First post, by Mike 01Hawk

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Magic wand removes all

Dell Optiplex Gxpro: Built solely so I could re-live my SB16 days properly with newly acquired sound pieces: MT-32, SCB-55, and DB50xg 😀

Reply 2 of 7, by Mike 01Hawk

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Rank Member


A trading area would be nice. Have a post minium of say 50 like other boards to before you can post a new 'Sale/Want' ad.

Yes, my sale isn't 100% VOGONS qualified, but it's like minded.

I'd LOVE if old technology forums would have sale areas. 1) You get a VERY targeted audience 2) You're helping the hobby stay alive

Delete my thread if you must, I don't wanna rock the boat 😀

-edit, 🤣 @ Magic Wand.

Dell Optiplex Gxpro: Built solely so I could re-live my SB16 days properly with newly acquired sound pieces: MT-32, SCB-55, and DB50xg 😀

Reply 3 of 7, by wd

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DOSBox Author

A trading area would be nice.

Set up one on your server/whatever.

Reply 4 of 7, by Mike 01Hawk

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Just a suggestion, geesh, don't get grumpy 🙁

Reply 5 of 7, by PowerPie5000

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Rank Oldbie
Mike 01Hawk wrote:

Just a suggestion, geesh, don't get grumpy 🙁

I would be careful creating any "for sale" threads as some people here go a bit funny in the head about it 😒 I should know as i posted a few things for sale and then the moaning and groaning commenced! With a forum title like "Very Old Games On New Systems" you would have thought selling any PC would be fine... whether it's new or over 15 years old.

Some people here think they are "l33t" compared to the rest of us and it really drags forum users down when people get sarcastic and throw their weight around. Vogons was a great place when i first joined but i feel the attitude here has changed a bit 🙁

wd wrote:

A trading area would be nice.

Set up one on your server/whatever.

That is the type of bitchy attitude that drives people away!

Reply 6 of 7, by Mike 01Hawk

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Roffles @ Irony

Dell Optiplex Gxpro: Built solely so I could re-live my SB16 days properly with newly acquired sound pieces: MT-32, SCB-55, and DB50xg 😀

Reply 7 of 7, by HunterZ

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Rank l33t++

wd is our resident grouch, I wouldn't expect him to be anything else 😜

i haven't noticed a huge shift in general atmosphere, although snover not being active any more probably has been a big change.