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Reply 340 of 743, by kolderman

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Rank l33t

Would a Trello board be useful to track issues? Maybe more focused discussion could happen there rather than the random feedback/banter that occurs here. Just a thought!

Reply 341 of 743, by schmatzler

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Rank Oldbie
hwh wrote on 2020-01-04, 03:08:

Tell you what. Here's an "old skool" opinion.

But guess what: The world doesn't stop spinning just because you want technologies back that are clearly out-of-style in the year 2020.

Nobody uses tables anymore to do webdesign - what comes next, you'd like to have frames and flash animations back?
Also: Nobody uses only text labels anymore in 2020. We have smartphones and tablets now and these don't have a lot of space, so we need to use this space in the best possible way.
It's not like the pictograms and icons used here change every second - even if you don't get them, you'll understand what they mean pretty quickly - you can also hover on all of them and a text will pop up that tells you what the button is doing.

I also think that if you actively change your browser settings to unsmooth fonts and make them more blocky, it's your own problem if some websites look worse after that. I can't even think of a site I regularly use that would work well with that.

The amount of "This website is shit" posts is really annoying, btw. I thought we were all a bunch of adults here - clearly not. This is worse than the YouTube and Facebook comment sections!

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 342 of 743, by VileR

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Rank l33t
Snover wrote on 2020-01-04, 08:01:

Please do know that I am paying attention to every person’s feedback here, both individually and in aggregate. It is my goal to do what I can to make things work well for as many members as possible within the time, resource, and technical constraints that I have. I am currently splitting my available time between responding to feedback here and actually making progress on addressing issues which have already been brought up. I currently have a list of 34 open issues which I am working on, and I am sure this list will continue to grow a bit more as I process feedback in more detail and get a better sense of exactly what people are experiencing.

Awesome, thanks for taking your time to sort things out. Keep up the good work!

I’m becoming pretty alarmed by the hyperbole, insults, snipes, and similar unprofessional conduct I’m seeing. Please remember that there is a human on the other side of the screen, and they’re here because they care about the same things that you do. Assume good faith from others. Focus on mutual goals. Be respectful of different viewpoints. It’s cool to disagree passionately; it’s not cool to be a dick about it. It’s also counterproductive in many cases—I cannot do anything useful with a post telling me that the design is a bunch of sweaty hot dumpsters from the armpit of YOUR MOM. I also don’t engage when people act like that so it is doubly counterproductive in that way.

Amen to that. I've got fairly extensive web design experience myself, and as someone who's very critical of most contemporary trends in the field, and who has seen some atrocious redesign disasters that truly deserved hot buckets of diarrhea (anyone remember MobyGames 2013?), I really can't fathom all the unmerited vitriol here.

BTW - regarding the font-hinting issue I mentioned earlier: as a measure of being constructive, here's a comparison of the current default font vs. Trebuchet MS, which is the immediate fallback option already in the CSS. Trebuchet looks a lot sharper and easier on the eyes (OFC, IMO, YMMV) but then this may only be the case on Windows.

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Reply 343 of 743, by imi

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Rank l33t
schmatzler wrote on 2020-01-04, 10:24:

We have smartphones and tablets now and these don't have a lot of space, so we need to use this space in the best possible way.

that is why mobile versions exist, no reason to butcher desktop usability for that imo.

Just because I am very critical of the changes does not mean I don't appreciate the work that is being put into this site, and I don't think I am being unreasonable with my critique.

of course it is "my fault" if I disable smoothed fonts, but I think I have made my case why that is necessary to keep crisp easy to read fonts alive, just because the general trend goes towards optimizing for mobile and hence high-DPI screens where antialiasing is no issue at all since fonts stay crisp and easy to read there and yes I do know people are already used to how "smoothed" (imo blurry) fonts look on desktop since pretty much windows 7 where cleartype has become the default and don't really know what really crisp pixel-accurate fonts used to look like (hence why I posted the screenshot) and I don't see how "I have a 4k screen and it looks fine" is a good argument when the majority of desktop users still use 1080p screens or less. Like I said, people are used to antialiased fonts, so they won't object often, but I like personally minimizing eye strain and that is why I am so passionate about that issue.

I haven't really gone further to critique the design itself in detail because until the font issue is resolved I can't really use the site anyways for now unfortunately.

Reply 344 of 743, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie

I _really_ miss the 'your posts','new posts' buttons

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Reply 345 of 743, by Qbix

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I have to temporary disabled the search functionality and thus your posts/active topics and such.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 346 of 743, by realnc

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Rank Oldbie

Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor.

