Rendition Verite Thread

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Reply 520 of 713, by RaVeN-05

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I am interesting's what is most fastest verite card?
i found here https://www.vintage3d.org/dbn.php
Verite 2200 A-grade Rendition V2200 1 1 1 63 63 63 100 64 SGRAM 0.800 DX 5 - full setup 1.97 0 - 1.8 350 - - 1997

But i don't know how exactly this card looks like.


Reply 521 of 713, by Putas

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As was written in the review, that would be Hercules Thriller 3D.

Reply 522 of 713, by RaVeN-05

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Found that
EF2000 seems comes with latest spd3d.uc (spd3d.uc inside contains header with "ELF" that reminds me apps on linux same or almost same header. Rendition developers is linux funs)))? all dos games comes with spd3d.uc so that means its dynamically linked as for example glide2x.ovl in dos 3dfx?

thare is Nascar2 demo that also have rendition support

there is rumors that if you copy spd3d.uc as spd3d.uc2 it allows you run on v2200 , need to check.

Formula 1 contains weird file winspd3d.uc

by googling "spd3d.uc" you can quickly find games , they all already documented here

tomraider demo can be played with verite card, its can be found on 3d blaster pci diver bonus disk

i also found sp3d3.voh file, looks like source code, or decompiled, in non readable or understanding form (

another idea is to change spd3d.uc from another game to descent2 , so maybe it fix purple color on s220 video card


Reply 524 of 713, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie

Hello need help, i can't run these games on Diamond Stealth II S220 (i use driver sii95110.exe) on Windows 98SE
Formula 1 - can't start without verite files being copied from verite folder, tells me about missing VL_VeriteOpen_ not found on dll, if i patch exe and change to VL_VeriteOpen and generaly for all that exports, it starts and closes so quick. With Verite folder provided by game it starts and when demo should play it goes black screen and freeze computer.
Heavy Gear - it crashes right before briefing fully expanded, software rendered version ok
Team Apache - any other version gave me error "Couldn't find Drivers for ramp graphic option" "Fatal Error"

I have Purple tint in Descent II
and heavy purple tint in Scorched Planet
is that also can be fixed somehow?


Reply 525 of 713, by vetz

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Are any other Rredline games working in Windows, or is it just those?

Some DOS games will not run correctly, even if you use V2dosfix.
See also: Re: Descent II Hardware-Accelerated and https://groups.google.com/g/alt.games.descent … /m/Png3pBU62woJ

3D Accelerated Games List (Proprietary APIs - No 3DFX/Direct3D)
3D Acceleration Comparison Episodes

Reply 526 of 713, by RaVeN-05

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Rank Oldbie

all works , and i make Team Apache and Heavy Gear Woks (almost ) Team Apache donesnot use bilinear filtering and hang sometimes, Heavy Gear only Treaning woks.
All other dos and windows works ok.

so i have only one left to check is "Formula 1"

as i read on internet even on fastest v2200 vQuake and vHexen and vQuake2 will not work faster as on v1000 because code un optimized and designed for v1000. right? so no point to buy v2200 rendition card for these 3 games ?


Reply 527 of 713, by Agent of the BSoD

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How does one use renutil? I can't find any documentation on it and simply running it changes nothing. It looks like you can pass through some input but I can't tell what I should be doing, and there seems to be no built in help. If anything, I've had it drop performance of applications by half or more instead of speeding them up. I am using a V1000.

All it outputs is:

Function Passed
Current Monitor setting = 0
Function Passed
Current VGA type setting = 1

Pentium MMX 233 | 64MB | FIC PA-2013 | Matrox Mystique 220 | SB Pro 2 | Music Quest MPU Clone | Windows 95B
MT-32 | SC-55mkII, 88Pro, 8820 | SB16 CT2230
3DFX Voodoo 1&2 | S3 ViRGE GX2 | PowerVR PCX1&2 | Rendition Vérité V1000 | ATI 3D Rage Pro

Reply 528 of 713, by Chadti99

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What are the faster clocked V2200 boards?

I have the Diamond S220 flashed to the later 2200 bios but I’m assuming there are still faster boards out there.

