreme exceptional, I think it is more practical to have sockets for memory only to more easily maintain the card in case of memory failure, differently from what would happen with soldered chips 😅
I reiterate my idea, not to create controversy, but only to clarify the concept, certainly not correctly stated in the previous post.
I would like to thank the guys from the Orpheus team for this new and extraordinary card, for the commitment and passion they put into their work. Thank you sincerely ❤️