dgVoodoo Splinter Cell Games

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Reply 140 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-17, 08:38:
Is not that simple. You have reflections in the settings, in the ini and it can be turned off. But it doesnt affect the bug. The […]
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hishamerrish wrote on 2020-12-17, 00:52:
hi about the bug in the CIA mission i think it is reflection .... the xbox original dose not have reflection in that place or do […]
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daniel_u wrote on 2017-01-10, 15:19:
For SC 1 (640x 480 no MSAA or reslution forcing) we have(game bugs): 1.Shiny texture bug Bug https://i.imgur.com/c1G3fAZ.png Nor […]
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For SC 1 (640x 480 no MSAA or reslution forcing) we have(game bugs):
1.Shiny texture bug

2.Shadows and light appear/disappear based on mouse movement or distance.
3.Missing shadows compared to the XBOX version.

1.Play game without resoultion forcing or MSAA to avoid artifacts.(ex: water oil rafinery, begining of CIA level, etc )
2.To force resolution use games config.
3.Use 4800 preset for classic light(2.54)

Use DgVoodoo-5700 Ultra for soft light

1.Game is dependent on the monitor refresh rate. 30 fps is the original. Going higher will cause some elements to 'move' too fast(light beams)

For SC 2 we have:
1.Color of the light is wrong.
2. Crosshair in the middle of the screen, flashing. (Fix: alt tab out the game and go back in, or user bordeless gaming app, remove cursor option)
3.There should be a light coming out of the door but is not, as per Hishamerrish . This is definitely an wrapper issue:

Here how it should look:


To play the game with all the effects: use 2.54 version with a resolution which doesnt pixelate the bloom,480p-1080p resolution with full 8x MSAA.(might generate other issues)
--to be updated

Game Bugs:
1.Heat haze is resolution dependent.
Here's how it looks on 640x480(distorted image of the wood in the background). On higher res the effect will be less/small visible. The higher the res the less/small intense the effect will be. The heat haze on higher res will be at the bottom where the fire can barely be visible.
2.Missing bloom and flickering of the corona of lights..(windows,exterior button lights of elevator/lift, candles in the first level, etc)
Because of the high resolution some effects are small. Use 480p or a litlle higher with MSAA to have them all visible and rendered ok.
Forcing the game witth DgVooDoo latest(2.7x) ,to a higher resolution 'fixes'(wrapper might ignore something and game thinks is still renders the heat haze in 480p) the heat haze but breaks the bloom(it becomes pixelated and shifted to the right a bit).
For 2.54 seems it is better:(fixes the flickering because of the higher res, no matter the the version)
--to be updated

1.Game is dependent on the monitor refresh rate. 30 fps is the original. Going higher will cause some elements to 'move' too fast(light beams)

Recommended version(imho) for SC 2 : 2.54 .
Recommended version(imho) for SC 1 : use latest 2.7x atm .

about the bug in the CIA mission i think it is reflection .... the xbox original dose not have reflection in that place or dose not render it ( i do not know ) maybe UBI turned it off to avoid the issue ... when i set EmulateGF2Mode=1 instead of ForceShadowMode the bug disappeared
if someone could turnoff the reflection that will solve the issue if that was possible ...

Is not that simple. You have reflections in the settings, in the ini and it can be turned off. But it doesnt affect the bug.
The gane loads a certain file for a certain level. The file is found in texture folder, CIA something.utx.
In this file you can find : all kind of textures, shaders and other stuff i cant even describe.

On the floor , if you pay attention, theres 2 kinds of textures. One of these, blueish one, doesnt (big marble tile name texture in the file) produce the glitch.
For each marble texture there is also a shader, i think. For the ones that produce the glitch, shader is called marble_reflect or something. That produces a whiteish effect when you move around on it.

My ideea is that a certain shader or shaders produces the wrong effect.
When the camera turns there is a certain texture/shader that is applied 'under' the effect of that marble tile shader, that produces some kind of motion effect.
The black color comes from that motion effect and it seems that should be there. The glow comes from a certain shader that affects the entire texture and the entire area of that texture.

