For SC 1 (640x 480 no MSAA or reslution forcing) we have(game bugs):
1.Shiny texture bug
Nor […]
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For SC 1 (640x 480 no MSAA or reslution forcing) we have(game bugs):
1.Shiny texture bug


2.Shadows and light appear/disappear based on mouse movement or distance.
3.Missing shadows compared to the XBOX version.
1.Play game without resoultion forcing or MSAA to avoid artifacts.(ex: water oil rafinery, begining of CIA level, etc )
2.To force resolution use games config.
3.Use 4800 preset for classic light(2.54)

Use DgVoodoo-5700 Ultra for soft light

1.Game is dependent on the monitor refresh rate. 30 fps is the original. Going higher will cause some elements to 'move' too fast(light beams)
For SC 2 we have:
1.Color of the light is wrong.

2. Crosshair in the middle of the screen, flashing. (Fix: alt tab out the game and go back in, or user bordeless gaming app, remove cursor option)
3.There should be a light coming out of the door but is not, as per Hishamerrish . This is definitely an wrapper issue:

Here how it should look:

To play the game with all the effects: use 2.54 version with a resolution which doesnt pixelate the bloom,480p-1080p resolution with full 8x MSAA.(might generate other issues)
--to be updated
Game Bugs:
1.Heat haze is resolution dependent.
Here's how it looks on 640x480(distorted image of the wood in the background). On higher res the effect will be less/small visible. The higher the res the less/small intense the effect will be. The heat haze on higher res will be at the bottom where the fire can barely be visible.

2.Missing bloom and flickering of the corona of lights..(windows,exterior button lights of elevator/lift, candles in the first level, etc)

Because of the high resolution some effects are small. Use 480p or a litlle higher with MSAA to have them all visible and rendered ok.
Forcing the game witth DgVooDoo latest(2.7x) ,to a higher resolution 'fixes'(wrapper might ignore something and game thinks is still renders the heat haze in 480p) the heat haze but breaks the bloom(it becomes pixelated and shifted to the right a bit).

For 2.54 seems it is better:(fixes the flickering because of the higher res, no matter the the version)

--to be updated
1.Game is dependent on the monitor refresh rate. 30 fps is the original. Going higher will cause some elements to 'move' too fast(light beams)
Recommended version(imho) for SC 2 : 2.54 .
Recommended version(imho) for SC 1 : use latest 2.7x atm .