Reply 347 of 743, by ifrit05

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Rank Newbie
realnc wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:15:

Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor.

Something tells me you've never been to a retro computer site that changes the mouse cursor to look like the one from it's old OS? It's a feature here on VOGONS that makes the cursor look like the one from Win95+.

Here's a site that makes the cursor look like the one from AmigaOS. https://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/UnExoticA

P3B-F v1.03 | VIA C3 Nehemiah 1GHz | 128 PC133 | GeForce4 Ti 4200 | PicoGUS

Reply 348 of 743, by realnc

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Rank Oldbie
ifrit05 wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:29:
realnc wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:15:

Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor.

Something tells me you've never been to a retro computer site that changes the mouse cursor to look like the one from it's old OS? It's a feature here on VOGONS that makes the cursor look like the one from Win95+.

Which is horrible. I don't want a w95 mouse cursor. It's too small and hard to see. And it's kind of rude, really to hijack my mouse cursor like that. It wouldn't be an issue if I could prevent that from happening, but it doesn't seem possible.

Reply 349 of 743, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie

It wasn't enough for me to formally file a complaint but that mouse cursor sure is small and hard to find on 4k screens.

I didn't realize it was supposed to be a win 95 cursor possibly because its so small...

Last edited by Shagittarius on 2020-01-04, 18:52. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 350 of 743, by dr_st

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Rank l33t
ifrit05 wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:29:

Something tells me you've never been to a retro computer site that changes the mouse cursor to look like the one from it's old OS? It's a feature here on VOGONS that makes the cursor look like the one from Win95+.

Never noticed it before and don't really like it (because it's smaller than I want it to be on my high-DPI screen); however, I can live with it.

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Reply 351 of 743, by ifrit05

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Rank Newbie

I have a HDPI screen and it isn't that bad but meh, to each their own I guess.

P3B-F v1.03 | VIA C3 Nehemiah 1GHz | 128 PC133 | GeForce4 Ti 4200 | PicoGUS

Reply 352 of 743, by citrixscu

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Rank Newbie
realnc wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:15:

Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor.

Never noticed that, either. Interesting.

Reply 353 of 743, by bjwil1991

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Rank l33t

I have my mouse cursor set to XL (my eyesight is poor) and haven't noticed anything.

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Reply 354 of 743, by Plasma

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ifrit05 wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:29:
realnc wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:15:

Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor.

Something tells me you've never been to a retro computer site that changes the mouse cursor to look like the one from it's old OS? It's a feature here on VOGONS that makes the cursor look like the one from Win95+.

Here's a site that makes the cursor look like the one from AmigaOS. https://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/UnExoticA

Is the next "feature" going to be background MIDI music? Maybe we can get a marquee banner and some flaming skull GIFs too.

Reply 355 of 743, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie

I never noticed the cursor change either.

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 356 of 743, by yourepicfailure

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Rank Newbie

I never noticed it until someone mentioned it.
I use the classic windows cursor, and the one on Vogons is just *slightly* off.

Reply 357 of 743, by Paralel

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Rank Member
James-F wrote on 2020-01-04, 05:27:
https://www.vogons.org/download/file.php?id=73642 […]
Show full quote


That is one cracked out looking smiley...

realnc wrote on 2020-01-04, 18:15:

Is it just me, or does the forum now hijack my mouse cursor? Instead of the mouse cursor I have set in my OS settings, it changes it to a weird, thin and very small mouse cursor.

It does. To me, this is an inappropriate "form over function" situation. I need to use the largest cursor I can on my screen due to ocular issues. Having my cursor shrunk for no good reason makes it very hard to use this forum. This change should be removed ASAP as it adds nothing to the site and impacts usability. For all this talk about "best practices" when building a website, I can guarantee changing the cursors size so it is a fraction of what it needs to be for some people to use their systems correctly is absolutely not considered a "best practice" in any situation.

Reply 358 of 743, by gdjacobs

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Rank l33t++
Plasma wrote on 2020-01-04, 21:33:

Is the next "feature" going to be background MIDI music? Maybe we can get a marquee banner and some flaming skull GIFs too.

/s Tiled animated background GIFs, too!

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 359 of 743, by Mr.Blade

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Rank Newbie
xjas wrote on 2020-01-04, 04:28:

Knock it off with this shit already. Cancer is a slow and painful death sentence caused by a near-incurable medical condition. This is a WEB FORUM REDESIGN with some fonts and colors you don't like. Grow up.

If you have something CONSTRUCTIVE to offer the feedback thread, feel free to do so. Otherwise piss off.

Tells to grow up. Uses "piss off". You sir are a genius!