This motion shader(a black with some white circles texture applied on the entire world) and marble reflect shader might produce the issue. Without debugging we cant tell for sure, just guess.

There's 2 things i want to try:
-hex edit, switching the texture names. Load texture without glitch where is there a glitch and the reverse. If this works maybe we can find out if the shaders affects a certain type of texture or it affects the area.
-edit the utx file file and replace the texture with the one that doesnt produce the effect.

Utx files are editable and i must find the proper tools. Very hard to find in 2020. I barely found a working viewer.
So the goal is to find an unreal engine editor and play with this file.

Ok .... i was able to unpack the cia.utx file with this tool for UE https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel
and there was alot of staff Texture Shader TexScaler TexRotator TexPanner TexEnvMap FinalBlend and Combiner ... maybe you can tweak them

Reply 141 of 243, by daniel_u

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Rank Member
hishamerrish wrote on 2020-12-17, 11:48:
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-17, 08:38:
Is not that simple. You have reflections in the settings, in the ini and it can be turned off. But it doesnt affect the bug. The […]
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hishamerrish wrote on 2020-12-17, 00:52:

about the bug in the CIA mission i think it is reflection .... the xbox original dose not have reflection in that place or dose not render it ( i do not know ) maybe UBI turned it off to avoid the issue ... when i set EmulateGF2Mode=1 instead of ForceShadowMode the bug disappeared
if someone could turnoff the reflection that will solve the issue if that was possible ...

Is not that simple. You have reflections in the settings, in the ini and it can be turned off. But it doesnt affect the bug.
The gane loads a certain file for a certain level. The file is found in texture folder, CIA something.utx.
In this file you can find : all kind of textures, shaders and other stuff i cant even describe.

On the floor , if you pay attention, theres 2 kinds of textures. One of these, blueish one, doesnt (big marble tile name texture in the file) produce the glitch.
For each marble texture there is also a shader, i think. For the ones that produce the glitch, shader is called marble_reflect or something. That produces a whiteish effect when you move around on it.

My ideea is that a certain shader or shaders produces the wrong effect.
When the camera turns there is a certain texture/shader that is applied 'under' the effect of that marble tile shader, that produces some kind of motion effect.
The black color comes from that motion effect and it seems that should be there. The glow comes from a certain shader that affects the entire texture and the entire area of that texture.

This motion shader(a black with some white circles texture applied on the entire world) and marble reflect shader might produce the issue. Without debugging we cant tell for sure, just guess.

There's 2 things i want to try:
-hex edit, switching the texture names. Load texture without glitch where is there a glitch and the reverse. If this works maybe we can find out if the shaders affects a certain type of texture or it affects the area.
-edit the utx file file and replace the texture with the one that doesnt produce the effect.

Utx files are editable and i must find the proper tools. Very hard to find in 2020. I barely found a working viewer.
So the goal is to find an unreal engine editor and play with this file.

Ok .... i was able to unpack the cia.utx file with this tool for UE https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel
and there was alot of staff Texture Shader TexScaler TexRotator TexPanner TexEnvMap FinalBlend and Combiner ... maybe you can tweak them

Yeah, i used the same one. 😀 But you need to put them back. 😀 That is only a viewer.
I tried a UE Editor but i crahses when i'm trying to load the utx. It seems i need a newer version. So if you have the time try finding an editor to replace textures and stuff.

Reply 142 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-17, 12:23:
hishamerrish wrote on 2020-12-17, 11:48:
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-17, 08:38:
Is not that simple. You have reflections in the settings, in the ini and it can be turned off. But it doesnt affect the bug. The […]
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Is not that simple. You have reflections in the settings, in the ini and it can be turned off. But it doesnt affect the bug.
The gane loads a certain file for a certain level. The file is found in texture folder, CIA something.utx.
In this file you can find : all kind of textures, shaders and other stuff i cant even describe.