Reply 529 of 713, by BigDaddyM

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Highest clocked model is made by Hercules, Has 63MHz chip and 125 MHz memory

Reply 530 of 713, by Chadti99

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Rank Oldbie

Got it, thanks!

If anyone has a lead on a V1000 based board please pm me. I see that it might be a bit quicker at lower resolutions.

Reply 531 of 713, by Gona

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I believe that the V2x00 chips are more CPU hungry, so on slower systems a V1000 can outperform a V2x00,
but on a fast system V2x00 should be win:

swaaye wrote on 2009-10-07, 03:38:
... This is with my Tualeron 1200 MHz setup on the 440BX mobo. CPU should not be a bottleneck as a result. I used the Gold 1998 […]
Show full quote

This is with my Tualeron 1200 MHz setup on the 440BX mobo. CPU should not be a bottleneck as a result. I used the Gold 1998 MiniGL for the Verite cards. vQuake was run in plain DOS 7 (Ctrl-F5 at boot) and GLQuake is within Win98SE. All default settings. The "AA7" vQuake result with with "r_antialias 7" set in the game for full AA. With vQuake, it appears that the V2200 is hitting vsync as it is enabled by default there.

V1000 V2200
320x200 55.4 59.6
320x200 AA7 48.5 52.7
640x480 23.1 31.0



Chadti99 wrote on 2021-02-01, 17:02:

Got it, thanks!

If anyone has a lead on a V1000 based board please pm me. I see that it might be a bit quicker at lower resolutions.

Video card compatibility matrix for DOS games | ATI3DCIF compatibility matrix | CGL API compatibility matrix

Reply 532 of 713, by Chadti99

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks Gona! I’m using my S220 on a POD100 so I’m definitely interested if a v1000 board might eek out a few more frames in vQuake, running at the lowest resolutions. Now I just need to find a v1000 based board.

Reply 533 of 713, by aaronkatrini

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Does anyone with a V1000 (3D Blaster PCI) has experienced overheating on the card?
A friend of mine has one that was working fine, but now his card is overheating and the image gets pixelated and then it stops.
He's using an old Compaq PSU and an ASUS P3B-F motherboard. Did he just fry the card?

Reply 534 of 713, by Aebtdom

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Maybe he is using the fastvoodoo drivers? This one overclocks the card when installed.


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 535 of 713, by aaronkatrini

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Sorry, maybe there was a misunderstanding, the card is the Rendition Verite V1000 from Creative Labs (CT6240) a.k.a 3D Blaster PCI, not the 3dfx Voodoo Banshee PCI.

Reply 536 of 713, by janskjaer

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aaronkatrini wrote on 2021-05-14, 16:11:

Does anyone with a V1000 (3D Blaster PCI) has experienced overheating on the card?
A friend of mine has one that was working fine, but now his card is overheating and the image gets pixelated and then it stops.
He's using an old Compaq PSU and an ASUS P3B-F motherboard. Did he just fry the card?

I have benchmarked my 3D Blaster PCI (CT6240) on both of my ASUS P3B-Fs (v1.03 & v1.04) and have none of the heating or artefact symptoms you have described. Similarly, I've not had any such issues with my v2200 PCI or AGP boards. It sounds like it could be on its way out or perhaps its life has been shortened by aggressive over clocking?

DELL Dimension XPS M200s
:Intel P1 MMX 200MHz
:DOS 6.22/Win95b
:Matrox Millenium II + m3D (PowerVR PCX2)
Chaintech 7VJL Apogee
:AMD AthlonXP 2700+
:512MB DDR
:Win98SE/2000 SP4
:3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP

Reply 538 of 713, by swaaye

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Rank l33t++

I'm thinking a solder issue somewhere. The normal change in temperature causes the board to expand and something is losing connection.

Reply 539 of 713, by ViTi95

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I've checked that Rendition Veritè cards handle extremely bad Mode Y and Mode X video modes (testing FastDoom). More than I thought, is even worse than the Cyrix MediaGX integrated VGA core.


  • Mode Y: 14.446 fps
  • Mode 13h: 59.150 fps
  • Mode VBE2 (LFB, PM): 305.446 fps