On the floor , if you pay attention, theres 2 kinds of textures. One of these, blueish one, doesnt (big marble tile name texture in the file) produce the glitch.
For each marble texture there is also a shader, i think. For the ones that produce the glitch, shader is called marble_reflect or something. That produces a whiteish effect when you move around on it.

My ideea is that a certain shader or shaders produces the wrong effect.
When the camera turns there is a certain texture/shader that is applied 'under' the effect of that marble tile shader, that produces some kind of motion effect.
The black color comes from that motion effect and it seems that should be there. The glow comes from a certain shader that affects the entire texture and the entire area of that texture.

This motion shader(a black with some white circles texture applied on the entire world) and marble reflect shader might produce the issue. Without debugging we cant tell for sure, just guess.

There's 2 things i want to try:
-hex edit, switching the texture names. Load texture without glitch where is there a glitch and the reverse. If this works maybe we can find out if the shaders affects a certain type of texture or it affects the area.
-edit the utx file file and replace the texture with the one that doesnt produce the effect.

Utx files are editable and i must find the proper tools. Very hard to find in 2020. I barely found a working viewer.
So the goal is to find an unreal engine editor and play with this file.

Ok .... i was able to unpack the cia.utx file with this tool for UE https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel
and there was alot of staff Texture Shader TexScaler TexRotator TexPanner TexEnvMap FinalBlend and Combiner ... maybe you can tweak them

Yeah, i used the same one. 😀 But you need to put them back. 😀 That is only a viewer.
I tried a UE Editor but i crahses when i'm trying to load the utx. It seems i need a newer version. So if you have the time try finding an editor to replace textures and stuff.

i will try to find a newer version 😀

Reply 144 of 243, by daniel_u

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Rank Member

So, i've been trying to understand whats happening(with my very limited knowlege).
It seems the marble textures are not textures, are shaders(as per viewer). What is curios here is that the zone where Sam stands is black and it's the same as where the bug is always present.
Same zone is also black when setting the EmulateGF2 flag to 1.
With mouse move the issues 'spreads'/streaches from this area going forward till a point, the shiny thing i mean.
So someone maybe will find this important. Shaders name are in the pictures. Shader knowledge and assembly is a must now.
I manage to get to the ASM code but changing bytes randomly will not get us anywhere. 😀

After removal of the white shader:

So texture editing has just become imposbile. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Last edited by daniel_u on 2020-12-19, 16:23. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 146 of 243, by daniel_u

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Rank Member

Yeah, SC will NOT start anymore. 😁 😁
What is interesting that in the viewer there is no issue with it.
As Dege said,something is messing up this shader.

@Dege you could in theory debug the viewer (look at the shader how it's rendered there)we used(if not protected 😁 ) and compare with the ingame one. Maybe you can find some differences. 😁 I know you are busy ...but never hurts to ask nicely. 😀

EDIT: after exporting the shader with the viewer it seems there is a texture there yet: bigmarbletilesBEIGE_CIA.tga.
And after replacing the texture still the same issue 🙁 , darn shader

EDIT2: So basicly , one would require letting the texture load and then comment out all the other operations of the shader. But i fear there is more to this.
After deleting the shader i still see the rainbow light up. So there just might be another issue around the corner.

Last edited by daniel_u on 2020-12-19, 16:48. Edited 3 times in total.

Reply 147 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie

i have downloaded the xbox original iso the texture file is not there ...there is a folder name Lmaps and the files are not utx they are TGA and lin ... maybe if you grab the right file and replace it that will fix the problem
i am sorry .. i am good at finding issue but can not solve any
thank you guys


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Reply 148 of 243, by daniel_u

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Rank Member

After some hours of reading about DX 8 shaders I think i have found a way to remove the issue. But this willl affect all the shaders specular reflections in the level.
Not a big deal i would say because those reflections are unrealistic anyway.
For the nuclear 'fix' you may download the patched utx below. Replace it in the texture folder. Back up the original file first.

So the issues is definitely only in the CIA level, specular portion of the shaders.(i mean so broken, i know some others areas where it visible but no so evident)

How did i deduced this:
For white shaders(white marble) we have this properties:
Specular = TexEnvMap'2_1_wall_floor_celling.reflect_env'
SpecularityMask = Texture'2_1_wall_floor_celling.bigmarbletilesBEIGE_CIA'

For the blue shader(blue marble) we have this:
Specular = None
SpecularityMask = None

Will try to see if i can comment out only the right portions of our suspect shader, if help is not available.
If it is not in this shader it means the specular property of other shaders is messing up.

But i strongly suspect now that maybe this is in the white shader and it can be patched:
Specular = TexEnvMap'2_1_wall_floor_celling.reflect_env'

@Dege can it be done? Can you help us out?
(the property for sure is part of a struct for the shader, defined for all shaders , at the top of this utx file. I patched the property from this structure, i think. This way we can avoid the rainbow on the ground.
If i 'delete'(reflect_env) the specular part, the definition from the file directly, the shader rainbows out. So i think one must patch out this property from this shader alone, if possible.

Here how it looks now:
Notice the black part , band, at the door. The shader is filling that somehow when it runs but not anymore(same results with Emulate GF2 flag set to 1).


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    5 MiB
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    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Filename
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    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 149 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-19, 19:43:
After some hours of reading about DX 8 shaders I think i have found a way to remove the issue. But this willl affect all the sha […]
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After some hours of reading about DX 8 shaders I think i have found a way to remove the issue. But this willl affect all the shaders specular reflections in the level.
Not a big deal i would say because those reflections are unrealistic anyway.
For the nuclear 'fix' you may download the patched utx below. Replace it in the texture folder. Back up the original file first.

So the issues is definitely only in the CIA level, specular portion of the shaders.(i mean so broken, i know some others areas where it visible but no so evident)

How did i deduced this:
For white shaders(white marble) we have this properties:
Specular = TexEnvMap'2_1_wall_floor_celling.reflect_env'
SpecularityMask = Texture'2_1_wall_floor_celling.bigmarbletilesBEIGE_CIA'

For the blue shader(blue marble) we have this:
Specular = None
SpecularityMask = None

Will try to see if i can comment out only the right portions of our suspect shader, if help is not available.
If it is not in this shader it means the specular property of other shaders is messing up.

But i strongly suspect now that maybe this is in the white shader and it can be patched:
Specular = TexEnvMap'2_1_wall_floor_celling.reflect_env'

@Dege can it be done? Can you help us out?
(the property for sure is part of a struct for the shader, defined for all shaders , at the top of this utx file. I patched the property from this structure, i think. This way we can avoid the rainbow on the ground.
If i 'delete'(reflect_env) the specular part, the definition from the file directly, the shader rainbows out. So i think one must patch out this property from this shader alone, if possible.

Here how it looks now:
Notice the black part , band, at the door. The shader is filling that somehow when it runs but not anymore(same results with Emulate GF2 flag set to 1).

Phenomenal work sir ... this is really a huge step ... thanks a lot 😀

Reply 150 of 243, by daniel_u

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Rank Member

The patched utx below 'disables' only the specular property of the 'white shader':

For anyone that is wondering what is the shy(ny) texture bug, in the end:

You can see there some coordinates if i'm not mistaken! 😁
We should be good now. Or are we? 😁 😁 😁

EDIT:played with the final reflex 'texture' and that param and i didnt manged to make it work.
It seems there is some issues with this texture and the one from the white shaders. This last one should be 'under' the one from the white shader. To produce an movement effect, a 'reflection'. Somehow they overlap and the shiny one comes on top for a brief second.(but every time from the same position. I mean the walls of the entrance)
Maybe there is a calculation issue somewhere or that param TexCoordSource is not working. Most likely the second one because i changed with values from 0 to 255 and nothing seems to change.
Is possbile that this TexCoordSource does nothing on the new GPUS or drivers.
We are definetly good now. Enjoy.

EDIT: It seems the xbox one x port has some issues also. Not that visible but annoying imho.
EDIT 2:@Dege you could in theory debug the viewer (look at the shader how it's rendered there)we used(if not protected ) and compare with the ingame one. Maybe you can find some differences.


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    Fair use/fair dealing exception
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    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 151 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-19, 23:15:
The patched utx below 'disables' only the specular property of the 'white shader': https://i.imgur.com/HLIJFhV.png […]
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The patched utx below 'disables' only the specular property of the 'white shader':

For anyone that is wondering what is the shy(ny) texture bug, in the end:

You can see there some coordinates if i'm not mistaken! 😁
We should be good now. Or are we? 😁 😁 😁

EDIT:played with the final reflex 'texture' and that param and i didnt manged to make it work.
It seems there is some issues with this texture and the one from the white shaders. This last one should be 'under' the one from the white shader. To produce an movement effect, a 'reflection'. Somehow they overlap and the shiny one comes on top for a brief second.(but every time from the same position. I mean the walls of the entrance)
Maybe there is a calculation issue somewhere or that param TexCoordSource is not working. Most likely the second one because i changed with values from 0 to 255 and nothing seems to change.
Is possbile that this TexCoordSource does nothing on the new GPUS or drivers.
We are definetly good now. Enjoy.

EDIT: It seems the xbox one x port has some issues also. Not that visible but annoying imho.
EDIT 2:@Dege you could in theory debug the viewer (look at the shader how it's rendered there)we used(if not protected ) and compare with the ingame one. Maybe you can find some differences.

of course we good and this is an amazing new door to mod this game 😀 i think .... i do not want to ask you but i have to 😀 .... is it use full for fixing other things like the missing light and make the texture and the shadow higher !!
if you have time you can make guid to show how to edit the texture ... if you have time ...

Reply 152 of 243, by daniel_u

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I cant do it. Only people with game programming skills can fix and debug issues. Like Dege, but he has his priorities and commitments.
I just remove something that was broken already. I was just lucky 😉

Reply 153 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-20, 23:35:

I cant do it. Only people with game programming skills can fix and debug issues. Like Dege, but he has his priorities and commitments.
I just remove something that was broken already. I was just lucky 😉

aha ... let us wait mr Dege may have some time to look at these new stuff ... and that fix you made was not just luck it was good thinking ...

Reply 155 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie

For me the original some how is better the HD texture not that good
some shadows are missing


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Reply 157 of 243, by daniel_u

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Rank Member
hishamerrish wrote on 2020-12-24, 03:34:

For me the original some how is better the HD texture not that good
some shadows are missing

Oh man, you are right. HD textures is messing up the shadows. 🙁
I wonder what is the difference.
I will need to redo the CIA file and defence_ministry reflection removal.
This also shows the difference between PC and xbox . The picture you posted is from xbox because on PC there are less shadows from the fence on PC.(guess performance reasons)
@hishamerrish Did you replaced ETexRenderer for SC1 with the one from SCPT?

Reply 158 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie
daniel_u wrote on 2020-12-24, 20:17:
Oh man, you are right. HD textures is messing up the shadows. :( I wonder what is the difference. I will need to redo the CIA f […]
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hishamerrish wrote on 2020-12-24, 03:34:

For me the original some how is better the HD texture not that good
some shadows are missing

Oh man, you are right. HD textures is messing up the shadows. 🙁
I wonder what is the difference.
I will need to redo the CIA file and defence_ministry reflection removal.
This also shows the difference between PC and xbox . The picture you posted is from xbox because on PC there are less shadows from the fence on PC.(guess performance reasons)
@hishamerrish Did you replaced ETexRenderer for SC1 with the one from SCPT?

yes i did ... theETexRenderer from the SCPT makes the light spreads more
and here whene i use the ETexSFX from the SCPT on SC1 ... THE RAIN RENDERING OUT THE WINDOS .. but corrupt the water in other places


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    sc2 (1271 x 718).jpg
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    ETexSFX from SCPT
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    File license
    Public domain

Reply 159 of 243, by hishamerrish

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Rank Newbie

Here are some clear differences between PC and Xbox in rendering shadowPC ... the pc render shadow that the xbox do not ...in the other side the xbox has more environment object
